It's a great time to curl

It's a great time to curl up with a quick, satisfying "spooky season" read and the all-new "story singles" from The Nod/Wells Timelines are just the thing. Get ready for "Fair Game" and "8" with these riveting tales of speculative fiction!

Fave character

book alert

by Emily Macrae -

Living Disability : Building Accessible Futures for Everybody.

(via )




POSTGAME: Phoenix Suns, Devin Booker Fall To Lakers, Dalton Knecht In Overtime

Talk to the boat next door.

Read TOM LAKE by Ann Patchett if you love pandemic novels, summer stock theater, OUR TOWN, distilling the story of your past, surviving the present, cherry orchards, being lucky, feeling things intensely, end times, doing everything on your own, guessing the ending & swimming.

Samedi, Ccile Dixneuf ddicacera "Inpendances" de 14 heures 18 heures au Cultura Tours nord. ne ratez pas cette occasion de vous offrir un roman ddicac pour les vacances !

....Followed by "Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley's 1959 critique of modern society. The parallels with today's surveillance state, social media & consumerism are striking. A warning that was prophetic even in its time. Still eerily relevant today. But not as gripping to read as the original.

# goodread

Just finished reading "Brave New World"by Aldous Huxley. A dystopian classic that's eerily relevant today. The World State's obsession with consumption & conformity is uncomfortably familiar. A warning about the dangers of a society that values pleasure above all else.

This could be a fun to read...

For more than a decade, s mission to create electric cars that accelerate the transition to sustainable energy has been subsumed by a new mission: to create cars that drive themselves. For much of that time, Tesla has been collecting thousands of dollars from its customers to deliver a level of self-driving capability that it is nowhere close to delivering.

while authorities start scrutinizing.

When was the last time you completed a in less than a week I can't really say for sure, but for me it must have been many, many years ago.
Do I suffer from a bad stamina
I seem to read a lot of over time and there are constantly at least 3 books that are on my currently-reading list on Goodreads, but I don't have long spans of uninterrupted reading sessions anymore.
This is most concerning.

Where is he I cried as the chuffing o that engine grew louder.
I dont know, Woolfitt said. Its almost as if hes vanished into thin air.
Then, through the fog, I spied an unnatural glow!

The Case of the Fiendish Nudger!


EdRecamier Flicitations 2024 pour PerezpStephanie et son
tmoignage lumineux sur lart, la lutte et lespoir en Ukraine avec
, son nouveau .
de ici

Lucretia. Alma Roma

Disponibile online gratuitamente.

Link al capitolo:

Link al blog nel profilo.

Enjoy my most recently published erotic "Life"!
NSFW: Jasmine has achieved everything in life she's ever wanted: four children, a successful business, plenty of affairs, no lasting relationships. Until Sylvester comes along and turns it upside down.

"Wild Yet Tasty" (2019)
Dan Dourson and Judy Dourson

POSTGAME: Phoenix Suns, Devin Booker Fall To Lakers, Dalton Knecht In Overtime

I know that look, I've given people that look, it doesn't work. Just throw the book at them like they deserve

So do I know someone who have purchased a from lonely planet whom might be able to answer a question for me

I recommend The Bookshop by Evan Friss

The Sorceress and her Lovers The Sorceress and the Dragon Book 6 - Adventure in a world of steam and magic, dinosaurs and dragons, wizards and rifles! - $2.99 at Apple Books - -

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." Thoreau, Walden

For Thoreau, truth was found in simplicity, self-reflection, and harmony with nature.
He believed that living deliberately, stripping away excess, and embracing the present moment were the keys to a meaningful life.

Bradley Beal: What Will His Role Look Like In Year 2 Phoenix Suns Season Preview

The "male norm" in studies about

New Scientist Podcasts: Eve - Cat Bohannon Royal Society Trivedi Prize Conversations

Episode webpage:

Media file:

Finished a chapter! Took longer than I would like, but it is one of those chapters I don't think there will be many revisions to. That always feels good.

"Mark Twain's Civil War" (2007)
Mark Twain, edited by David Rachels

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach." Thoreau, Walden

Sometimes, slowing down and returning to nature is the way to rediscover the essence of life.

The new trailer for Dune: Prophecy was released at New York Comic Con. Watch it here

founder explains the in

BillAdair, ,

15.41min, No, mate. Democrats lie. Example: admin, esp, the State Dept.

Meet the three main POV chapter characters of Unsecret Identity

If you could give life to one of your characters, who would it be and why

Probably my squire's mentor, Sir Grant. He's very noble and humble.

"Technique is no longer some uncertain and incomplete intermediary between humanity and the natural milieu. The latter is totally dominated and utilized (in Western society). Technique now constitutes a fabric of its own, replacing nature."

Jacques Ellul in Recherche pour une Ethique dans une socit technicienne, Morale et Enseignement, 1983, page 7

Currently reading Toward Wholeness by Mary C. Richards

5 stars Review of
Crypto and Bitcoin: A Millionaire Mindset for Opportunity
By Mike Duniec

OMFG a Challenge

It's just so cringe listening to these techies struggle with ways of describing their discomfort or trepidation about the impact of a given technology on their society. Saying things like "I think in some ways technology dissociates people from society."

Yes, bro, it's called commodity fetishism and the word you're looking for is "alienate."

I highly recommend Living on Earth by Peter Godfrey-Smith

The Electric State Check out Millie Bobby Brown & Chris Pratt in the teaser for the Russo Brothers adaptation of the Simon Stlenhag graphic novel. Watch it here

Im finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. Ill be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets!

Today, Marissa and Ainsley have a second date sort of. Or is it a group hang

rich and famous