, :) ,

, :) ,

Day 6 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers

(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on ) bookstadon horrorbooks

Day 6

"Schon lange nicht mehr haben mich die grafische Gestaltung des Einbandes und der Elemente im Buch wie Kapiteltrenner, Inlay und Satz so positiv angesprochen. Im Regal und im Handel sind derartige Gestaltungselemente definitiv ein Grund zum Hingreifen und Kaufen."

A of the "The Light Eaters" by Zo Schlanger on and :

"Being Green", Slate ().

A of the "The Dictionary People" by Sarah Ogilvie, on the volunteers in the for compiling the first :

"Words With Friends", Commonweal ().

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Communicate with your local boat owners.

He had a sarcastic turn of phrase: discovery of 1509 book sheds new light on father of utilitarianism

Last month, UCL academics unveiled the most significant rediscovered books left to the university in Benthams will, including the translation of Brandts Ship of Fools and a maths textbook explaining Euclids propositions. Their contents, together with the philosophers own notes, indicate how some of his radical theories were first sparked.

attribution: Karmakolle, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

Been looking forward to my next book -

Christmas present from my wife (from me )

A novel that will stay with you long after you put it down. For what at first seems a simple plot quickly becomes a complex exploration of the home and the psychologic horrors of humankind.

Jean-Baptiste Del Amos The Son of Man reviewed in MEANS magazine.

You may enjoy this graphic novel / too - Where Black Stars Rise by Nadia Shammas and Marie Enger

It has a Yellow King theme too

Ring Shout is great. Other by P Djeli Clark are also excellent though very different., specially the steampunk fantasies with djinn.

If you want short and politically relevant, Timothy Snyder's short On Tyranny is good.

If you like colored women kicking back, or thinking about it, this fictionalised memoir may appeal - The Unfortunates by J.K. Chukwu. Or not. More real than fantasy.

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


A huge challenge I found when writing : weak adverbs

How did you deal with them

Not humourous but light-hearted Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree is a hit with fantasy fans

Also not funny but very interesting and fairly light, Gamish: A Graphic History of Gaming by Edward Ross


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Ravie de partir la rencontre des plumes de lautodition, c'est sur les conseils de Nora et en souvenir de la saga "Aztques" que j'ai beaucoup aim lire il y a quelques annes, que je vous prsente Eric Costa ! Belle rencontre et bonne lecture !

"But the Irish Sea Betwixt Us" (2009)
Andrew Murphy

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Here's my review of 'Light Perpetual' by Francis Spufford from my regular newsletter 'Through the Biblioscope':

This was chosen at random from the 201 reviews I've published so far. More with every issue.

You can subscribe to get notified each time a new issue comes out here:

Day 1 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers

Original French Title: Voyage au centre de la Terre
Naar het middelpunt der aarde (NL)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (EN)

Guess I'd better get some done so I have something to for my next post on my blog :blobcatread:

Berry Good Giveaway Hop June 1st 15th

Giveaway: One (1) winner will receive NEW Hardcover 1st Edition of Fourth Wing & Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros. (USA Only)

"War in the Modern Great Power System" (2014)
Jack S. Levy

2 ANS !!!! TIME TO READ !!

00h, On dcouvre le TOME 1 de LA CHOSE en version INTEGRAL COLLECTOR

Immense MERCI tout ceux qui se connectent, coutent en passant, partagent les . Et pour tous vos messages !

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

I love unix I love unix I love unix :gutkatoploras: :gutkatoploras: :gutkatoploras:
:kjubejpafita: #langen #unix #book #plushie

I found the perfect read to start ! Queer Cheer is a self help book answering any question you could have about LGBT+. It helps navigate various topics linked to relationships, self-care, school or the community in general. I really love this book ! It is full of affirmative affirmations and testimonies.

Bunlar bir arslan kadar glydler sesleri kartal lna benziyordu. Moollar hi beklenmeyen bir yerde aniden ortaya kverirlerdi. Kadnlar, bir diba al ile rtlm balk38 giyerler, geni yzlerini de zehirli bir zamkla svalarlard. Bu kadnlar ok dourgan olurlar, ocuklarn kurt gibi beslerlerdi. mrleri yz(!) yl srd iin lm bilmezlerdi. Asla ekmek yemezlerdi. te ilk defa yukar memlekete gelenler byle insanlard.

imdi, blgeye ilk defa Moollarn ekalini de tarif edelim. nk ilk defa yukar memlekete37 gelenler insana benzemiyorlard korkun ve tarifi mmkn olmayan bir grntye sahiptiler. Bunlarn balar kz ba kadar bykt gzleri ku gz gibi kk, burunlar kedinin ki gibi yass, eneleri kpek enesi gibi kk, belleri karncannki gibi ince, bacaklar domuzunki gibi ksayd ve hi sakallar yoktu.

...devam yantta..

YUH! Bu kadar da yalan olmaz ki!
Bir de rahip olacaksn Grigor, ayp ayp

...devam yantta...

Aaron Lansky, Center founder, talks past and future of book rescue mission as he preps for retirement WAMC

BTW the new exhibits are really innovative and well done


Enjoy tracker free news reading with us.

Something for all fans of sci-fi

Announcement 1 June 2024

Mazel, Mike Figueredo :newpride:

: The Rise of + Movements In The and

:newpride: :anqueerflag:

Top ten (new) posts in May 2024

Day 5 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers

(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on ) bookstadon

Day 5

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Die Folge gibt mir wieder die Gelegenheit, Smutje zu schreiben, auch wenn sie den Typen auf einem Flussdampfer Koch nennen.

Hier gehts lang:

Hello, heres a new cozy paranormal mystery called GENIES AND GIBBERISH by Elizabeth Pantley that is available now and it is the 4.5th book in the Magical Mystery Book Club series! Dont forget to take a look at my review from last year!

Walk for life