I just finished the Starter Villain

I just finished the Starter Villain by John Scalzi. Let's try without spoilers: I didn't like the cat theme, until I did. Solid 8/10.

My new year treat is ordering excited to have it arrive in the new year!

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

"This paper compares Rider Haggards use of this analogy in his novel Elissa or the Doom of Zimbabwe with other writers of his time who compared Britain to the Phoenicians. Haggard emerges as deeper, more wide-ranging and sophisticated in his use of the Phoenician analogy than other writers who employed it."

John Coates, Haggards Use of the Phoenician Analogy with Britain, Cahiers victoriens et edouardiens Online, 91 Printemps, 2020 released on June 1, 2020, accessed 31 December 2023. URL: DOI:

Petit plaisir pour finir lanne avec ce somptueux livre pop-up adapt du pome persan de Ferdowsi,  La Lgende du Roi Serpent Zahhak . Une merveille pour les yeux !


Our little book club for the book "Mastering Emacs" concluded yesterday. Across 72 meetings, we spent about 52 hours together discussing the chapters and performing demos to illustrate each new concept! The following link shares some highlights from our meetings.

From Fill Prefix to TRAMP:

"Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians" (2003)
William C. Roody


Today on I am sharing my top ten(ish) books of 2023!

Find out which ten () books made my 2023!

Check out my post here...

"Just another chapter" I kept repeating myself, just to look at the clock and read "2:45 AM"

Love me some before sleeping, I just need to remember to sleep some time.

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

this particular book represents the most important of my fathers scientific discoveries.
Judith Rosen, in the Preface to the Second Edition of Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations by Robert Rosem

Even for a like me, 1000 books is !!

I belong to groups and we share recommendations that fit preferred , heat levels and more.

has a great but buyers will benefit from knowing what they're looking for. Unread are like unworn clothes. Good if we know what will suit us.

This book is about whatone is forced to believe if one grants that certain kinds of systems can behave in an anticipatory fashion. Iproceed to an extensive discussion of the central concept of anticipation, namely, the modeling relation between a system and a model Iexplore some of the elementary properties of systems which can anticipate.
Robert Rosen, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations

I just do not get the same experience with as I do with printed books. Perhaps I am just too old fashioned but thank you for the suggestion.

I miss the days when I could just pick up a printed and start . At present I have usually to scratch around for my then I have to locate my light. Once all of these 'measures' have been taken, I can start to the . Usually by this time my initial enthusiasm for has greatly dissipated.

attribution: Borlip, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
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Very strange but interesting. Also a fast read.

Do you read Today is the Last Day of . Many free and others at reduced prices. Maybe time to stock up for escapist reading for 2024

From 30 Dec: Judge blocks Iowa book ban, dont say LGBTQ law - A U.S. federal judge on Friday blocked key parts of what critics called a sweeping Iowa law that s... -banning

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

"Integrated" (2017)
James W. Miller

POV: Wearing a floral dress, reading a about .

I as How To Date Your Dragon by Molly Harper ( 1/Mystic Bayou). It was in the Audible Premium Plus catalog, so I didn't pay extra for it or use a credit. I wasn't sure how I felt after the 1st half but I LOVED the second half. I'll read more from the series. TW for murder mystery & non-sexy abduction.

De tanto pesquisar pela amazon, me apareceu essa indicao de livro.

Brick by Brick:
How LEGO Rewrote the Rules of Innovation and Conquered the Global Toy Industry.

She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome
On Amazon.

I've FINALLY finished listening to the audiobook copy of Begin Transmission: The Trans Allegories Of The Matrix by the amazing

My 5-star review is now with Amazon to review and approve :TransHeart:

Absolutely supertext, Tilly :BlobCatLove:

+ +

Wanted to read anarchist literature in the last days of the year

Simulacra Navigans First draft finished (76k words). Follow the odyssey of Cyclica's crew on their way to (and back)

Inspired by Stanisaw Lem's and Kim Robinson's , it's a story of community, conscience and adaption to space and time.

THANK YOU to everyone who stuck with me for this 2023. I hope next year can bring you even more stories!


Alien Is Getting The s Treatment With A Is For

QSFer K. Aten has a new queer steampunk book out (bi, lesbian), Mystery of the Makers book 3: The Rebels of Psiere.

If we know anything by the third and final installment of this thrilling trilogy, its that Royal Connate Olivienne Dracore is an adventurist, not a soldier.

Yet after the events over Kings...

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon


12 ( 2018) .

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

The true-born Englishman. A satyr. 1701: Defoe, Daniel via

The last I read this year was Reliance by Paul Mcmurrogh. It was a good exciting read. Took me two days to finish it.

Today's review! S.C. reviews "Silverweaver" by Cameron Montague Taylor:

"Perfection in small bites, combining amazing and deft worldbuilding, subtly woven relationships, and a compelling plot of mystery, horror, and romance... 100% satisfying, sweet, enthralling, and I cant wait to read more!"

diversebooks bookstodon

Inattese letture di fine 2023.
- Contagi - le malattie ed il corso della storia umana di Kyle Harper.
- Plagues upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History.

Welcome to Lesbian Gym! No sensible shoes, please. Stiletto heels allowed.

A few years ago, I started listening to audiobooks and they changed the way I enjoy stories, in the most beautiful and intimate manner. Here are the ones I loved most in 2023:

If you both read more than the average joe and listen to podcasts - "If Books Could Kill" could be a brilliant addition.

Not that I need them to tell me about the logical fallacies I'm no longer young enough to take them as read. Rather they are put in humorous ways and, they have done the research on the suspicious bit for you.

So I do get the natural-high listening to the confirmation.

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