Game developers, get 20 books on

Game developers, get 20 books on worldbuilding, storytelling, and more! 

New: Chris Kim's queer horror book Shaman of Heaven and Hell:

As the last surviving shaman of his Korean lineage, deaths specter has pushed Adrian Shin-Ward into self-imposed isolation.

That is, until a chance encounter with Bram Lyght, an attractive ...

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Today's review! Pierre & Bill Now by Patrick Doyle:

"Another wonderful story, just as compassionate and heartwarming as the first. Pierre & Bill Now is filled with jealousy, misunderstandings, hurt, humor, acceptance, and love that comes in many different forms.  Just like the first book, Pierre & Bill, this one also touched my heart. Both novels are well worth reading."


164 years ago today, Lincoln gave his "RIGHT MAKES MIGHT" speech at Cooper Union. William Cullen Bryant published the speech on the front page of The Post. While in NYC, Lincoln stayed at The Astor Hotel. Read about Bryant, Cooper, and Astor in .

p.s. While in NYC, Lincoln sat for this famous Matthew Brady Photo. Lincoln claimed that the NYC day (and Brady and Cooper) made him president.

I won a copy of:
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
I'm giving it away because I don't use .
Download with STORYGRAPH-Tenant-129
First come, first serve.

"Kentucky Basketball" (2021)
Mike Pratt and Tom Leach

Revised manuscript submitted! I don't want to see text editors for the... well, until... tomorrow... or... maybe tonight

Founders, Freelancers & Rebels: new book dispels the fear of going solo
Feat.: Helen Jane Campbell CoachingByHelen
by Tom May tommay at creativeboom

Talk to the boat next door.

Logo Rhythm: new book celebrates band logos that rocked the world
Feat.: jamieellul SuppleStudio + jimkdavies
by Tom May tommay at creativeboom

Jack of all trades, master of none, but sometimes better than master of one.

I am still not sure where to put this book. Range - David Epstein is about education, psychology but also about innovation and inventions.

The most valuable lesson might be: We dont learn best with repetition, but with struggle. or phrased differently Bad days teach us a lesson, good days give us memories.


Today on I am sharing this week's post. This week's topic is:

Head over to the blog to see which ten books made my list!

Check out my post here...


My review of by N.V. Peacock is live on !

An extremely well-paced plot with lots of tense, gripping moments and lots of intrigue to keep me turning the pages.

Check out my review...

Heute tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Buchverfilmungen ein! In unserem Fragebogen stellen wir euch 20 Fragen, zum Thema.

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!


Losing words is ceasing to see a peculiar & pervasive form of blindness that dulls the shimmer of the world, a disability particularly dangerous to the young imagination just learning to apprehend the world through

Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey

Reading Glasses.
Charcoal Drawing.

Prints :

Reading Glasses, a drawing of a pair of spectacles on a wooden table beside a book, drawn inblack and white, in charcoal.

Almost finished with audio book of "The Raven Tower" by Ann Leckie.

But it looks like there is no sequel. Already read her "Ancillary" series and enjoyed that too.

Big fan of the "Murderbot Diaries" by Martha Wells, "The Broken Earth" by N.K Jemisin, and the "Children of..." Series by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

What should I read or listen to next

"How to unfold your brain" - Good advice from artist and writer Jennifer (J K ) Chukwu, author of "The Unfortunates"

Calls to ban books are on the rise in , So is the opposition to any

Most Canadians 'stand with authors ... stand with a child's right to read,' says writer whose book was pulled


I'm about to start The Shepherd's Crown, the last book written by Terry Pratchett before his death. Am I going to be bawling my eyes out soon

I re- as Phantom Shadows by Dianne Duvall ( 3/Immortal Guardians). This paranormal continues the North Carolina saga of vs IGs. Lots of violence & fighting in this series but I still like it.

Animal Life and the World of Nature A magazine of Natural History -1902-

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find GREAT books!

Biblio File column!

Shadows Of Light & Shards Of Dark: Poems ReCollected 1978-2023 by William Jackson

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A book Im currently reading:

Liberalism Is a Sin, by Fr. Sarda y Sarvany excoriates the political and social moves being made at his time and which have come to fruition in the 20th and 21st centuriesnamely, the aggressive and total separation of Church and State, the removal of religion and especially Catholicism from the public eye, and the unmooring of morality from anything other than private choice.

Here is my Review of Red Rising w/ Spoilers:

Finally got the preview copy of my , available in March. Soon starting events and activities in Poland & Italy. Book and events are about (for or ) starting from zero Particular for and people in the global South

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

Journey Through the Video Game World


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Why We Oppose Schools for Children (By the Childrens Anti-School League.)

Heres another good one from the same book.

Are Women People
Why we oppose Women Traveling on Railway Trains

I meant to leave the link to the book.
Read it for free on archive. Interesting stuff.

Are Women People A Book of Rhymes for Suffrage Times. - Alice Deur Miller

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