I thought a lot about how

I thought a lot about how little men have had to do to be worshipped, to be canonized, and how much women have had to do just to be seen. Claudia Dey on her 'Daughter'

I guess they really were just waiting for me to approve it! Paperback is out on amazon so far. Kindle coming soon. Your local indie bookstores will be able to order it direct from the publisher soon too. ISBN 978-1960142894

This book is in part about the parallels between the teachings of Jesus (known as Christ) and Siddhartha Gautama (known as Buddha). But it is also about re-viewing Jesus teachings again in a new light, and in large part through the lens of Zen.
Tim Langdell, Christ Way, Buddha Way: Jesus as Wisdom Teacher and a Zen Perspective #book

A classic hip-hop retelling: A Tale of Two Rhymes

CILIP adds that if are asked to titles by local or the governors of their , for example, they should resist as far as reasonably possible and make Cilip aware of the situation.

People are really out there creating pointless lore about The Necronomicon and touting it as "the deadliest book on Earth."

You know what's really the deadliest book on Earth

The one I smack you upside the head with!

"A Uniquely American Epic" (2019)
edited by Michael Bliss

Communicate with your local boat owners.


Today I am sharing the for the by D.H. Willison!

Check it out:

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

"Life is not a rerun, we dont have stunt doubles or understudies, were it. The universe doesnt happen to us, we are the universe happening. It actually matters what we do."

Ruby Wax (And Now For The Good News...: The much-needed tonic for our frazzled world)

This week on ...

Review of by Julia Bartz

Review of by Taylor Adams

Review of by Tim Weaver

"Rust Atomics and Locks"

A book on low-level concurrency in Rust. Explains atomics, mutexes, memory ordering, integration with OS APIs.


Coucou mes Bookinautes chris ! Ce vendredi est un grand jour pour Bibi ! Une journe sportive, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel et blogulaire, aussi je chamboule un peu mes plans et vous dvoile mon petit planning de lectrice passionne d'ici la fin du mois... Et sauf nouvel imprvu !

Belle journe et par avance bon week-end !

Now free for all to read... In a guest post writes about a side-trip she took to Oakland, USA - to discover the fascinating things left behind in library books:

Found in an Oakland library

I Rjaals Resonance by Ruby Dixon. This is the 1st of the spin-off series Ice Planet Clones from her famous OG Ice Planet Barbarians . these is still a delight. I LOVED this one. This is my 45th book Ive read from this world.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

So you want One-shot adventures you can also play as a campaign

Kal-Zars Bane quadrilogy for DnD 5e - 27 exciting Oneshot adventures that can be played as an epic campaign taking characters from 1st-13th level!

On sale at Drivethrurpg!
Available in Print, PDF & PDF Quadrilogy (all 4 books) bundle!

Are you ready

Just finished reading All The Broken Places by John Boyne. It is sort of a sequel to The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. So make sure you have read that first.

Gretel Fernsby leads a quiet comfortable life in London despite her dark and disturbing past. She doesnt talk about her escape from Germany and she doesnt talk about her father, the commandant of one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps.

A of mine suggested I should write a today. I actually had planned to self-publish one this , but I didn't anticipate that would grow so big so fast. Maybe that will be a 2024 instead. Or, perhaps I'll take 3 weeks of and just power write as much as I can.

I have now finished KSR's Ministry For The Future. A good but not great book. Actually two books.

One, follows people affected by and trying to do something about the in the near future. The other is theories and how to's on economic ideas like a carbon coin, and science of refreezing seawater. I'd probably have enjoyed more of the 1st book with less of the 2nd.

Matt Winning's Hot Mess is now on my TBR pile.

"Out Of Kentucky Kitchens" (2010)
Marion Flexner

Finalmente sali la publicacin de la antologa con mi cuento! Por los momentos solamente en ebook. La edicin fsica saldr pronto. Aqu les dejo el link. Estoy muy orgullosa de esta publicacin, no solamente estoy yo ah, sino tambin otras escritoras de la regin que no son conocida, y que la editorial sea Alfaguara es tambin algo que nos llena de orgullo.

Hoy celebro!

The book where my short story is included, finally came out! So if you read Spanish, you might enjoy it whats particular about this collection is that all of us are Central American unknown writers, so this publication means a lot to all of us heres the Amazon link for the ebook. The physical is still in the works.

The book where my short story is included, finally came out! So if you read Spanish, you might enjoy it whats particular about this collection is that all of us are Central American unknown writers, so this publication means a lot to all of us heres the Amazon link for the ebook. The physical is still in the works.

" the Law of Thelema admits that each member of the human race is unique, sovereign and responsible only to himself. In this way it is the logical climax of the idea of democracy. Yet at the same time it is the climax of aristocracy by asserting each individual equally to be the centre of the universe." - The Hermetic Library Blog

Old stories, new covers!

What do you think

I recently read voices of by prize winner Svetlana Alexievich and made this post for my IG account with the same as I have here. Note that the was in Spanish so the reference is in spanish.

Public are increasingly the target of , representing a shift in efforts in U.S. This revelation comes as PEN America issues new report that shows 33 percent increase in bans, & Florida as the top state in banning books.

The Mounting Pressure to : heres a link to PEN Americas newest report on (I havent read it yet but I will)

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

My name is Oleksandr Zubchenko, my pen name is Dzen Hagane.
Several books are available on Google Books for free. If you want to support and inspire the author, you can do this by subscribing to my Patreon or buying my book on Gumroad
As always your Dzen Hagane!..


Un parque temtico ambientado en el Salvaje Oeste
Os traigo la resea en el blog de de Carol Davis!

Interesting research report on open access () publishing and presses (n=26). The resistance impacting the transition from print to digital reminds me of arguments I heard from (format preferences, risk to think margins, use v. findability).

Double review!

"Filled with intense moments of danger and excitement. It would make a great movie."

"The personalities of the reluctant young heroes are beautifully sketched out. The visuals give a cinematic sense of what Tharassas looks like... 5 stars."

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Today's queer sci-fi double review!

Maryann: "Filled with intense moments of danger and excitement, with collapsing bridges, swarms of creepy insects and many other surprises. It would make a great movie."

Ulysses: "The three personalities of the reluctant young heroes are beautifully sketched out. The visuals a cinematic sense of what Tharassas looks like... Five stars."

bookstodon MMbookstodon

Two great reviews already for my brand-new release The Gauntlet Runner:

"Filled with intense moments of danger and excitement, with collapsing bridges, swarms of creepy insects and many other surprises. It would make a great movie."

"The three personalities of the reluctant young heroes are beautifully sketched out. The visuals a cinematic sense of what Tharassas looks like... Five stars."


Today's sci-fi double review!

Maryann: "Filled with intense moments of danger and excitement, with collapsing bridges, swarms of creepy insects and many other surprises. It would make a great movie."

Ulysses: "The three personalities of the reluctant young heroes are beautifully sketched out. The visuals a cinematic sense of what Tharassas looks like... Five stars."


Ive Saving Daddy by Laylah Roberts 10/MC Daddies). This and book can be a standalone but it is probably better in sequence. TW for past sexual assault & ptsd trauma. I liked this one better than some of the other in the series.

The Sand Prince is on sale for 1 Day only!
Blood is power. Love is pain. And destiny awaits beyond The Door.
Grab it for $1.99 while you still can!

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Free Wills for Canada