Lazywebs question time!

Lazywebs question time!

Does anyone know of a good
about in history Preferably wide-ranging enough to cover various ciphers and their use, without getting into the mathematical weeds of modern cryptographic algorithms.

Target audience isn't into serious cryptography, but can and will crack a substitution cipher or similar puzzle for fun.

or perspectives very appreciated.

I think its time for a proper search with hashtags looking for kind souls who are: lovers allies decorators /pet lovers fans
lovers decorators collectors lovers - book lovers - beginner - easy enthusiasts lovers

A review of "A complete guide to character rigging for games using Blender" by , together with a little interview with the author!

Check it out at

Communicate with your local boat owners.

Hey New Yorkers, are you Shea curious Have unmet Major Deegan needs Want a Horace Harding fix Let's talk NYC history! Come see why the Association of New York Public Historians named Naming Gotham winner of the 2023 Excellence in Local History Outreach Award. Nov. 16 at the Forrest Hills Library. Free and in person.

"Vietnam's Second Front" (2010)
Andrew L. Johns

Im working diligently on How to Draw Fantastic Humans. As with all things worth doing, its taking some time to get it right. Heres how things stand right now.

The Concept

In short, I would like to do a series of books about drawing. Specifically, I would like to create the go-to series for folks who play TTRPGs and would like to draw their own characters, or the creatures that their characters face off against.

But thats kinda a big ask.

So Im eating this particular elephant one bite at a time, and Im starting with the humans. Its the logical starting point for a number of reasons, but here are some of the big ones:

Balancing Thorough with Efficient

This is a tricky one for me. At times I want to put ALL THE THINGS into this. Go through everything from anatomy to architecture to diet into the book. All from a visual perspective, of course. But thats too much and honestly, would make it into the sort of project that would never see the light of day.

So I have to pull back and keep the content to things that people will be able to use. Preferably what they can use right now, today.

And of course, I find myself thinking of that old adage from Mark Twain: I didnt have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.

Quality not quantity.


Want to help me keep the ball rolling Well here are the things that will most definitely do that!

Detailed Updates

Ill post both at my Patreon page and here as things progress.

So far, Ive been bouncing back and forth from the writing and editing to the drawing side of things. Its a process that works for me and my ADHD brain.

Depending on which version youre looking at, Im currently at about 15-20 pages of almost entirely text, and I have a number of pages of illustrations. Those two will get cut up and commingled, but I think were looking at 20-25 pages so far, and its likely to get significantly larger before I edit it down.

Point is, that its coming along nicely so far, and grows as I have time.

This post is part of a series on my forthcoming book titled How to Draw Fantastic Humans. I will create a main page to gather info on the topic soon, but for now, this is it.

#art #book #fantasy #howTo #howToDrawFantasticHumans #illustration #RPG #rpgs #ttrpg

Two books informed my view of the Israel Palestine situation. Blood Brothers and Son of Hamas.
By reading these books, I realised that the simplistic view my Christian evangelical friends had of Israel was not accurate. The sanitizing of Hamas is incorrect too. So, I do recommend you read these books, straight from the people who lived there & experienced the horrors, to get perspective.

Wagner - Putins geheime Armee, Ein Insiderbericht Marat Gabidullin

New sapphic book review! Peaches and Cream by Georgia Beers

Are the old concepts of us versus them becoming more and more difficult to define or even irrelevant We must recognize the changing dynamics of the world.


It's time for this week's post!

Here is what I am currently reading, what I recently finished, and what I plan to read next:

"..something is happening worldwide. .. threshold of current society and maybe. .."

Today I am sharing a post for semi-finalist, by

Check it out:

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

All pins will come with their own special backing card, with art for the cards provided by - which dragon will you choose

1984: Rebranding sports stadiums, "X", Meta, FreeNow, TikTok, double speak.
Brave New World: Everyone on ADHD or weight-loss drugs or MJ.
Friday: Mass incarceration and unequal conflicts orchastrated 1k miles from the battlefield.
Neromancer: Millions glued to video games and socal.
This is the technological dystopian future which promised.
Enjoy. ...and read a


Today on I am sharing this week's post. Find out what I've recently finished reading, what I'm currently reading and what I plan to read next!

