New: Jurgen Jojo Appelo's queer sci-fi

New: Jurgen Jojo Appelo's queer sci-fi book Glitches of Gods. And theres a giveaway!

Julien, the AI genius, craves freedom, but the gods wield total control. In this ominous world, will his android bring hope and salvation or yet more death and destruction

Julien feels utterly miserable. Creator of the AI that killed his father, ...

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The new adaptation of Stephen Kings Salems Lot gets a trailer. Watch it here

Today's review! Mytho Coloring Book by TJ Nichols, illustrated by Sheilkuroi:

"Anyone who loved TJ Nichols Mytho series would adore this book... Highly recommended, for all lovers of coloring books and also just for enjoyment by anyone who loves the beings brought to life by the author."

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Communicate with your local boat owners.

A post from August last year - its been a long road, getting from there to here

: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives

Bereits 2017 verffentlichte unsere Direktorin Prof. Dr. Miriam Rrup ihr Buch ,,Alltag und Gesellschaft'', in dem sie die Sozial- und Alltagsgeschichte des modernen deutschen Judentums vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schildert.
Der Band wurde ins Englische bersetzt und ist mit dem Titel ,,Social History of German Jews. A Short Introduction'' neu erschienen.
Link zur englischsprachigen Ausgabe:

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

all previous packs are of little more than archaeological interest for the New Aeon demanded a new system of symbolism.

Design Milk : Take 5: Tomo Campbell Painting, Alexander Girard, Japanese Towels + More

This Crystal would be an excellent recognition piece designed for teachers, educators, graduates, book lovers and also perfect for schools, colleges, universities, libraries. offering crystal book awards at lowest price.

Would you be interested, buy a book, that scientifically explained what consciousness is

"Making Bourbon" (2020)
Karl Raitz

Checking my list

Have you ever started reading a book thats so slow moving that you want to stop but you cant because its part of a series and the books before it were better

Read THE BRIDES OF HIGH HILL by Nghi Vo if you love finding a wealthy husband, midnight walks, extravagant banquets, the smell of jasmine, liking someone very much, warm little teapots, kitchen boys, curses, abandoned libraries, being told a story, sleepwalking, impeccable makeup & monsters.

Re-post: The Dark Side Of The Sun review


Just finished reading "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" by Shirley Jackson. Great book, and it immediately makes me want to include a secluded ruined mansion in my next hexcrawl, whose inhabitants are surrounded by local rumors and lore, but they just flat out refuse to come out and talk to the PCs, haha. (Well, maybe I'll include a tie-in quest on a different location that explains the mystery and gives a reward if the players act on their curiosity)

At the end of the book there was a review by some literary critic I found myself rather disagreeing with. They said the "evil sister" wins out over the "good sister" when the latter decides to remain within the ruined house together with the former. But I didn't feel like that at all.

Constance had a choice between Merricat's (admittedly psychopathic) undying loyalty or Charles, who only pretended to care about her because he wanted her family wealth. And she chooses the former, not because the "evil sister won" but because reality sucks and people are assholes and she'd rather have loyalty than normalcy. Great stuff for a "weird" NPC in any game.

Anyway, good book, not too long (I finished it in about 4 hours), 4/5

TIFF 2024 Review: Nightbitch -we all need to feel the freedom to run free. Read it here by PetDocHill


British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Unleashing the Power of and Self-Discovery

: The Unlocked Leader
A conversation with author Hortense Le Gentil HortenseleG

Audio Signals

Get the book:


5 Reasons The Phoenix Suns WILL Be Better In 2024-25

Alexis Salatkoraconte la vie de Jules Dassin travers le rcit de la journe anniversaire de la de mort de son fils, Jo Dassin, le 20aot 1981
de ici

The Eferian Day book series. Preview in PDF file available!

Experience a world filled with action, mystery and spellcasting wrapped in a dark realty of magic-related plaques and continental war.

Prenons ensemble une machine remonter dans le temps, nous allons feuilleter un livre sur nos annes rcr A2 1978 - 1988 ! C'est partie.

which is the last book you read

Equal Rites, Terry Pratchett : A cover a day. No. 16

"Consuming Pleasures" (2009)
Jennifer Hayward

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

A GLOSSY, GOSSIPY NOVEL about teenage pop stars on the cusp of the 21st century has some unexpected insights about growing up in the public eye while searching for love and fame. B PLUS

5 Reasons The Phoenix Suns WILL Be Better In 2024-25

Says : "Are you a Curious about but not sure how to get started in the field Beginning Oct. 7, I am teaching a 6-week course on indexing. Come join me!"

You will love this book whether you surf or not! I just finished it and it is fantastic! The details of every single surf conditions that the author himself experienced are incredible well described and vivid.

WIP Wednesday

Today I started reading doxxeur's anonymity manual on my e-reader. I wasn't expecting anything, frankly I didn't know the author, but it's clear that the explanations are good and I agree with the recommendations :)

Take a look at it, it's really not a bad book, even if you already know the principles, talk about it with your friends to make them aware.

What you are looking for is in the library
By Michiko Aoyama

Truly excellent
Light, smart and full of curious characters

Highly recommended

Comenc esta tarde este thriller que tan buenas crticas est recibiendo, y la verdad es que me est encantando, te tiene en ascuas

Lo habis ledo
Manel Loureiro

New book day! The illustrations in this are wonderful!

Allen Kenner*innen und Liebhaber*innen von William Faulkner sei die "Lange Nacht ber William Faulkner" (2:48 Std.) vom Deutschlandfunk Kultur empfohlen! (Die Lange Nacht ist ohnehin eine der besten Sendereihen im deutschen Radio).

You can punctuate your reading of all the above stuff with

Whole Numbers and Half Truths: What Can and Cannot Tell us About Modern ,

a by Rukmini S.

Heres a review.


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