Be sure to tune in today at 12pm CST for a quick livestream where Ill briefly discuss everyones favorite topic, Technical Difficulties
Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-
Talk to the boat next door.Todays post is by Shannon Bohrer, a veteran of the Maryland State Police and author of the new Judicial Soup: One Mans Wrongful Conviction and What It Means for Criminal Justice Reform.
Shannon spent several years writing and editing his book before signing a contract for publication with Apprentice House Press. In this post Shannon tells us how he first learned about Apprentice House and what his experience was with this unique publishing model.
Veniss Underground
: Good morning! AutoTrick here with your daily . Yesterday, Trick made 2 posts on his . Including posts about: , & .
Here's the day's archive for you to read:
Why do disparities in persist
Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-
Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Encore un lundi o je publierai avec quelques jours d'avance, pour cause d'embouteillage chronique ! Je vous prsente "Magali" de Caryl Frey, publi ce 22 aot 2024 aux ditions Robert Laffont dans la collection La Bte Noire !
Ma chronique :
On en parle ensemble Belle journe tous !
"Washington on Washington" (2003)
edited by Paul M. Zall
Tag aliases and pages. This isn't really reproducible in Obsidian and I think it's a huge downer. Suppose you have a tag, but sometimes you remember it by another name. In Logseq you can give the tag an alias, and also a page to describe the tag. In Obsidian, it's up to you to remember what you mean if you tagged something for a specific reason. Maybe you need all pages tagged to be formatted an exact way for Dataview to work - you can give yourself these instructions on a tag page
Library - new on : Land Use - Handbook of the Anthropocene in Latin America I - Edited by: Kaltmeier, Olaf Lpez Sandoval, Mara Fernanda Pdua, Jos Augusto Zarrilli, Adrin Gustavo - - Socio-ecological conflicts about land use in Latin America are complex: they involve various actors and flare up due to the dynamics of colonization, spatial appropriation, and the commodification of land. This volume
N nu jdrar r jag trtt p smnlsheten s nu lser jag Andens fenomenologi, sa ingen.
Sitter p sngen med boken framfr mig.
UTTERLY RIVETING METATHRILLER will keep you in suspense and set you to pondering. Beautifully done, magnificently concise riff on literary stagnation and aspiration. A MINUS
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
Biblio File column!
"Ember" by Douglas Keister
Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:
I also made a for my father. Guess his favorite sport!
Tomorrow 12pm CST - Im going live for a special look at the paperback edition of Unsecret Identity: Eric Icarus - Book One
My latest made for my mom <3
I had to get creative with the design since her favorite color is teal and it's one of the few colors I don't have for cover fabric.
Before I check in to Stella Maris, having listened six times (so far) to Julia Whelan, MacLeod Andrews, and Edoardo Ballerini bring these books to life, twice slowing my usual brisk listening speed in order to clearly catch every word from Cormac McCarthy, I have some questions.
"Skid Road" tells the tales of many of the pivotal characters from Seattle's history, both those with streets named after them, but also those whose names we've mostly forgotten. Link to my highlights.
Books that pay off
The power of money is lost on no one but still a universal source of frustration, folly, and confusion at kitchen tables, in boardrooms, among voters and the leaders who want their votes. To help make sense of dollars and cents, we asked three Harvard economists to recommend some favorite books on the subject.
Blake Lively Reveals the Entire Sonic Universe of Music That Inspired It Ends With Us
Check it out!
One could make a sizeble tbr solely out of posts to be honest.
Books returned Aug 11, 2024 (last week I still need to grab this week's stuff and go to the library)
Age Matters - Read this romcom on webtoons ages ago. The characters are very fun and it was nice to revisit them as they were at the beginning of the story!
How I My Soulmate - impulse grab from the shelf because book 1 was there. Lovely art, story ok, will probably get the next few from the library to see if it picks up.
Zentangle a day - I disliked both the art examples and the exercises. I've always had an aversion to the word "zentangle" but I've been looking for ink doodling things to do so I figured it might work for me. But I hated this book.
"After the Dream" (2011)
Timothy J. Minchin and John A. Salmond
I highly recommend Say More by Jen Psaki
Summopedia vol.1 is simply beautiful
pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-
Summoning all souls! It's time for a ghastly good . Share your haunted or cursed links. I'll repost on this spectral network. All genres are invited to join this eerie gathering. Let the spirits guide you!
Check out today's blog: The Joys of Living in Italy
Mervyn Peake - Gormenghast (der junge Titus)
Dites la team , vous aussi vous avez des carnets dans lesquels vous inscrivez tout ce que vous voulez/avez emprunt en bibliothque, histoire d'avoir un historique :blobcat:
J'ai termin le carnet d'une dcennie, j'en attaque un autre ( la dco tout aussi claque faite avec ce que j'ai sous la main :blobcatgiggle:)
( Et j'avoue, on bouffe tellement de numerique longueur de temps que j'ai aucune envie de faire une liste au format lectronique mais si c'est plus pratique pour les recherches :blobcateyesowo: )
A must summer read
Fight, Flight, or Freeze
Here Be Monstrous Architects: On Joshua Comaroff And Ong Ker-Shings Horror In Architecture, Los Angeles Review Of Books ().
Apprentice in Wonderland by Ramin Setoodeh review how Donald Trumps big break changed America
The degradation began, as the entertainment journalist Ramin Setoodeh relates, when Donald Trump was catapulted into power by The Apprentice, a reality/talent/gameshow over which he presided on NBC from 2004 until 2017. Before this, Trump was best known as a loud-mouthed, laughable vulgarian, a fixture in tabloid gossip columns whose business career mostly consisted of bankruptcies.
This is somewhat dismaying, as a lover who collects old books: