For the month of August, I'm

For the month of August, I'm doing a social media and Patron giveaway of three copies of Tarot: Mirror of the Soul by Gerd Ziegler, courtesy of the publisher Weiser Books. Details on the library blog, and in posts on the library's Patreon, Threads, and Mastodon.

Did you miss out on our seventh Baa Baa Brighouse Club Bundle

Why not treat yourself to one of our brand new Sets

Our seventh set is Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey - which takes it's lead from our Book Club Bundle.

Each Literary Sock Set includes a 100g skein of unique hand dyed 100% British Bluefaced Leicester high twist 4 ply sock yarn along with a 25g mini skein perfect for heels, toes and cuffs.

& find GREAT books!

Our debut novel A SECOND CHANCE FOR YESTERDAY comes out next week! We are absurdly, ridiculously, gloriously excited for everyone to read this with elements.


Jane Austen I love Darcy



Hello & mad peeps! This ones for you.

Schlock horror
Halloween is back again!
Medical horror
10 disturbed authors
Something about pie

Today's queer small press review: Awry With Dandelions by J.S. Fields:

"A fairy quick read, and is worth every second of your time... The wordbuilding is really good. I loved this story, and highly recommend it."

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon Review

I got a treat for and avid coming. Starting Wednesday through Sunday, you'll be able to get my for on .

Then on Friday, you can purchase the sequel, . (Or you can even preorder it starting today.)

So it's kinda like a .

Buenos das. Hoy os traemos la miniresea de "El mar de la tranquilidad", escrito por Emily St. John Mandel, publicado en Espaa por aticodeloslibros y traducido por Aitana Vega.

#libro#libroteca -fi

Went to the #library for the first time. Brought a #book. I don't really read #books that much. Hopefully this changes.

New review! Blood Rituals (Boston Preternatural Investigations Unit, Book 1) by Aoibh Wood, narrated by Abby Craden

Cover-to-Cover 15/17:
Tglich ein Cover. Tiefkhlkost: Wer gerne Fitzek (die Thriller) liest, wird die Geschichte vom gestressten Nachbarn lieben. Einmal komplett die Beherrschung verloren und nichts wird je wieder sein, wie es war. Nichts fr schwache Nerven.

"How did lose the keys to the kingdom"

That's easy, it's because there's still humans in the process. This is part of the plot to 's new : Red Team Blues.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

"Phantoms of Old Louisville" (2017)
David Domine

Vous connaissez Monkey Paws Toronto Une librairie de livres d'occasion qui a eu une ide absolument gniale: installer un distributeur livre. Chaque ouvrage cote 2$ et il s'appelle le Biblio Mat Il n'existe pas deux fois le mme titre dans la machine. Une ide ingnieuse qui remplacerait avantageusement tous les distributeurs de sucreries. Et toi, tu en penses quoi

Little reminder. There's a few hours left.

My most divisive novel is 45% off until end of day August 20th. If you want to read strange LGBT fiction without paying an arm and a leg for it, now's your chance!

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

A JERSEY SHORE GOTH Hamlet retelling brings a vivid freshness to the contours of the familiar narrative, with gender politics and witchcraft thrown into the mix. Above all, its a compellingly lively and utterly contemporary story. A MINUS

A. #ideal

>> <<
The sequel to Mysterious Aisles is here!

The suburb of South Hertling is no stranger to weirdness. Only recently, the Handy Pavilion went to war with the DIY Barn, almost destroying the fabric of space/time and really messing up the parking on Wellington Rd. Worse, there is now a huge, sinister pyramid standing on the ruins of the DIY Barn, casting its baleful shadow across the parking lot of the South Hertling Super Centre.
Fortunately, the Super Centre is not without its heroes. Fanaka, time-lost Steampunk engineer from an alternate timeline. Donna Cosehco, servant of the Light. Emma Crispin, owner/manager of the Storage Universe and general hard-arse. And watch-shop owner Alfred Pilbrook, who is trying his best.
Together, these four take it upon themselves to save South Hertling from the Pyramid and the ill-defined but probably evil forces it represents. Pitted against Pyramid Cultists, talking cats, evil supercomputers, unpredictable artifacts and a general lack of effective communication, can our heroes free their suburb from this anomalous monument Or not Because those are really the only two options.

AI content free. Human work only.

Send me your favorite non boring recommendations

Havent read a in a while. Started a nonfic on recommendation, ended in utter chaos

Curious about reading or writing deaf and hard of hearing characters in fiction Ive read nearly 200 stories so far, with over 400 on the to be read list. Check it out on my website, !


I the 38 hr of Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy. This 6th in the Jack Ryan series is really important to the overall plot arc of Ryans life. I am not going to wax on about the highs or lows of it, but if you read any of this series as a standalone, this is the one to invest in. I have an economics degree & think this might be very difficult to parse in places.

This was unexpected! This weekend Naming Gotham is #1 in two separate categories!!. And #2 in a third! histodons

Vol. 2 of , "Marianne - my queen", is almost complete.

Meanwhile you may buy vol. 1, "Marianne - my princess", also here(1):

(1) The place where vol. 2 will be available soon.

