"Congressional Committee Chairmen" (1993)Andre E. Reeves

"Congressional Committee Chairmen" (1993)
Andre E. Reeves

New: J. Scott Coatsworth's queer sci-fantasy book: The Hencha Queen.

A richly painted world that is both beautiful and sinister, evoking landscapes that are as much science fiction as Tolkiensian fantasy. 5 stars. Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild

Books 1 & 2 are on sale through March 31st for just 99:

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

The sense of sin, shame, self-distrust, this is what makes folk cling to Christianity-slavery. People believe in a medicine just in so far as it is nasty the metaphysical root of this idea is in sexual degeneracy of the masochistic type. Now the Law is for all but such defectives will refuse it, and serve us who are free with a fidelity the more dog-like as the simplicity of our freedom denotes their abjection.

Today's review! Born on Mars by Kate Rauner:

"Im two books into Kate Rauners Colonization series, and am loving every minute... the ending was very satisfying. Another great Mars book from Rauner... Jake is a second generation Martian, filled with wanderlust thats a hard itch to scratch... I cant wait to return to her version of the Red Planet for round three."


I just published my first book! Ease show some love. Fantastic Women : Stories of Women in Science and History

More added!

Flow describes an experience of "being in the zone," of intense absorption in an activity.

This book offers a critical assessment of flow's historical, theoretical, political, and ideological contexts in relation to

calmannlevy NetGalleyFrance Plus jamais vous ne regarderez Portrait dune dame de Gustav Klint sans penser Pearl et Isidore et tant dautres sortis tout droit de limagination deCamille de Peretti !

Voy a masturbarme

: En la imagen se ve un apoyado sobre el teclado de un laptop.

El ttulo del libro es: "El Placer De La "

El autor: Gert Lindner

I'm going to masturbate

: In the you can see a resting on the keyboard of a .

The title of the book is: "The of "

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Belfond Le de Franck Leduc, , est une lutte entre deux intelligences, lune dmoniaque et lautre dont la mission est Servir sans faillir ! Une confrontation au suspense haletant !
A dcouvrir ici

THE TIME HAS COME! If you're on Goodreads and deeply want an advanced reader copy of A Misfortune of Lake Monsters, go go go! Scan the QR code or go here: .

I'll be thinking good, lucky thoughts your way--because you know lurking just beyond the dock in this image is a lake monster waiting to strike.


Please, designers, when designing the book don't put a dark font on top of dark backgrounds, it makes it very very hard to read in a dimmed room (or a light room for that matter), like a bedroom where parents often read for their kids.
Contrast matters and it's way too low over here!

I see this pattern quite often in storytelling books.

A Plague of Wizards The Sorceress and the Dragon Book 8 - Adventure in a world of steam and magic, dinosaurs and dragons, wizards and rifles! - $2.99 for Apple Books -

Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey

New book by Tom Atlee

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Want to read
Co-Intelligence: The Applied Wisdom of Wholeness, Interconnectedness, and Co-Creativity by Tom Atlee
#book #books

Felt great to spend some time at the today, the female are gorgeous as usual.

Talk to the boat next door.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Banana Republic
"In political science, the term banana republic describes a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the export of natural resources."

"Authoritarian practices,
once operationalized as demonstrated in this book, can and must be classified and compared, and causal connections established with other phenomena such as violence, corruption, and inequality, if we are to suggest ways of responding to them."

The book
"provides a parsimonious framework for recognizing and analysing contemporary manifestations of authoritarianism beyond the state, and a number of empirical case studies."
Marlies Glasius, Authoritarian Practices in a Global Age, 2023

Glasius, M. One hundred years of authoritarian practices: United Fruit and its banana plantation workers. J Int Relat Dev 26, 245271 (2023).

This Is Why NBA People Think Suns Can Beat Nuggets PHNX Suns Live Show

Most people here wouldn't notice this, but I regularly update the I'm reading part of my profile. I do this nearly every other day because I'm a fast reader.

I'm now up to Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (NZ Fiction, nominee for various awards).

I try to update my list too but it can fall a bit behind. So far I've read 56 books in 2024. Good progress on my target of 200 books for 2024.

"The Kentucky Harness Horse" (1978)
Ken McCarr

FIERY, UNSETTLING, INCISIVE collection of essays delves deep into history and cultural critique as well as the authors life for a rigorous exploration of power and control, from racism and colonialism to misogyny and sexual violence. A MINUS




Follow my blog below for updates and mini stories!

Ways to legally get away from the system

1. / / / : Movies, are typically based on or ideas which may had been previously used in books. Stories typically are based on ideas. Take certain ideas/concepts (ensure they aren't !) and make new stories/experience with new characters. If you're not much of a then you could just focus on making the and stories. Release the stories under a creative Commons or similar, so that the can reuse this and build up on it to it's greater forms more finished.

2. libraries: you can legally avoid paying for, any , , , tape and etc that's available at your by borrowing them from a library.

3. public
: sure you might have to bring your own cotton candy, but it's public.

4. : The software that's open source be free to you to redistribute of no DMCA consequences, *if you follow the respective license terms.

Clavis Diplomatica
Item date: 1737.


British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Just finished number 8 this year:

Llevo 48 pginas y aunque lo que cuenta no tiene nada que ver con lo que suelo consumir, lo cierto es que si no trabajase maana seguira leyendo... probablemente hasta acabarlo.

Genera mucha curiosidad sobre quin es la mujer de la falda as como saber ms de la observadora/narradora y est escrito tan ameno que engancha.

It's 1982, and PAC-MAN fans are eating up America's favorite new video game sensation!

Now you can chuckle and chew at the same time with 96 Pac-filled pages of biting humor in:

PAC-MANIA! The Official Pac-Man Joke Book

Just open wide and laugh!

Alex Ahndoril - A najdu kl (minirecenze):

booklyapp hostbrno

EDIT: It's spoken for.
Here's a copy of The BeOS Bible, all 916 pages of it, by Scot Hacker.
to a good home!

Amidst the radiant art and poetry, I donned my critic hat to write two reviews for Babel Tower Notice Board, now in this book (i.e. "these are splendid, you should buy, and here are some vaguely intellectual thoughts too, for free") My review for this: it's beautiful and yours to enjoy - download!