My brother's new is out today.

My brother's new is out today. This one is a bit less ghosty than his last one and a bit more folk horror (it gets weird out on the levels). I'm dead proud and also think they're great. He's also had excellent reviews from people who actually know shit about horror and aren't related. Check it out:

I just saw this "The haunted woods" by - it's about childhood reading and now I'm wondering if it's a good one. It's pretty new, so there's only one review and ...

Does it only mention books from male authors and Harry Potter

Communicate with your local boat owners.

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QSFer M.D. Neu has a new gay horror/paranormal book out: Golden Hills Haunting.

After their daughter was bullied at school, Kyle and Alejandro decided to make a fresh start and move into a beautiful new cul-de-sac development. As they take up residence, the family enjoys seeing the community come to life.

But when lights flicker, ...

diversebooks bookstodon

Today's review! Golden Hills Haunting by M.D. Neu:

"I highly recommend Golden Hills Haunting - a spine-tingling scary novel that takes on religion, different cultures and races, demons and angels, and love of a family. Very entertaining!"

$Haunting Bookstodon MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Nach dem enttuschenden Film bin ich jetzt auf den Roman gespannt.

1. Today I planned to finish .
2. But instead I started to a .
3. Just now I've taken a break from a master's thesis about readings of Dracula because it's time to put the kettle on.

Tired of boring books Get ready to turn the page and find your next obsession!

I was going to post about the I set up to read today, but apparently, my laptop and my aren't on speaking terms anymore... so it might have to wait for a few days.

Finished the Malazan series yesterday. Read them one by one, over the course of the two last years, with books in between to not saturate. It's a great Saga with many characters, and I will miss them... Will probably revisit the saga when I get older :D

"Energy From Alcohol" (1983)
Harry Rothman, Rod Greenshields, and Call Francisco Rosillo

Lucretia. Alma Roma

Disponibile online gratuitamente.

Link al capitolo:

Link al blog nel profilo.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Prv doteno.

Ji Charvt je pro m osobn jeden z nejlepch eskch stand-up komik. Jeho vystoupen jsou vtipn i chytr a v podobnm duchu je napsan i jeho kniha. Humorn kniha z kancelskho prosted reklamky, pln bizarnch postaviek i situac, kter ale nabz i hlub mylenky. Skvl oddechovka.

There is a about a similar scenario btw in which the main protagonist inherits this kind of insane wealth

Hemingway is overrated, but I like this cover for some reason

You could ask Ilona Andrews (Ilona + Gordon) how they organized their writing technology choice. Probably polite to sign up first and check out their works includin many fantasy before asking.

They post serials on their blog and share them via newsletter to fans. When a is sold it comes off the free site although linked short stories may remain. They also share writing tips. Maybe not your genre but still practical advice.

in the
"The is a totem of Palestinian identity, culture, and resistance. It supports the livelihoods of more than 100,000 Palestinian families, is a centre of traditions and identities, and has long been a target of destruction and theft"

The Seeds of Time, John Wyndham
A cover a day. No. 12

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

Astrid Maxxim and the Antarctic Expedition 99 cents for Kindle -

Waystation is a well written story with great ideas and deep thoughts. It is well worth a read and I will be coming back to it often to study good writing.

The Seven Skins of Esther Wilding by Holly Ringland.
Theres a lot good about this book and its exploration of grief, family and trauma but it also really showed the value of writing what you know. I was constantly jerked out of the book in the sections set in as much of it felt wrong. In particular the idiom of Danes speaking English was incorrect like adding ja to the end of every sentence. Its a little thing but can ruin an otherwise good !

Item date: ca. 1915.


Real superpower, fake superhero

"Community Memories" (2003)
Winona L. Fletcher, Sheila Mason Burton, James E. Wallace, and Douglas A. Boyd

20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers.

Day 15/20: 1984

"A Brief Book" - in which I explain the origins of the phrase and why I feel it fits perfectly for Approachable Open Source's mission.


It's everyone's favorite time of the year...

cover reveal!

You know what
Let's have a big, crinkly bearkitty tonight!
Brought to you by the lovely / .

Sascha is enjoying his Saturday evening, fully immersed into his book, content and without a care in the world.

And I have to say, I really like that diaper design with the pastel aqua sides. .

You know what
Let's have a big, crinkly bearkitty tonight!
Brought to you by the lovely .

Sascha is enjoying his Saturday evening, fully immersed into his book, content and without a care in the world.

And I have to say, I really like that diaper design with the pastel aqua sides. .

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

New Brain Rot

Fun with filters! Its wild to see Unsecret Identity art as a retro pixelated video game

Book 42 of 2024. I wish this book were powerful and revealing. The story is important. But the book is weak. The painting the book is about is one of my favorites from the Renaissance (most of which I find pretty uninspiring, honestly).

Picture set at the White House. Fittingly

Physical copies of my () with the new cover are here, and they are so much more amazing in person than on the screen.
If you want one too... I got link for you to check out:

Im trying to make a habit that when I a , instead of jumping to the next one, I look at my Instapaper collection of articles to read first

Sometimes as *amuse-bouche*, sometimes as suggestion to what you read next.

Heres my profile with previous articles Ive read and liked:


Article: What would trailblazer Alice Marble think about today's US Open

: Queen of the Court

- Yes, Please!

My Smashwords pre-sale campaign on ebook is off to the races, as is the launch date for From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows!

On general release over multiple digital book stores, check out your copy today on pre-order for its September 11th launch day.

Your copy awaits you at:

I recommend The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman

marriage documents