Lets Do This Up!

Lets Do This Up!


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Our latest releases:

The Truth in My Lies
L.A. Witt

Cooking With Magic
Lisa Oliver

His Advocate
Stephanie Lake

Pucked in the Head
Charity Parkerson

Goddess of Mischief
Cailee Francis

The Faction Box Set
Addison Albright

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New: K.L. Noone's MM historical fantasy Midwinter Marriage:

The Honorable Edmund Rookwood needs to get married. By Midwinter. Or his father will disinherit him. Edmund has always tried to be a loyal son and dutiful heir unlike his scandalous younger brother. But his fathers ultimatum ...

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( )

New podcast episode 'Wuthering Heights by Emily Bront

Linton is getting on my nerves, and there was a bird in my basement

Listen anywhere:

Your bedtime story read aloud for grown ups.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

"Citizen Soldiers in the War of 1812" (1998)
C. Edward Skeen




: All For You by Louise Jensen



pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

Posted 30y old by 1 of the best sci-fi authors ever, who is *dead*, &..

was a black woman, as the main character

Incredibly underrepresented in & the is incredibly relevant


I shared black history & futures

& out of all my posts, not even locally uploaded it was deleted

Being dead I don't think she cares & we need to go out of our way to protect a company that will never care

Guess reporting posts in nice revenge


Today on I am sharing this week's post. Find out what I've recently finished reading, what I'm currently reading and what I plan to read next!

Check out my post here...

I made a list of the most popular writing tools.

It's a good place to look at, if you're searching for a new program, or you're starting out.

You can also vote for the ones you use/used.

La tua assenza tenebra - Jon Kalman Stefnsson

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

EdRecamier Une dmonstration implacable, un style matris, des personnages inoubliables, des clefs de comprhensionUn grand assurment ! regisjauffret
Ce soir GrandeLibrairie


"My recent book, Life Itself,...could have been subtitled, Why I am not a Mechanist. The theme of my that Mechanism and Vitalism pose a false dichotomy. Roughly, I argue that the external, public, material world is full of closed causal loops, just as the internal, mathematical world is full of close inferential ones (impredicativities). The world of the mechanism, or machine (or, as I call it, the simple systems), and which I believe is an artificial human limitation on reality, does not allow such loops. Accordingly, as a class, these simple systems are extremely poor, or limited, in entailment and hence extremely nongeneric."
Robert Rosen, Anticipatory Systems, p. 436
#robertrosen #book #lifeitself209


What is the best day to book plane tickets -Taskade

Taskade reimagines productivity with AI. Generate workflows, mind maps, flowcharts, and more. Customize AI agents, train them for any task, and automate seamlessly. Chat with documents for smarter insights in an all-in-one AI-enhanced workspace.


What is the best day to book plane tickets -Taskade

Taskade reimagines productivity with AI. Generate workflows, mind maps, flowcharts, and more. Customize AI agents, train them for any task, and automate seamlessly. Chat with documents for smarter insights in an all-in-one AI-enhanced workspace.


I've been staring at this page for an hour. I know what i want to #write. I just can't get the words to come out without sounding like a preschool #book. God, I hate this. #writingcommunity #indieauthor #iamwriting

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

For those book and cat lovers, it's all you need. Newly added here:

New is up! joins the show to talk about his amazing, surreal, dystopian, hilarious, of a SF , PLASTIC! Go listen!

Hello after a successful run in hardback, I am thrilled to share the news that my book, An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Performance Art, is now out in paperback:

My local library is hosting an event to get your picture taken with a banned book. I need to make a trip to the library.

An adaptation of William Gibson's NEUROMANCER is reportedly moving forward at Apple, and THE BATMAN star ROBERT PATTINSON is rumored to have the current offer to play CASE.


NOTE this is a RUMOR, nothing has been confirmed.

Today I thought we'd take a trip to one of the locations in my story, Maputo!

" . !". , - - . - . - :

Check out this new review of my novel!

Below the Heavens is a high fantasy web novel series featuring a quick witted protagonist and a world and magic system crafted from scratch, incorporating east Asian culture and influences.

This indie novel is available for free on Royal Road via the web browser (link in my bio) or their app! Also available on Scribblehub, and I have a Patreon as well where you can read ahead on a sizeable portion of content!

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

Oops! Even says have gone too far.

DeSantis blamed except for the most , .

Unterricht in Ornamentaler Schrift
Rudolf Von Larisch
Item date: 1929.


"A society that does not respect women's anger is one that does not respect women not as human beings, thinkers, knowers, active participants, or citizens."

New sapphic audiobook review: Cover Story by Rachel Lacey, narrated by Quinn Riley

I don't know about you, but I'd think every library needs a cat

Rather splendid book

by Eleanor

Fabulously weaved, great antagonists, philosophically intruiging

Only weak point are the last 3 pages

Art for my home