"Health and Demography in Kentucky" (2014)
Thomas R. Ford

Emotional,beautiful and poetic story about a song that transcended decades. Written by a wifes late husband, the song is later shared by a musician. It is a sad, but hopeful story about love, loss, and how memories and creations continue to live, even after the loved one is gone.

Julys surprised mail from The Book Drop was Global ! It is a powerful graphic novel introducing young readers to the consequences of climate change. I cannot to share it in the once finished !

Don't you just love it when you're reading a and you learn new Today, thanks to , I learned the words, "ogive" and "gorse."

Don't you just love it when you're reading a and you learn new Today, thanks to , I learned the words, "ogive" and "gorse."

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

Vagabonds by Hao Jingfang

Struggled with this one.
The corrupt free-for-all Earth vs. regulated, yet just society on Mars...
Is the author comparing western societies with the Chinese one Can Chinese writers even question Chinese things

Happy to start Geert Mak's "The Dream of Europe" tonight. His previous book on Europe in the 20th century was a magnificent read, and I couldn't help buy the (unofficial) follow-up.

Forever Pub sent me copies of Betting on a Good Luck Cowboy & Second Chance at the Orchard Inn to share in the ! I know some romance lovers who are gonna be happy to find them

Research, Writing, and Creative Process in Open and Distance Education: Tales from the Field is a great new book about how researchers in the field of open, online, and distance education go about writing and/or their advice to newcomers in the field. More than that, it is about the process of writing in general, containing stories, recommendations, methods, tricks, and principles that pretty much anyone who writes, from students to experienced authors, would find useful and interesting. It is published as an open book (with a very open CC-BY-NC licence) that is free to read or download as well as to purchase in paper form.

OK, full disclosure, I am a bit biased. I have a chapter in it, and many of the rest are by friends and aquaintances. The editor and author of one of the chapters is Dianne Conrad, the foreword is by Terry Anderson, and the list of authors includes some of the most luminous, widely cited names in the field, with a wealth of experience and many thousands of publications between them. The full list includes David Starr-Glass, Pamela Ryan,  Junhong Xiao, Jennifer Roberts, Aras Bozkurt, Catherine Cronin, Randy Garrison, Tony Bates, Mark Nichols, Marguerite Koole (with Michael Cottrell, Janet Okoko & Kristine Dreaver-Charles), and Paul Prinsloo.

Apart from being a really good idea that fills a really important gap in the market, what I love most about the book is the diversity of the chapters. Theres everything from practical advice on how to structure an effective paper, to meandering reflective streams of consciousness that read like poetry, to academic discussions of identity and culture. It contains a lot of great stories that present a rich variety of approaches and processes, offering far from uniform suggestions about how best to write or why it is worth doing in the first place. Though the contributors are all researchers in the field of open and distance learning, nearly all of us started out on very different career paths, so we come at it with a wide range of disciplinary, epistemological and stylistic frameworks. Dianne has done a great job of weaving all of these different perspectives together into a coherent tapestry, not just a simple collection of essays.

The diversity is also a direct result of the instructions Dianne sent with the original proposal, which provides a pretty good description of the general approach and content that you will find in the book:

I am asking colleagues, as researchers, scholars, teachers, and writers in our field (ODL), to reflect on and write about your research/writing process, including topics such as:


  *   Your background and training as a scholar

  *   Your scholarly interests

  *   Why you research/write

  *   How you research/write

  *   What philosophies guide your work

  *   Conflicts  Barriers

  *   Mentors, opportunities

  *   Reflections, insights, sorrows

  *   Advice, takeaways

  *   Anything else you feel is relevant


The personal stuff, as listed above, should serve as jump-off points to scholarly issues that is, this isnt intended to be a memoir or even a full-on reflective. Use the opportunity to reflect on your own work as a lead-in/up to the scholarly issues you want to address/promote/explore.


The aim of the book is to inform hesitant scholars, new scholars, and fledgling/nervous writers of our time-tested processes and to spread awareness of the behind-the-curtain work involved in publishing and being heard.

My own chapter (Chapter 3, On being written) starts with rather a lot of sailing metaphors that tack around the ways that writing participates in my cognition and connects us, moves back to the land with a slight clunk and some geeky practical advice about my approach to notetaking and the roles of the tools that I use for the purpose, thence saunters on to the value of academic blogging and how I feel about it, and finally to a conclusion that frames the rest in something akin to a broader theory of complexity and cognition. All of it draws heavily from themes and theories explored in my recently published (also open) book, How Education Works: Teaching, Technology, and Technique. For all the stretched metaphors, meandering sidetracks, and clunky continuity Im quite pleased with how it came out.

Most of the other chapters are better structured and organized, and most have more direct advice on the process (from start to finish), but they all tell rich, personal, and enlightening stories that are fascinating to read, especially if you know the people writing them or are familiar with their work. However, while the context, framing, and some of the advice is specific to the field of open and distance learning, the vast majority of lessons and advice are about academic writing in general. Whatever field you identify with, if you ever have to write anything then theres probably something in it for you.

Originally posted at:

#book #digital-education #distance-education #e-learning #handbook #online-learning #open-education #reference

I'm now going to read the 3rd scott pilgrim book

'In the Silence of Words: A Three-Act Play' - Act I, Scene 2 (Part 1)

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