Becoming a writer is one of

Becoming a writer is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Here is the story of my struggle and what I learned in the process.

James Baldwin on Giovanni's Room (1956)

I just finished Giovanni's Room and it has found a space on my favorite books of all time list. Perhaps I should have read this novel 40 years ago when I was in my mid 20s - but I'm not at all upset that I only discovered it now. I'm sure that it resonated in quite a different way for this 60 something single man.

James Baldwin on Giovanni's Room (1956)

I just finished Giovanni's Room and it has found a space on my favorite books of all time list. Perhaps I should have read this novel 40 years ago when I was in my mid 20s - but I'm not at all upset that I only discovered it now. I'm sure that it has resonated in quite a different way for this 60 something single man.

Usually when I travel, something happens that inspires a story.
Here I try to explain how that works.
Welcome to my blog.

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

In the brief period between the introductions of dial-up Internet and Google, there was a market for link listings on paper

Most of time it is not you have forgotten about how to save the world, instead it is you forget to read a book and studying properly about what exact are the reasons which have caused all the problems around the world.

The best time spent today was me reading the book "Prisoners of Geography" by Tim Marshall

This was recommended by my former Geography teacher in high school and I must say that, so far, it has been very informative. I really love the author's analysis on geopolitics.

Can't wait to finish this book!

The striking predictions of Huxley versus Orwell

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

"Mamoulian" (2013)
David Luhrssen

A BROODING, GLORIOUS HOLLYWOOD thriller intertwines the stories of a young Mexican woman making her acting debut and the Biblical epic of Salome in which she stars. Richly textured 1950s studio detail and an unforgettable main character. A MINUS

I absolutely loved this , both as a fan & lover of Agatha Christie-style . Exploring the fandom & community that surround horror franchises was a great backdrop for this murder mystery. Would definitely recommend Brian LeTendre (Harrowed)


These Will Be The BIGGEST Storylines From Phoenix Suns Media Day

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

Independent Artist Group Signs Bestselling Author Ken Follett for Media Rights

Astrid Maxxim and her Hypersonic Space Plane 99 cents at Apple Books - -

Astrid Maxxim and her Undersea Dome 99 cents at Apple Books - -

Im not sure who gave chocolate milk its own holiday, but Im glad they did - pairs well with a good book.

Eric Icarus emblem. Does your series or main character have a symbol Insignias are such an interesting way to express so much with only a shape, letter, or colors. As a designer, I love creating logos and other marks, so I had a blast developing the lettermark for Eric Icarus.

"The Gulf" (2012)
Michael F. Cairo

I think this is the first time I've ever preordered a book
(probably because my favorite authors are all dead )

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

RT by : For a moment, lets consider the opposite: what if innovation stifles the regulatory process and democracy

"We cannot allow disruptive technologies to innovate away democracy."

Brilliant, by . Read her , The Tech Coup.

2024-09-27 06:07 UTC

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. A that opened my eyes! Both insightful and practical. 100% recommended.

Fun for all sports fans

October Ferry to Gabriola

Another incredibly positive review of Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It, you say

Why yes, yes it is

Getting a lot of these now. Which is, you know, encouraging...

Edge of Empire, Maya Jasanoff : A cover a day. No. 29 -

De la bonne qui joue avec l' de France, mlant les peuples friques aux conflits du Moyen-ge.
Comme on a fait un bond dans le temps, si vous n'avez pas lu les 4 tomes du premier cycle, c'est pas grave (mais c'est dommage), les premiers chapitres vous mettent dans le bain (de sang) (nan pas tout de suite, d'abord y'a des complots, des trahisons et des coups fourrs...)

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Ignacio es un fusor sin vocacin empeado en hacer tan mal su trabajo que le sale bien. Dos universos van a colisionar de una forma extraordinaria, este trabajo probar sus talentos y la realidad.

Imaginativa, divertida y genial.

Simple & Free Wiki Software

BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information.


1. Control What You Can Control
2. Practice Mindfulness and Presence
3. Embrace Adversity as a Learning Opportunity
4. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
5. Live in Accordance with Nature
6. Prioritize Inner Virtue Over External Success
7. Maintain Perspective
8. Practice Self-Discipline
9. Seek Wisdom Through Continuous Learning
10. Accept Mortality

"Trees Of Heaven" (1980)
Jesse Stuart

I found this book companion website, that I find useful, especially as I sometimes forget who is who in the novels that I am reading.

This page is for the Herons Cry

and lovers can support Bold Coffee & Books a new independent shop focused on building a safe & inclusive community space in Goose Hollow by putting them over the top on their Kickstarter! If youre not in the area they will ship you coffee, books, or merch!


The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book. by Northrop Frye

Are The Phoenix Suns REALLY Better Than Last Years Failure

Communicate with your local boat owners.