I can't wait to read and

I can't wait to read and review this book. I hope it skewers the capitalist cow that is Spotify, where Daniel Ek now (December 2024) makes circa 2.5 billion times the salary of a regular musician.


" I hate to say: " I told you so..."

Today's review! Rowan & Aldred by Lucie Fleury:

"Rowan is a bully, and he and his cronies have been captured by the gods. Aldred is the god of justice and retribution, and is in charge of Rowan's discipline... If you like slow-burn, character centric m/m romances, you'll enjoy this one."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

By Edmund White

Communicate with your local boat owners.

The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book

The culmination of many years of work, The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book is a detailed examination of the evolution of game design, seen through the eyes of SNES players.

Reprints May 2025. Get a stock alert here:


I hate to say: "I told you so.."

What were the most read articles on our Blog in 2024

Falling prey to Fraudulent Predatory Publishers

One Year After X: Our Transition to

Choosing Licences

Interview: Researching Neighbourhood Exchange

Publishing an Book on Support Methods for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Una familia de vacaciones en una casa rural con un pasado turbio, escritor defenestrado y traumatizado, un pueblo recndito y un presente funesto. Que podra salir mal

Impactante, brutal y categrica. El autor es capaz de roerte el cerebro para abrirse paso hasta tu alma y dejar en ella marcas al mostrarte la oscuridad interna de las personas. Todo esto amenizado con sentencias sobre nuestra realidad.

Im living my reading material, oh God.

#BibliothcairesRomansNouvellesEtc #book #DeMonologieRomansNouvellesEtc #demonology #DemonologyFiction #DemonsDevilsParanormalRomance #FantasyUrban #FantasyFiction #FantasyRomance #fiction #librarians #LibrariansFiction #LilithSaintcrow #living #ManWomanRelationships #ManWomanRelationshipsFiction #OccultFiction #OhGod #ParanormalDemonsDevilsRomance #ParanormalFiction #quote #readingMaterial #RelationsEntreHommesEtFemmesRomansNouvellesEtc #RomanceFantasy #Romances #RomanticFantasy

In the midst of the global war on terror, Jack Debaut, a former US Army Ranger, is drawn into the shadowy world of espionage and covert operations after Desert Storm.

If you enjoyed books like "The Bourne Identity" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," you will love this book. Packed with gripping action, political intrigue, and thrilling twists, this book is a must-read for fans of the spy genre.

Interview with , author of the novel "The deluge":

About how to engage the reader emotionally in a 900-pages-novel of the

How to write a page turner, an absolute suspensefull novel with six very different perspectives

New in historical seismology!
The published a new book in historical with 2,489 critical sources and a catalogue containing 1,507 of Middle Age and Renaissance. The book is free to download!


My review of by Marcus Kliewer is live on !

Completely unnerving, totally unsettling and with a building sense of inescapable doom. Truly terrifying.

My review


Today on I am sharing this week's post. This week's topic is BOOKS ON MY 2024/25 WINTER TBR

Find out which 10 books made my list here...

's Top 3 on ...

1 The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson

2 The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett

3 First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book

Created in partnership with German publisher Elektrospieler, this sumptuous 272-page book chronicles the pioneering games of the 16-bit SNES, packed with exclusive imagery and expert commentary.

Reprints May 2025. Get a stock alert here:

Da 17 del calendario de Adviento para Book lovers: hoy un bingo literario del que, mirado por encima, ya tengo cumplidos unos cuantos.

El da 1 de enero har revisin del bingo en un vdeo y veremos cuntos he cumplido durante estas navidades. Uniros si queris a este particular "ejercicio" relacionado con la lectura

The PQC Migration Handbook

Guidelines for migrating to post-quantum cryptography


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! A une semaine du rveillon de Nol, laissez-moi donc vous prsenter un combo parfait : "Une librairie pour Nol" de Stphanie Pllerin, paru le 26 septembre 2024 aux ditions Chatterley !

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !

Please read The Global Minotaur by Yanis Varoufakis and then pm me when you finish so I can finally talk to someone who understands what is constantly on my mind.

EU policy on green products criticized

New Medieval Books: Winters in the World

Buying or Selling: Phoenix Suns Biggest Trends Of The Season So Far

Excited to see that my forthcoming , a collection of my New & Selected is available for pre-order in the , today

Kindly, help me get the word out, if you appreciate , proverbs, , wit and , ,

Well, if I start crying while writing my novel, surely it means I am doing something correctly.

CBU political scientist writes children's book about late wife
Tom Urbaniak's book is addressed to his two-year-old son. It chronicles the ways his late wife showed her love and how much that love is needed in the world. Kyle Moore has the story.

New at my Patreon... Covering Chinese life, the rise of Impressionism, and a wartime plot involving the Duke of Windsor - here are reviews of three books I read on my recent 'reading holiday' in Lorne:

Talking about heat waves. While some things are "normal", I experienced a few 40' days and cool changes in , the frequency and ferocity in many parts of our world is not "normal".

Tim Winton wrote Juice, a book set in the future where the extremes are the new normal. Our descendents, grand kids and beyond, will look back and ask: They knew about and they still let it happen Who is responsible

A great . Our time is now.

Now on sale for $2.99: "Onward: A Life on a Sailboat"

Ditch TV and read a book: Research delivers best moves to reduce dementia risk

The Women ( Highly Recommended)

The Women by Kristin Hannah. Weep, gasp, rage. Nightmare wartime injuries. Psychic injuries inflicted afterwards. lovers

New: H. L. Moore's queer fantasy book Throne of Lies.

There are vipers in Arajon, from the Valley to the Bronze.

Grace Harrington, the Dowager Archon of Arajon, is approaching her first anniversary on the throne she claimed following the death of her husband, slain at her own hands. But her position is so precarious ...

diversebooks bookstodon

My 13th anthology of flash fiction is now available! (Don't worry, you don't have to read them in order.) The Infinity Haversack contains 31 stories all written for Flash Fiction Month 2024, including my 400th story for the event (a parody of 300) and the eponymous tale which revolves around a D&D Bag of Holding-style item with just a smidge more attention to real-world physics than usual.

Autism is Not a Disease

Launch of 'Siddheshwar ki Ghazlein' at Patna Book Fair.

Enjoy tracker free reading with us.

It explain why Saint George fought the Dragon

Miniature from "Historiae Alexandri Magni of Quintus Curtius Rufus", Bruges ca. 1468-1475.

The Secret History of Mac Gaming: Expanded Edition

With 70 extra pages, additional text, 60 new images and an annotated timeline, this expanded edition of The Secret History of Mac gaming is a fascinating reminder of the role the Apple Macintosh played in the history of video gaming.

Were celebrating 40 years of the Mac and have knocked 5.00 off:

Hello, International Community....

Any feedback available from , , or anyone else who recognizes the company below I've poked around online & can't find anything negative, but am hoping to get confirmation that they are "as represented" on this website

Boosts appreciated. I really need input.

Fire is the true protagonist, a character of mythological proportions in the physical world as well as the human mind & projects. The oil industry is a fire industry, Vaillant often says. The petroleum industry is a wholly-owned subsidiary of fire, & we live now in the Pyrocene, yes, but also its accelerant, The Petrocene
