Does academic writing have to be

Does academic writing have to be boring

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Rotllan Blas. Ametller, Torcuato Toro De La Riva
Item date: 1798.


Spring 2025 - More info to come :-)

"World Without End" arrived today. Loving it so far.

The Mind Palace

I exhort men to cease to hide themselves in the refuges which they have constructed in themselves from fear of facing reality. I bid them take cognizance of the existence of their fellow individuals to realize the infinite possibilities of experience open to them & to satisfy their sense that they are incomplete by uniting themselves with all other beings.



I highly recommend The Quiet Damage by Jesselyn Cook

"Scott, Chaucer, and Medieval Romance" (2014)
Jerome Mitchell

Tanto el xito como el fracaso pueden llevarte por caminos inesperados dejndote ante difciles y duras decisiones. Sabrn los protagonistas solventar estos dilemas

Vibrante, adictiva y curiosa. Me ha gustado esta segunda entrega donde se ampla la concepcin del mundo y la historia del mismo.

An excerpt from my book 'Drystone - A Life Rebuilt' and the accompanying photograph.

'Inside, snecks and jumpers lead my eye over the surface of faded, earth-toned walls: a pleasing, recursive chaos. Used as they were found or shaped with rudimentary tools stones as big as a person, irregular and bulging, others smaller, stacked tightly and neatly like books on a shelf. Every one placed by hand more than two thousand years ago.'

This book is an attempt to tell the truth about the time before, the story most people missed the first time around, and how the refusal to tell it led us into our current plight. It is a history of crime and corruption that ran underground for decades only to emerge in ways that are stark and unavoidable, like bedrock jutting out in a fallow field. Trumps path to power parallels a decades-long erosion of American stability, integrity, and democracy. I tell some of this American story through the lens of my own life and reporting, as I tend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time or the right place at the right time, depending on how you see it. Trumps rise in the late 1970s coincided with my birth, and as I grew up I watched the consolidation of that corruption not so much shape my future as steal it.
Sarah Kendzior, Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America
#book #recommended

PSA: Today the Hotel Lucky Seven by Ktar Isaka has been released in English. It's the fourth book in the Assassins series. The second book was made into the film Bullet Train. It's pretty much whitewashed, but still a good film. I can't wait to read/listen to this book.

POSTGAME: Kevin Durant, Jusuf Nurkic & Suns COOL OFF Jimmy Butler And Heat

Just finished going zero, a thriller by Anthony McCarten. It is about a woman taking on a social media giant that, together with the US government, plans to build the ultimate surveillance state. It starts off with a test of their technology but soon turns into a lot more. There are big plot twists in this book and overall I enjoyed it. I listened to it through the library app


In light of recent events it seems appropriate to be this with my today

This book explains how America went from a flawed democracy to a burgeoning autocracy, and how the refusal to render consequences for elite criminality allowed us to get there.
Sarah Kendzior, Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America

Trump is part of a complex illicit network including individuals from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States, and more The network is not uniform in its desiressome are in it for the money, some for territorial ambitions, some to satisfy their religious or white supremacist fanaticism. They permeate the very institutions tasked to stop them. How that transpiredand what it meansis the subject of this book
Sarah Kendzior, Hiding in Plain Sight

Does academic writing have to be boring

Check it out!

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

This week on Embeddedfm, Adrienne Braganza Tacke(adriennetacke) spoke with Elecia( ) and Chris( ) about her book "Looks Good To Me: Constructive Code Reviews".
She discussed how to do effective and congenial code reviews.

Listen here: .

Here's Adrienne on Team Working Agreements:

"Chromatic Homes" (2018)
John I. Gilderbloom

Not a as much as a recommendation. If you like your stories light with plenty of jokes then check out PJ Fitzsimmons.

A slightly longer and more gushing read on my :

It takes about as much power to run that tiny computer and a screen as it does to run the internet.
I'm going to download that book I was working on from the cloud where I usually work on things to keep them safe. I might as well finish it before the waves hit.
They will come quickly now.
I had to wait until I gathered enough knowledge to make sure I wasn't full of shit.
The quality will not be as high as my first one. I am no longer as possessed.
Before I was channeling gods for 5 years. This one will be mostly me.
Real books take time. Real books take formatting. Real books take months of editing moving a stupid picture around on a page for 6 hours straight until it finally stops fucking everything up.
I might self-publish a physical copy at some point but for now there is no more time.
Again, I had to wait until I knew what I was doing for sure.
Most of the information is here now piecemeal, but as I found before trying to dispense such weighty information on a micro blogging platform, or for that matter any blogging platform is less than ideal.

Urgent! Pocket Money Required Beatrice Holloway

How Ruined

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

One last to boost and then I'll be quiet for a while

I read KINGDOM OF RAGE a couple of months ago, and as an American who loves Jesus but has been uneasy with some patterns in American churches, it's a difficult read (do not binge). I don't agree with everything in it, but it does have some worthwhile history and context. Under the right circumstances it might make a difference to someone


Escape from this sucky world for a bit with a fun, dark fantasy erotica series, HOT GOBLIN GIRLS by Paul Lucas!

Check it out!

Free (and timely) : Handbook of Affective

- We often misperceive people who differently than we do, underrating opportunities to discuss with them.
- Chapter 29 suggests these opportunities abound in our .

Which opportunities will you take

On feuillette ensemble le livre sur la trilogie du Retour vers le futur !

I'm once again looking for recommendations.

Currently I read a lot of and some and am looking for single books or short series. I currently don't have the time for long series.

The last books I loved:

- Clocktaur Wars by T. Kingfisher
- Quantum Thief (whole series) by Hannu Rajaniemi
- Blindsight and Echopraxia by Peter Watts
- Foundation Series by Asimov


Pretend You're Mine
Denver Shaw

Sam E. Kraemer

Living The Legend
Miski Harris

A Touch of Christmas Magic
A.D. Ellis

P.O.O.F. Happens
D.G. Carothers

The End of the World
Drake LaMarque

Divided Road
Anne Barwell

Intrepid Love
Ty Debauchee

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon


Braiding Sweetgrass Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Kimmerer

Timefullness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, Marcia

Scatter, Adapt and Remember, Newitz

The Little Ice Age How Climate Made History, Fagan


Chicago and the Great West, Cronnon

Changes in the Land, Cronnon

Small Farm Future, Smaje

Craeft an inquiry into the origins and true meaning of traditional crafts Langlands

Strong Towns a Bottom up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity, Marhon

1491 Americas before Columbus, Mann

So that's what's been knocking about my brain for a while. Here's the brain food I've been feeding it. Hopefully, some of you will find this helpful as we move forward.

How Everything Can Collapse, Servigne

Another End of the World is Possible, Servigne

Seeing Like A State, Scott

Two Cheers for Anarchism, Scott

If you're curious to know how much unchecked power the next administration will have at its disposal, now's a good time to read my new .

Does academic writing have to be boring

Check it out!

Has anyone read the "We have never beek woke" by Musa al-Gharbi It's impossible that the title isn't a nod to Bruno Latour.

nft maker