The Case of the Missing Marquess

The Case of the Missing Marquess (Enola Holmes, #1), by Nancy Springer


The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Thursday, November 9, 2023, 5:00pm Eastern

The Hidden Voice of the Medieval Scribe

Erik Kwakkel
University of British Columbia

This talk will be held over Zoom.

Five-College Seminar in the History of the hosted by Arthur F. Kinney Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies, University of -Amherst

Today's release: Gwenhyver's FF sci-fantasy book The Sea of Stars.

Adventurer JASYN has dreamed of taking to the skies her whole life. But its difficult to thrive on a sky ship when no-one trusts you to not blow a hole in the hull with your inconsistent ice-powers...

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon -Santasy

Today's review! More Than October by Blake Allwood:

"There is so much to this story, the falling in love, the sharing of pasts, the side characters, the respect of these two men for each other... More Than October has all the feels and more. I could not put it down - it's a must-read."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Are you signed up yet Not only you get a fantasy story collections, but you'll also receive my twice-a-month newsletters with sneak peaks, updates, and personal tidbits and pictures. You can unsubscribe any time.


watch: on her long-awaited

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

Opus Dei

The Demon Door can be opened...but the price is deadly.

Check it out today!

Inkheart was recently recommended to me. I dont know how the movie, or the book its based on, escaped my notice for so long. Its about the literal magic of books and writing, which is exactly the sort of story Id be interested in. Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren, and Andy Serkis are all unsurprisingly great in the movie, and, bonus, theres a unicorn.

Today's TTRPGkids review is for Wizards, Warriors, and Wellness: The Therapeutic Application of Role-Playing Games by The Bodhana Group!

This 34 page guide is an accessible kick off for understanting the therapeutic uses of TTRPGs! Check it out, and happy reading!

Today I've pre-ordered the new books by Quinten Jardine and Jilly Cooper, both to arrive Thursday morning, L's birthday.

- YAMAGUCHI::weblog

Con i problemi/progetti complessi si sbriciolano tutti i presupposti del triangolo di ferro del Project Management (il capitolato o requisiti del progetto, la scadenza, e i costi, predefiniti e fissi). Ma quali problemi/progetti sono complessi

Trova la risposta in anteprima italiana negli utlimi 2 capitoli aggiunti alla nuova Micro-guida al Complexity-Thinking =>

Der frhe Vogel fngt dem Wurm mag sehr abgedroschen klingen, aber der 5am Club war genau das Buch, das ich gebraucht habe.
Als vierfacher Dad mit Vollzeitjob ist mein Tag sehr fremdbestimmt. Da ist eine Stunde am Morgen, in der es um meine krperliche und seelische Gesundheit geht ein Game Changer. Klare Empfehlung! Ich bin heute bei Tag #21.

Want to win a $100 gift card or $1.99 Award-winning memoir! Grab yours! A poignant reminder that, "there, but for the grace of God, go I."

Reading (Listening to) "My Name Is Barbra" by Barbra Streisand, narrated by the legendary artist herself on Audible. Its over 48 hours long...

Day 7

Today I am delighted to welcome Rachel Sargeant to to share 3 favourite books published in 2023

Find out which 3 books Rachel chose here...

Obras escogidas. Marx y Engels. He pagado un total de 8 euros por las tres!!!!!


Avid Reader, 193 Boundary St,
West End

6pm for 6.30

Join Avid for a conversation between Tom Chodor and Shahar Hameiri and Graeme Turner about their book Locked-Up Country


How did we become the locked-up country and how might the future look different

Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the enduring truth of Donald Horne's thesis that our luck was undeserved and wouldnt last.

Journal d'une polyaddict libre : c'est les lecteurs qui en parlent le mieux

Pour commander "Journal d'une polyaddict libre" :
- sur le site de l'diteur :
- sur le site de la FNAC :
- sur le site d'Amazon :


Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

This is great little book by men Henry Firth and Ian Theasby ... it has everything but large colorful pictures of vegan food - which is nice for a change!

Great quotes, loads of info, nice layout.. I would consider this a great gift too! :clippy:

PS I bought it in Dutch ...

"American Vaudeville as Ritual" (2011)
Albert F. McLean Jr.


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Aujourd'hui c'est journe BFF et soire littraire ! Je serai donc peu prsente, ce qui ne m'empche toutefois pas de penser vous ! Laissez-moi donc vous prsenter "Un signe d'elle", le premier roman de Stphane Galas, initialement paru chez Michel Lafon et dsormais disponible au Livre de poche !

Belle journe tous !

I like picking up my tablet to read a because it gives me the ability to tab over to check on my socials and instead of reading a book.

All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr - the and loved it. Last night watched the on . Not following the book exactly, but must admit I like it!

I like this . I need a few more books before mine could be called "great", then.

What's the most offensive you own (No judginess!)

Appearing on novel 1,800 syllabi across the country, Thomas H. Cormens Introduction to Algorithms is the most-assigned in the US


New book! New book!

If you dont know who this guy is, Google: Gossage Grand Canyon.

Changing the World Is the Only Fit Work for a Grown Man An eyewitness account of the life and times of Howard Luck Gossage: 1960s America's most innovative, influential and irreverent advertising genius

2012 Steve Harrison

Animal Life and the World of Nature A magazine of Natural History -1902-

Mere words cant end their families feud, but the Campbell heir and the Bradshaw heiress plan to write a future together.

From We Need Diverse Books cofounder Lamar Giles comes an out-of-this-world adventure starring the Epic Ellison twins! Join them as they race to solve the mystery of Cosmos Camp for young geniuses in this stand-alone companion to the Legendary Alston Boys series.

Plagiarists and Google and aka AI are trying to benefit from creative works they didn't contribute to. They're intellectual property thieves. It's the same principle whether they're the copyists who republished and sold my partner's in Russia and China without consent or payment, or the thief who did unconsented amateurish audiobooks version of ebooks on Amazon to sell on Audible, or generative AI "trainers".

Use without consent and payment is theft.

of : a lazy tea after a lazy day. I have laid around and done some and watched some and read some of my . Microwave veggie udon fit right in with the pace of .

Appearing on novel 1,800 syllabi across the country, Thomas H. Cormens Introduction to Algorithms is the most-assigned in the US

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