Muay Thai Unleashed by Cordoza New.

Muay Thai Unleashed by Cordoza New.

Today's indie author review! False Justice by Adam Carpenter:

"One of the best private detective series I have ever read. It's filled with heartbreak, happiness, love of family and so much more. This is not the last book, and Im all-in for more!"

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The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Currently reading

Im thrilled to have two drawings and a micro-essay included in a new book Radio Art Zone, curated and edited by Sarah Washington following the Radio Art Zone 100-day broadcast in 2022. This experimental publication contains a stunning selection of visual and textual contributions from artists worldwide. Available online, and direct from the publishers

I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful once again

The Christmas Invitation

Attached is my 5 posted in 2019 which can be read in the ALT by people using text readers

I've just pre-ordered Martina Cole's new book, Loyalty, out on 10 October.

The 3 limit announcement comes a week after introduced the requirement for authors to inform the company when their content is -generated and added a new section to their guidelines featuring definitions of AI-generated and AI-assisted content guardian

Mastering Emacs Book Club meetup is now live. The meetup begins at 09:00 UTC (i.e., 20 minutes from now).

Today, we will discuss cross-referencing with Xref and dumb-jump (an external package). We will see how to search definitions, references, symbols, etc. with Xref. Additionally, we will also see how to use Xref with Dired.

Meetup link:


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Laissez-moi vous proposer ce petit rsum en images de mon excellente journe passe au Thrillers Gujan Festival !

Pour le dtail, je vous invite poursuivre par ici :

Belle journe tous et n'hsitez pas dcouvrir ce salon qui se poursuit aujourd'hui !

"Rereading Appalachia" (2015)
edited by Sara Webb-Sunderhaus and Kim Donehower

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

I have worked onstring theory I wrote eighteen papers in the subject I will speak of conjectures that were widely believed to be true, in spite of never having been proved. I was among the believers
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next #book #physics #stringtheory

I finally got the book from the library! I can't wait everybody to go bed so I can enjoy uninterrupted :neocat3c:

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Got this kindle of Cupcakes for my Orc Enemy by Honey Phillips. She can write some scary-AF aliens, but this is a cute . It is in KU, but also its free right now to non-KU customers. Theres a bit of play for my kinky friends.

Happy early birthday present to myself!

Got the Zelda encyclopedia and I love it so much! Gonna take me a while to flip through this thing!

An update to the logged saga. (For those interested.)

I bought a replacement and gave it up as an offering when returning the original. After some back room ISBN and publishing date checking (I checked when I bought it too. Pretty sure they have to be the exact same to be considered a true replacement) the nice lady came out, scribbled over the library code and slid the stained copy over to me. Were good. This ones all yours. I promised to stay away for a while, thanked her and ran off into the night.

Kind of a round about way of buying a used book (for full price) but stuff happens.

And to finally rub some extra salt on the hurt egos of , the current they offer in lieu of a is about ...

"By Southern Playwrights" (1996)
edited by Michael B. Dixon and Michele Volansky

Library haul

I hope todistinguish fact from speculation and intellectual fad.
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics

it took me a long time to decide to write this book. I personally dislike conflict and confrontation. I kept hoping someone in the center of string-theory research would write an objective and detailed critique of exactly what has and has not been achieved by the theory. That hasnt happened.
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next #stringtheory #physics #bookI have written this book in the hope that it will contribute to an honest and useful discussion I am aware that just by raising these issues, I will anger some of my friends and colleagues I can only insist that I am writing this bookas an expression of faith in the physics scientific community.
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next #physics #science #bookOne of the goals of this book is to demystify the claims of string theory. The ideas are beautiful and well motivated. But to understand why they have not led to greater progress, we have to be clear about exactly what the evidence supports and what is still missing.
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next #stringtheory #bookHoware some experts sure there is no alternative to string theory, if they dont know precisely what it is What exactly is it that they are sure has no alternative These are some of the questions that led me to write this book.
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next #physics #stringtheory #book

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Today's queer indie release: Edale Lane's FF historical viking romance War and Solace.

Tyrdis is a stalwart warrior raised to value honor, courage, and military prowess. When a traumatic injury renders the powerful protector helpless, she depends on the lovely, tender-hearted ...

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Today I am sharing non-fiction science books on my TBR!

Here's what I have chosen:

Masking and ADHD - Widescreen by Answers In Reason


. and I are all set-up and ready to go at Winnipeg's Prairie Comics Festival 2023!

We hope to meet all of you lovely Winnipeg comics fans there.

Admission is free at the West End Cultural Centre!

I just finished "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro. I know there is some controversy around this book. My own take on it: the second ending is the real one.

A boy fights to stay alive in New Orleans during a brutal tropical storm in an excellent new graphic novel, "I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005." Katrina also hit my Gulf Coast town hard, and I write about its impact and the book :

Glad to have a

In the portuguese speaking mastodon community we have a book club, in September & October we are reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, the first time we picked a from an non-portuguese speaker author. If you want to join in the discussion the hashtags are , and I just added

Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy


Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Ramiro Sanchiz (1978 en Montevideo.)Estudi literatura y filosofa, fue intermitentemente librero, profesor particular y re dactor/editor en las ONG Social Watch e Instituto del tercer mundo, y ahora se desempea como periodista cultural y traductor. Ha pu blicado las novelas Persfone (2009), Vampiros porteos, sombras solitarias (2010), Nadie recuerda a Mlejnas (2011), La vista desde el puente (2011), Los viajes (2012), Trashpunk (2012), La historia de la ciencia ficcin uruguaya (2013), Ficcin para un imperio (2014), El orden del mundo (2014, primer premio nacional de literatura 2016), El g ato y la entropa #12&35 (2015), Las imitaciones (2016), Dos crmenes por pgina (2016) y Verde (2016), adems de cuentos dispersos en revistas, antologas y ediciones alternativas. Federico Stahl es todo un icono su msica, su evolucin y su muerte dejan una estela de mitos a su paso en los que Valeria deber sumergirse para desentraar la historia oculta entre drogas y ordenadores, un viaje que le har recorrer la historia y mitos del sur habitable.

Imaginativa, interesante y psicodlica. Una obra con claros y oscuros, a veces me transportaba a Argentina y otras me abrumaba con la centralizacin en Federico.

This is a picture from a Tor Books ad on Tumblr for Starter Villain, the new novel by John Scalzi.

Im pretty sure I should hide this book from my cats.

My Child is Missing (Detective Josie Quinn #18), by Lisa Regan


My Child is Missing by Lisa Regan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

My Child is Missing is Lisa Regan'...

Divorce certificates