A recently-published perhaps of interest to

A recently-published perhaps of interest to some of you: "Old Norse : , Innovation, and in by Stephen A. Mitchell.
"He examines, interprets, and re-interprets the medieval data bequeathed to us by posteritymyths, legends, riddles, charms, court , conversion narratives, landscapes, and mindscapestargeting largely overlooked, yet important sources of cultural insights."

Talk to the boat next door.

Another rare "Choose Your Own Adventure" graces the library!

This is actually the sequel to the "The Earth Fighter Rayieza" ( ) from 1988.

Gotta say, this section of the site is looking good!


The perfect Christmas gift for any teachers in your life!
(And if you miss the postage date for Xmas you can always give it as a back to school gift in January )

For my new book that's going to Crowdfundr on Jan 16, Josh from Lone Colossus Games (creator of Wyrmlings RPG) is one of the stretch goal extra chapter writers!

Sign up for pre-launch today so you can get a copy of this resource for yourself AND to help bring Josh's XP to the book!

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Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Mon mois de dcembre tant essentiellement consacr aux comdies de Nol, je vous (re)parle cette fois-ci de "La fille qui n'aimait pas Nol" de Zo Brisby , initialement paru aux ditions Michel Lafon et dsormais disponible au Livre de poche !

Ma chronique :

Avez-vous dj lu ce titre Dites-moi tout... Et belle journe !

In my blog
Introducing in print

Valuable lessons from the book "Make Better Decisions" by Helen Edwards and Dave Edwards

visit for 10 Lessons



"Criteria Of Certainty" (2014)
Kevin L. Cope

Joni Mitchell's "Carey" has intrigued fans for 50+ years. The guy behind the song is at least as interesting as as Joni.

Ensayos que nos transmiten la informacin de donde estamos y proyectan el a donde vamos.

Directo, revelador y realista. Desde diferentes puntos de partida los autores van analizando la sociedad actual y las nada halageas consecuencias de seguir transitando el mismo camino.

10 Valuable lessons from the book "The Perfect Day Formula" by Craig Ballantyne



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The perfect classic crime story to cosy up with this winter, as Mrs Bradley investigates a puzzling Christmas mystery.

It is December and Mrs Bradley has left London behind for a relaxing visit to the Oxfordshire countryside.

Then, on Christmas Eve, a local solicitor is found dead by the river.

As the frost thaws and spring begins, the inimitable detective must work fast if she is to protect those close to her.

This classic crime treat is the perfect Christmas gift for fans of Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers.

Mrs Bradley has decided to spend Christmas with her nephew at his beautiful house in the Cotswolds and it isnt long before a mystery unfolds.

There are strange events occurring in the nearby wood and local villagers are receiving anonymous threatening letters.

Mrs Bradley is on the case, but shell have to hatch an ingenious plan to reveal the truth and find the culprit.

my bed AND my

the first book in the Skulldugery Pleasant series. Well, after the prequel that is... It's shaping up to be a pretty decent fantasy/adventure series with some under- or over- stated humour. I haven't decided which, maybe both.
I'm listening to it as an audiobook, which works well since it's a young adult series and there's no issue keeping up with what's going on.

: The fields of the Mass' were strewn with artifacts, scattered like children's toys. Universally agreed their alien nature was disturbing, there were no shared thought as to their strange behaviour that defied known physics. And the company men All they saw was potential profit.

BOOKS I HOPE SANTA GIFTS THIS YEAR A of books I hope leaves under the tree!

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

of , 3rd Edition No Starch


I could go on about the wonderful and but they speak for themselves. She's just great.

My almost 12 year old has a friend diagnosed with autism. She would like to learn more about and is keen to get a on the subject.

Can anyone recommend a book for her age level

I was wondering if 'I am autistic' by Chanelle Moriah would be a good resource for her

Boosts appreciated. Thanks.

Learn all about Nancy the and her love of .

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sta es la ilustracin que hice para NECROSANTE, uno de los relatos ms crudos (aunque es difcil la eleccin) del primer libro de Martn Girona "10 Moscas Sobre Una Ventana Cerrada"

Is Point Book the answer and what else do the Phoenix Suns have to fix PHNX Suns Live Show

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

The magic of reading

Hey there!

I'm CKMo, and I'm a taiwanese high fantasy indie author. I'm trying to bring more works with influences into western culture via my novels.

You can find all my publishing sites, social media, and discord server in my bio!

#indiewriter bookstodon

I'm going to give you my opinion on recommendations. Use it as you see fit.

I've gotten very few hot tips about books I'm interested in on Goodreads or Bookwyrm.

However, I have put 7 books on my "possibly might read list" in the past 3 months from a daily Book Bub email. Two of the seven have been promoted to my "Want to Read List"

My preferred genres are and .

Need a new before the end of the year Try out this great selection of , , , , and more!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


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The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


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The Crime in the Woods


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Journey Through the Video Game World


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Kicking from Beyond the 40


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