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ROMA VOICES IN HISTORY. A Sourcebook. Volume Editors: Elena Marushiakova
and Vesselin Popov. 2021

"This ground-breaking book is an impressively extensive collection of primary historical sources in various languages that reflect the history of the Roma (formerly referred to as Gypsies in local languages). The selection of the included materials reflects the authentic voice of the Roma themselves, and presents their visions and the specific goals pursued by the Roma civic emancipation movement. The source materials are published in original and translated in English, and are accompanied by explanatory notes and summarising comments discussing the specific historical realities and their interrelation to the Romani emancipatory movement in Central and Eastern Europe, thus presenting a comprehensive picture of the historical processes."

COMMUNITIES AND MUSEUMS IN THE 21st CENTURY. Shared Histories and Climate Action.
Edited by Karen Brown, Alissandra Cummins, Ana S. Gonzlez Rueda. 2023

"Communities and Museums in the 21st Century brings together innovative, multidisciplinary perspectives on contemporary museology and participatory museum practice that contribute to wider debates on museum communities, heritage, and sustainability."

"Communities and Museums in the 21st Century proposes creative and sustainable strategies relevant to a globalised future. With its focus on global societal challenges, this book will appeal to museologists and museum practitioners, as well as those working in heritage studies, cultural studies, memory studies, art history, gender studies, and sustainable development."

Me: read 65 out of 120 books, May hasn't even started
Me: I read 100 books without trying while working, but setting a higher goal (120) because I was on disability leave was greedy and will make it competitive >:( (I would feel anxious about making it competitive for others with a lower goal, I need to get over myself)

Can anyone recommend a science fiction book/books for tonight

: Laura Jurgenson, Sortir de Chez Soi, (chez la superbe collection contrebande de l' la contre alle). d' ! Livre 85/120

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

"The Japanese City" (1997)
edited by P.P. Karan and Kristin Stapleton

I finished reading today. This was a nice and quick read for me. A book full of information that I was technically aware of but not tying together as a whole.

This book is worth a read if you are technically savvy, interested in geo political affairs and like spy stories. Huib Modderkolk is a respected Dutch journalist writing for the Volkskrant. I do hope that he will be publishing more books in the future.


#Book #Reading

Communicate with your local boat owners.

reading recommendation: series by :

Ik las de biografie van Tove Ditlevsen. Iedereen spreekt Tove uit met een V, maar het moet met een W. Dat weet ik omdat ik jarenlang met een Tove heb samengewerkt. Deze Tove corrigeerde stellig iedereen die haar naam met een V uitsprak. En ze was daar heel vasthoudend in. De biografie leek me interessant...

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

lecherchemidi Babelio Lorsque la mort survient, il est alors temps de revoir les dtails dune histoire subie pour sen dgager.Florence Chataignierraconte une critique socialedans un roman plein dhumour et de drision

"What would we do with gold, Lady For us there is sunlight in summer, and in winter the remembrance of sunlight".

- adapted from Ursula Le Guin, Rocannon's World

A RELUCTANT HITWOMANS COMPLICATED life gets a bit more difficult when her imperious aunt orders her to run a charity race and her mobster boss commissions her to assassinate a dictator. Cozy thriller combines action and fun. SOLID B

Biblio File column!

How To Know A Person: The Art Of Seeing Others Deeply And Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks

Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:

"The Price of Freedom" (2014)
T. Stephen Whitman

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

One of life's simple but lovely pleasures - reading al fresco

Punk Rock Karaoke is a fun graphic novel about growing up and making your own life choices . I really enjoyed this graphic novel full of outstanding Bipoc and LGBTQ characters and of course, music !

Invitation to Discrete Mathematics - Jir Matouek, Jaroslav Neetil

I watched the 3 Body Problem show, and it was quite good.

The book is good too.

Words turn deadly with an unlikely detective duo on the case of a murdered obituary writer in this literary mystery from the internationally bestselling author of the Ruth Galloway series.

Thank you everybody - and if you don't have a copy of Rabbit Fever yet, there is still a few hours left to grab a copy

Story reading organised under "Kuchborski" by literary organisation Aayam.

Enjoy tracker free news reading with us.

While on vacation was able to finish this :

One of those "oldies but goodies", written in 1959 and the advice as relevant today as it was then. It will be curious to see what my wife thinks about it as it's our current book club read. I can see how some people can be turned off by the advice in it right now. It's basically work hard and work hard for everyone, take the high road in arguments, and avoid gossip at all costs, among other useful advice on life.

This week's blog: Discovering the beauty of the Abbey of Monte Oliveto in Tuscany

. Anyone who knows someone w/ , accompanied by some form of progressive , knows what they are hearing when trips over words, can't find words, makes up words. Here is an image from the I wrote with , Dr. Bruce Miller, that has this chart with the different kinds of aphasia. The is Finding the Right Words: A Story of Literature, , & the .

. Yes! Even 7 years ago noticed the deteriorating speech. & anyone who knows someone w/ , accompanied by some form of progressive , knows what they are hearing when trips over words, can't find words, makes up words. Here is an image from the I wrote with , Dr. Bruce Miller, that has this chart with the different kinds of aphasia. The is Finding the Right Words: A Story of Literature, , & the .

Build Your House Around My Body by Violet Kupersmith

This is weirder and more supernatural than the blurb let's on, and I loved the folklore and ghosts scattered into everyday occurrences. The different time periods and myriad of characters are cleverly woven subtly into each others lives. Sometimes just for a fleeting moment. A bittersweet, complex and, at times, unsettling read.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Recommended : Not Long for This World - The Twisted Poetry of a Climate Apocalypse - The Unimaginable Horrors of Our Approaching Collective Nightmare, the Total Collapse of Human Society, by Kevin Trent Boswell

Today's review!

His Grey Lord by Stephanie Lake:

"Lord Greyson Montagues father, warned him to never get involved with those below your station... Lake brings historical London to life with her mesmerizing writing and descriptions of the era. I highly recommend it."

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

This book is a collection of interviews with the coolest people you'll ever meet.

In his book "Get it Together" Fox News shitheel Jesse Waters interviews people who's life experiences have radicalized them against conservatism. He obliviously seems to think that this will make liberals look bad, but his smug commentary just makes their stories sound relatable.

Download for free here:

As the quote says...

Its my birthday, and I love my birthday! What better way to celebrate it than with this amazing book! Read the review on my website:

The King's English : Fowler, H. W. (Henry Watson), 1858-1933: via

It is adorable and terribly funny ! It is a perfect cozy read before bedtime. The three characters have unique personalities and have strange adventures around the house : from finding the perfect spot to scaring friends with a rubber spider or sharing a good book, a lot happens before bedtime !

With simple and repetitive sentences, it is a perfect book for early readers.

Reposting for the cover .

Best Art Trail in Leopold