Amazon is currently selling 'The Room

Amazon is currently selling 'The Room Opposite' for 15... That's 10 off the usual 25 price.

Omg... so gorgeously addictive, I haven't been able to stop reading since I picked this up yesterday

A brilliantly satirical read

The Secrets of Koga-ryu Ninjutsu

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907


Listened to the of Nice Catching You by Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood. 1st listen but Ive previously the . Bought on impulse after seeing Nick Russo was the narrator- I love his voice. This is a MM college / young adult that predates the Taylor/Harwood Bethesda Barracudas. Also links in to the Macadams law firm they write about. the 1st time, it this time too.

Leaving Worship: From Leader to Activist

Yet another story Leaving Worship tells of a dedicated leaving the fold, joining , and becoming an outspoken atheist. Part reflection, part , part .

life-forming before
six planes
of hell

I just read the best graphic novel on gender, ever. And I do try to read all of them. Maybe because this is presented in story form, and because it's modeled on a real family, but the struggle of a parent to accept her child's transition is so thoughtfully, emotionally presented.

Alt text: link image is of a woman who is painting her body with rainbow stripes.

I have some signed copies of my book, Ponies At the Edge of the World, available on Ko-Fi
Each comes with a set of postcards.

Ponies tells the story of Shetland ponies & the people who love them. Based on my PhD research, and journey to live in Shetland, it reflects on how our relationship with others, human, animal and landscape, affect how we feel at home in a place

Stayed up later than planned last night reading Shadow of the Jaguar by Steven Savile. The characters discovered something at the end of the chapter but didn't tell you what. I started the next chapter but it switched to another group. I read through that and found the next chapter started with a different character. At that point I decided I had to sleep. Good book.

John Lago is a very bad guy. But hes the very best at what he does. And what he does is infiltrate top-level companies and assassinate crooked executives while disguised as an intern.
This is an awesome .
The Intern's Handbook.

No Evidence, No Existence by Answers In Reason


PSA: Miss Read Art Book Fair is happening in three weeks - September 22nd - 24th.

"Ben Jonson's 'Dotages'" (2014)
Larry S. Champion

"Lombardi's writing allows the reader to traverse with her between two worlds that could not be more distinct ... the casual, free-thinking camp, and ... the uptight, judgmental world outside ... you share in her triumphs and challenges. This is a human story, rich and full of life, and it grabbed me from the first page."

Internet Archive 2. Dnya Sava esnasnda kamplara kapatlan Japon Amerikallarla ilgili kitap arivini amt. Hatrat, aratrma izgi roman, ocuk kitab, roman, sylei vs. her trl metin vard. Bir ey dikkatimi ekmiti, baseball. Spor aktivitesi kamptaki Japonlara tutanacak dal olmu.

Entre tanta ciencia ficcin, grimdark y fantasa, a menudo me apetece meter cositas como esta pequea escrita en 1956. Y es refrescante tambin, aunque suene contradictorio, leer algo escrito hace 67 aos, con un lenguaje diferente y, sobre todo, con unos personajes que se comportan y hablan de manera diferente a cmo hacemos ahora.

Un cert somriure, de Franoise Sagan, nos habla de un momento concreto en la vida de la joven Dominique, estudiante universitaria en , que inicia una aventura, un affaire, con Luc, un hombre mayor que ella, casado y que, para ms datos, es el to de su novio.

No dira que es una historia de . Es, sobre todo, un monlogo interior continuo de todo lo que se le pasa a la protagonista por la cabeza mientras dura su relacin. No deja de autoanalizarse ni por un momento, reflexionando continuamente sobre lo que siente, lo que no siente y los porqus. Adems, su indiferencia, a veces impostada, ante lo que pasa a su alrededor, hace que te preguntes si no es esto un retrato de una mujer joven que padece una depresin.

No es un para recomendar a cualquiera, pero tampoco se me ocurren razones para no recomendarlo. Es un remanso de paz, un libro para leer pausada y relajadamente, un libro muy breve ideal como libro de entre libros y para cerrar un mes de agosto lleno de emociones fuertes.

