If youre feeling a little down right now this and or Little Brother also by Cory Doctorow might be a nice read.
Both are but oldsters like me can read them too
Does academic writing have to be boring
Check it out!
Trouv pas cher !
Peut-tre ma prochaine lecture
Saviez-vous que le titre franais du roman avait d'abord t "Graines d'pouvantes" Avant d'tre renomm L'Invasion des Profanateurs ( cause de la VF du film)
Jack Debaut, a former US Army Ranger enters a dangerous world of espionage, covert operations, and betrayal.
From Terror to Valor now available:
Facing elusive enemies, a hidden agenda, and political intrigue, Jack must navigate a web of deception to find the truth.
Join him and his war on terror in this suspense-filled thriller where trust is scarce and danger is everywhere.
Just started this absolutely massive 50th anniversary tome of a , the complete illustrated edition of Ursula Le Guin's Books of . A bit unwieldy to read, but really beautiful, with colored illustrations. I love it already, and I have just begun.
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
From Terror to Valor is now available on all major digital stores. Jack Debaut leaves the US Army Rangers and enters a dangerous world of espionage, covert operations, and betrayal.
Facing elusive enemies, a hidden agenda, and political intrigue, Jack must navigate a web of deception to find the truth. Checkout the background to my debut novel and what motivated Jack's story at the above link.
Engaging in the cringe of self-promotion. I have a bunch of short action adventure stuff out on Amazon - a devil's blend of Sherlock Holmes, H.P. Lovecraft, and Mary Poppins.
The covers were hand painted by a local trans artist named Parris Ryan - the stories are fun and quick, with what I hope is a lot of style.
$5 for print versions, free digital w Kindle Unlimited ($1 without). I'm matching profits through 2024 with donations to Planned Parenthood and Trans Lifeline.
I could *really* use some honest reviews on Amazon - and will happily connect with anyone who wants to talk about the stories on discord.
I'm reading a book on stage from 1928 and aren't these illustrations just gorgeous
BookLet This Radicalize You
by Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba
Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-
"Enid Yandell" (2019)
Juilee Decker
Apropos of nothing, I have a recommendation: Age of Anger: A History of the Present by Pankaj Mishra. 7 years ago he was called an alarmist. But I'm beginning to think he was on to something.
(Damn it, I must read this effing awesome !) A new Kaput The End of the Miracle by Wolfgang Mnchau EuroBriefing Nov 07, 2024 SwiftPress
Does academic writing have to be boring
Check it out!
Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-
The Big Book of Modern Fantasy, edited by Ann and Jeff Vandermeer.
Fiction fans! is speaking live on Joy FM radio's book program from 1pm to 2pm AEDT (ie ten minutes from now). You can listen in via this link:
Sign of the times: Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" rocketed to the top of Amazon's bestsellers list this week, along with "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder, "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
From &
Hope In The Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by is a download for a week! (Although donations accepted!)
written to counter the despair at a moment when focused on their losses & had turned their back to the victories behind themand the unimaginable changes soon to come a radical case for as a commitment to act in a world whose future remains uncertain & unknowable.
The news from global politics isnt promising, but we can respond by dedicating ourselves to what we believe in. Costanza Chocks Design Justice offers essential guidelines. Lets work towards a fairer, more inclusive future. schockolatl mitpress
I like it when Anne Applebaum says that voting for Trump because you're angry about the economy is not an excuse and that voters are responsible for knowing what their candidate stands for.
Also good to hear her talking about vengeance voting, which I've been thinking about but haven't heard the pundits articulating.
I recommend her Autocracy, Inc.
(And that ad for We Live Here Now - worst podcast ever and the reason I cancelled my Atlantic subscription, which has yet to expire, thus the gift link below)
"Keeping the University Free and Growing" (2014)
Herman Lee Donovan
Kilima School of the Beasts is an isekai furry novel. The story has been in the making for 3 years. 300 people from the Kilima School are mysteriously drawn into the world of Nyika and awaken as anthropomorphic animals.
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
Picture this - a YA sci-fi story that adds a fresh twist on the superhero genre.
Though not a graphic novel, art plays an important part of this book. Get drawn into the adventure.
Does academic writing have to be boring
Check it out!
How the Continues to
A new reckons with the enduring of and
The Devil Is Dead
Oro nero
Minnamorai presto della vita che scorreva oscura come un fiume tra i ghiacci invernali. Il tuo volto un ricordo perduto...
Si ringraziano per la musica "Sad Dramatic Emotional Epic Music - My Spirit Is Free Royalty Free" e per le immagini di sfondo "12221218AP Vibes pexels pexels-roman-odintsov-5668821 pexels-mikhail-nilov-6943032 pexels-mart-production-7277933 e 1722881-Engin Akyurt pexels ".
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
"aki nem tud komplikci nlkl pofon vgni senkit, s neki se lehet keverni egy csrdst"
Le vendredi, ce mois-ci, c'est aussi le jour des interviews ! Je laisse donc la parole l'auteur ind Max Thareau : Belle rencontre et bonne dcouverte !
Retrouvez l'interview juste ici (galement disponible dans la Gazette n33) :
"Southern Crossroads" (2008)
edited by Walter H Conser and Rodger M. Payne
"A useful addition in school libraries everywhere"
Not my words, the words of Armadillo Magazine, about Why Your Parents Are Hung Up On Your Phone And What To Do About It
Get your copy now!
Enfin arriv! LA bible pour les amateurs de trains UK et irlandais. La couverture en dit assez! Voil qui va bien occuper mon week-end!
Finally there! THE bible for railway enthusiasts of UK and Irish trains. The cover tells it all! I now have what to occupy my weekend!
Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Ce mercredi, 15 auteurs de la Ligue de l'Imaginaire nous ont donn rendez-vous Librairie de Paris pour clbrer la sortie du recueil de nouvelles "Le Pire des Nols", publi au Livre de Poche au profit de l'association Le Rire Mdecin !
Ce recueil vous attend dj en librairie : C'est l'occasion de (se) faire plaisir tout en ralisant une bonne action... Alors FONCEZ !