Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Laissez-moi donc vous parler d'un thriller exceptionnel qui dbarque aujourd'hui en librairie : "La Meute" de , paru ce jour aux ditions XO !

Ma chronique :

On en parle en commentaires Belle soire tous !

Service presse - Collaboration entirement gracieuse


how beautiful is that.

Writing my new : 7 Habits of Highly Mournful Creatures

Love one another with burning hearts

Parte della migliore donazione che di generazione in generazione si tramanda nella mia , perch la data dalla lettura dei con una libera mente critica la migliore per affrontare le brutture della e e della che premia la contro la .
In foto copertina e terza pagina di un libro sulla arrivato a me dal 1894.

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

24 hours to go, make sure you're ready to grad your copy of Rabbit Fever

The Minimoog Book by Bjooks available to preorder

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Six Categories of Articles in Scientific Journals
various types of articles, each serving a unique purpose and catering to specific research needs. This article explores six common types of articles published in scientific journals: original research , review articles, case reports, research articles, registered , and .

What if I released a print or of my that's all pictures of doors, which I seem to take a lot of

I'd call it "Ladies And Gentlemen, The Doors" until and unless I got a Cease and Desist LOL.

Reader/writer question: In fiction what are some of your favorite worldbuilding details, the kind of thing you think is underused and underrated

SonatineEdition Sur fond dune double enqute,rjellorydcrit la renaissance dun homme,enferm dans sa solitude, sortir les fantmes de sa vie passe pour retrouver le got des autres. Le hros est occup rsoudre un triple meurtre.

If I could yell a rave review from the rooftops it would probably be about Roy Mottahedeh's "Mantle of the Prophet." It's both a personal biography of a and a general history of ancient and modern.

I don't know how Mottahedeh achieved the intense level of detail in his physical descriptions. He himself did not grow up or spend a ton of time in Iran. And his primary biographical subject was speaking to him as a middle-aged man, with childhood memories decades in the past. But I believe he relayed the personal account honestly, without fabrication, and the same goes for his interview subjects.

I bought a copy nearly 40 years ago and my blinkered USian twentysomething brain couldn't get past go with it. This despite several Islamic history courses which I'd enjoyed immensely, including a seminar on .

58 year old me is relishing every word. Probably helps to be .

XOEditions Bernard Minierpropose avec Les Effaces un particulirement russi et introduit dans ce tome 2, une enqutrice que jaurais plaisir retrouver dans ses prochains

"Wohin, Menschheit, seid ihr nur unterwegs in eurem werten Leben, bleibt doch einfach stehen, guckt in die Luft und atmet ein und aus, mehr lohnt doch kaum bis zum St. Nimmerleinstag."

Making Sense Of The Phoenix Suns Poor Performance In The Playoffs So Far

The of is coming soon!!

What book would you like to see after the third installment of the series

Been thoroughly enjoying 's Arcade Cult Classics

The coverage is fantastic. Blown away by how many of these I havent got around to playing.

The backlog grows

HORRORS BOTH HUMAN AND SUPERNATURAL roll out with a relentless, breathtaking pace in this final installment of the Indian Lake Trilogy. As ever, Stephen Graham Joness deft characterization and vivid sense of place drive the chill deep. B PLUS

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

Do you remember the games you used to play as a kid Jump rope rhymes, Bloody Mary in the mirror, trust falls with your friends.

Most of us had those close knit relationships growing up. But what happens after the friendship gets toxic and your best friend goes missing

Check out my review of The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert.

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

Journey Through the Video Game World


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Viola is in love with Duke Orsino
Duke Orsino is in love with Countess Olivia
Countess Olivia is in love with Cesario
Cesario is really Viola in disguise or is he
Shakespeares Twelfth Night is a very queer play, But what if you could make it queerer

Happy Bookiversay to Thieves Profit! The story of Zack Mbele and crew continues in this book from the Profit Logbooks hard sci-fi adventure mystery Series. Check out the book, and the series as a great addition to your bookshelf today.

Lost for weekend plans - look no further, grab your copy of Rabbit Fever from 12AM PST on the 26th

Two of my favourite media & communication studies scholars & colleagues, Cecilia Zhou & Regina Ahn, took the time to read & review our book, Childscape, Mediascape: Children & Media in India for Journal of Children & Media, a reputed journal in our research area. Many thanks & congratulations! Read here:

Now on sale for $2.99!

Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy

Barnes and Noble:

Hi! Heres an awesome new cozy paranormal mystery called BACHELORETTES AND BACKSPLASH by Amy Boyles is available now and it is the 14th book in the Magical Renovation Mysteries series!


Alexandra Y. Caluen
Contemporary, Gaylit, Interracial

A Marriage of Necessity
Lisa Oliver

Strike A Chord
TL Travis
Contemporary, Gaylit

A Death At His Majesty's
David C Dawson
Historical, Mystery & Thriller

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

A few months ago I read John Varney's "". This was the novelization of what would become the movie starring Chris Christopherson and Cheryl Ladd.

It was an interesting book, and went into more detail of the End of the World part of the story. And while the ending is completely different from the film, it's still interesting. There is a point where they mention Titanic and the reason it was never found.

The book was Published in 1983.

Titanic was found in 1985.

SHOCKER! just banned this promotion video becauseget this!they said it spreads false information. Speaking of spreading false information, have you been on TikTok lately I'd be laughing if it wasn't all so ludicrous. It's a , dammit! A novel! Ya know,

A friend has a cool-concept Poe book up for pre-order.

on a more serious note, George, can I interest you in my forthcoming , a love letter to :