Me haba propuesto no hacer juegos de palabras con el nombre de la coleccin: , y lo he conseguido! Bravo por m. Este es el 8 librito de esta preciosa coleccin que leo y coleccionarlos es un vicio. En castellano los tenis editados a travs de Ediciones Invisibles, NO ACEPTES IMITACIONES!

Cuento con vuestras descargas y vuestras escuchas en cada episodio de Librorum . Hasta pronto y felices lecturas!

Edita: Edicions Viena
Traduce: Josep M. Pinto
. . .

"The personal is political."

Just read this quote in a book in reading.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826


Not sure who mentioned it where, but over the past few days sales rocketed up for my 2019 on how to run for and be . I can only assume a ton of copies were bought by the team.

My book does include a small section on the only nearly credible person to run for the office from prison, Eugene V. Debs, so my theory tracks.

New York Times bestselling author Garth Nixs exciting adult debut: a new collection including all eight storiesplus a never-before-published storyfeaturing Sir Hereward and his sorcerous puppet companion Mister Fitz, gathered in one magical volume for the first time ever!

These board books are so adorable ! And they have a pop-up surprise at the end ! Colorful and joyful, they teach babies and toddlers about colors and numbers with the help of friendly animals. The art is beautiful, fun and attractive ! I hope they will do more books in this series !

Why Read Old Books

Six Books Youll (Probably) Never Be Able to Read

As headlines have been informing us recently, censorship is very much alive and well across the United Statesbut theres a difference between a book youre not allowed to read and one you simply cant read. The subset of non-censored reading material out there that actively seems to dare readers to make any sense of it is deep and vast. From codices to puzzles to straight-up art projects, books that arent meant to be read (or are essentially impossible to read) present the bibliophile with a true conundrum: Just how hard should you have to work to read and enjoy a book

Here, then, are six publications that youre free to try to track down, but which have a seriously select group of readers nonetheless

Chill is in the air and the spooky season will be very soon there . Searching for a scary read for your kiddos Check Extra Normal !


LOVELY, UNIQUELY VOICED novel tells the story of Victor, a teenage emigr from China whose diagnosis of Hansens Disease (then known as leprosy) sends him to a government sanitarium in Louisiana. Beautiful writing, unforgettable characters. A MINUS

Lynnea Lees Xarcn Warriors is my 1st or 2nd top post-apocalyptic alien series. In this 9th , Desired By The Hunter, both MCs have to get over the pre-conceptions and out of their heads to decide to be together. (Its saying a lot that Ill say this is 1 or 2 bc I absolutely detest insects.)

A platform dedicated to helping readers discover authors from the Southwest Asia/North Africa region,

3D RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN CULTURAL HERITAGE III by Marinos Ioannides and Petros Patias (editors, Springer, 2023).

An interesting containing an article about the Antikythera Mechanism.

"This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. Explores 3D technologies used in the domain of cultural heritage. Originates from a unique study on 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage. Study launched by the European Commission."

Just wrote a post on Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche on my website, Check it out!


"Paving the Way for Reagan" (2018)
Laurence R. Jurdem


Help I was reading a and now my brain is full of words

Back in 2018, which really feels a long time ago, now, I released a book under a special license.

It allows you to adapt, change, and use it yourself, so long as you let other people do the same to whatever you end up publishing.

So... Here's a world, ripe and free for the plundering:

OMG! Look whos #44!

And if you enjoy sci-fi adventures where enemies must cooperate to survive, check out my book, The Calling.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

I recently backend the second edition of the Great Nations of Rendaria from the Children of Gaia series. I try to back all of the kickstarters I can from friends over at Oneshi Press! The have lots of their previous comics available as addons!

#OneshiPress #GreatNationsOfRendaria #ChildrenOfGaia #kickstarter #scifi #fantasy #illustrated #book #comics

dog painting