Day 15 challenge: Choose 20 that

Day 15 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers*

*(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on )

Day 15


Red Line
L.A. Witt

In the Dragon's Lair
Joy Lynn Fielding

Moss & Mabry
Hollis Shiloh

The Death God
Holly Day

The Architect's Son
Nathan Grant

Jessamyn Kingley
Fantasy, Paranormal

Saint Lakes Collection V4
April Kelley

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

A dispenser at Exeter station

Video Game Stardew Valley Cooks Up An Official Cookbook and Its On Sale for Less Than $20

Check it out!

Mentioned in the article is a titled: Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda, it looks interesting, but is difficult to find at a reasonable price. It was released back in 2010.

Is aspartame bad for you What we know about the sweeteners health risks

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Ulan Grigor!

Normal biri de deilsin, Ermeni Manastrnda yaayan, rahipler snfndan szde dindar bir Hristiyansn!

Bu kadar ftursuzca yalan yazan biri nasl dindar olduunu iddia eder anlamyorum!

nk Satanizm haricinde yalan iyi bir ey olarak kabul eden bir din ben duymadm!

Aklma kilisenin yalanlarna inanan Dante geldi.

Yalanc kitabn ad bile aldatc kt!
nk kitabn okulukla bir alakas yok!

Early character sketch that ended up looking unintentionally like Bill Murray - or am I nuts

Communicate with your local boat owners.

Support and Social

So gosh darn inspirational! Lol but seriously, progress is progress!

Reverse engineering the human brain , and what we can learn from this, about ourselves, AI, and our future.
Fascinating, well-written , that keeps the brain thinking.
"A thousand brains", by Jeff Hawkins.

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

No sign-up required for this one:
How I approached 2, and why I scrapped it several times.

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


It Ends With Us The new Blake Lively film gets a poster. Trailer and details here

"Vampire Legends in Contemporary American Culture" (2009)
William Patrick Day

Finished another by TJ Klune: Under The Whispering Door.

Reading it on the back of having finished reading The House In The Cerulean Sea, it paints a better picture of Klune as an author, because the books are quite alike in style and tone: deadly serious plots in fantasy settings sprinkled with queer love stories. A good bit of humor too.

Probably not a book for everyone given its difficult topic of death and loss, but I (for one) enjoyed it.

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Also, I can report that all but 4.5 of these can still be seen on the streets of London, and all but 2.5 have their stories told* in our book:

*Most with better photos by

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


EDITIONSDENOEL en 4 parties, Olivier Bordaarre aborde la disparition dun homme dge mr, chef dentreprise, mari et pre dadolescents. Bref, en apparence, un homme qui a tout ! Mais, ne jamais se fier aux apparences ici


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! En dpit d'une semaine charge, je continue de rattraper mon retard chronique, tant mme presque jour ! Aujourd'hui je vous parle de "Vakarm" de Guillaume Coquery, publi chez M+ ditions !

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Here's my review of 'The Russia House' by John le Carr from my regular newsletter 'Through the Biblioscope':

This was chosen at random from the 203 reviews I've published so far. More with every issue.

You can subscribe to get notified each time a new issue comes out here:

Suns Trading Bradley Beal Is Next To Impossible But Could Happen

"From Game to War and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folklore" (2014)
Alan Dundes

Suns Trading Bradley Beal Is Next To Impossible But Could Happen

Bir Japon, yay ile ok atmay, sanat olarak dikkate alan ve bir miras olarak ona sayg besleyen gemiten kalm anlamda bir spor diye anlamaz, tersine, syleyeceklerimiz kulaa ne kadar tuhaf gelse de, ona bir tapnma, dini bir ayin gzyle bakar.

''Yay ile Ok At Sanatnda ZEN''
- Eugen Herrigel -

A softcover Workbook full of hand drawn, full color maps for DMs to stock & take notes during games as a permanent record on your shelf Bring it on!

Sign up for the Kickstarter to be notified Day One!

Listening to audiobook THE BEST MINDS: A STORY OF FRIENDSHIP, MADNESS, AND THE TRAGEDY OF GOOD INTENTIONS (2023), authored and narrated by Jonathan Rosen.

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

Journey Through the Video Game World


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

This excellent biography of Douglas MacArthur by William Manchester presents a very good history of WWII and postwar years in the Pacific. A great research avenue for me as I wrote my novel, Signs on a Page.

Read PALADIN'S HOPE by T. Kingfisher if you love doctor dramas, buddy-cop narratives, mysterious corpses, secret powers, vegetarians, being trapped in a maze, definitely not kissing your hook-ups, cross-cultural exchanges of knowledge, deadly obstacle courses, pretty men & apples.

Author lessons

textile bargain