Check out my post here...

Just 99p on this week!

Lady of the Court, servant of Queens, courtier, wife, spy... And constant heart

This is the story of Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford

Mistress Constancy, Book One

Also available in paperback, hardback and audiobook

ateliershenrydougier babelio partir du dernier tableau, inachev, de Nicolas de Stal,Le concert,Aurlia Cassigneul-Ojedaraconte lintention cratrice du peintre dans lensemble de son uvre.
A dcouvrir assurment i
illustre ci


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Ce mercredi, laissez-moi vous parler de "L'Empathie - Tome 2" d'Antoine Renand, paru le 12 octobre aux ditions Robert Laffont dans la collection La Bte Noire...

Ma chronique :

Avez-vous dj lu ce titre Dites-moi tout... Et belle journe tous !

Je me suis beaucoup intresse la rentre littraire cette anne. J'ai dcouvert des auteurs et j'ai aim a. Je continue mes lectures.

Je voulais vous dire combien j'ai aim "La Foudre" de Pierric Bailly. L'histoire de ce berger, solitaire, trangement bless, est bouleversante. La fin surtout.
Tous ceux qui ont connu un amour dchirant se reconnatront dans les dernires pages.

Et puis il y a la beaut du Jura...

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

"Olivia de Havilland" (2019)
Victoria Amador

Im reading volume five of Lore Olympus, and Apollo continues to be the worst.

Cerberus, on the other hand, continues to be a good doggo.

I Aspens Defense by Nichole Rose ( 4/Silver Spoons Falcons). A hockey with an overprotective MMC and a FMC victimized by a violent break-in at her coffee shop. A good light-hearted bedtime story.

What Ive Learned as the First s

's the that he hopes to turn into in his , .

Great to hear on National on her book, Extremely Online.

Finished rereading and taking notes on a wonderfully informative about :blobcat:

Inspired by a true story, The Promise is a very emotional and heartwarming read reminding readers how friendship is a gift, and how ethnicities or religions arent important when it comes to it. The art is colorful, soft, and gorgeous.

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

Finished "our friends in Berlin" (pretty meh) and now started listening to "Doppelgnger" by Noami Klein. Still very much at the start of it but I like it so far! It's about Noami wolf, another writer with many similarities to mrs klein but sinking deeper and deeper into conspiracy land. They get mistaken a lot for each other which is causing Mrs klein constant anguish.

True Crime: An Unfinished Canvas: A True Story of Love, Family, and Murder in Nashville, by Michael Glasgow, Your rating:4 out of 5 stars, Read from: 10/12/2023 - 10/17/2023

A young flower hunter gets embroiled in the succession politics of the Sultanate when she must retrieve the rarest and most powerful magical flower after giving it to the wrong hands, in Rati Mehrotras Flower and Thorn.

Das Boot by Lothar-Gnther Buchheim.

A must-read, no excuses.

Anyone found Bella round these parts lol

The title of The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England" convinced me to read the book before I even read the book description. Brandon Sandersons fast-paced adventure, illustrated throughout in various styles, blends alternate dimensions and history, interdimensional time portals, lost memories, body augmentations, Vikings, gods, spirits, and magic, with plenty of pop culture references and humorous lines.

A heartbreaking and emotional story of the toll that health crises can have on an entire family, The Weight We Carry reminds us of the fine line between reliance and independence, tending and mothering, and love and obligation.

With its friendly monsters, The Monsters of Marymount Mansion is the perfect middle grade book for ! Toby is a sweet monster, but with a scary apparence : he has skin like a fish, fur like a dog, and smells like cotton candy when he gets excited ! Courageous and curious, the young monster has a lot of adventures on Halloween !
