New releases:

New releases:


Bad at Being Good
AL Morrow

'Tis the Season
Gale Stanley


Queen of Murder
Edale Lane

Honey Bee Murder
Dahlia Donovan


Magic Always Sings
Erin M. Leaf

Stone Cold Stone Dead
J Hali Steele

Jocelynn Drake, AJ Sherwood


Precipice of Understanding
CJ Dragon

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon bookstodon

On the of compiled by Aleksandr Afanasev:

Man Of The People, Laphams Quarterly ().

Bauhausbauten Dessau (Bauhausbcher 12)
Lszl Moholy-Nagy
Item date: 1930.



The Three-Body Problem
My rating: 2/5

This book was terrible, hard to read and plodding for long stretches. But the last 20% was great. The science portions of the fiction are exhilarating. But the characters and psychology are under developed. Im definitely going to read the next one.

Yaaaay, my book has arrived

I am a serious reader, and one good thing about the offseason is having time to get caught up.

The folks at Pitcher List asked me to provide some recommendations, and I was happy to do it.


A of the Homer And His Iliad by Robin Lane Fox:

War Music, Literary Review ( or ).


British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

What's on your shelf
Write it on ther instagram link:
This small book/publisher needs a big boost.


Over at the Chicago Review of Books I looked at Zahra Hankir's Eyeliner: A Cultural History.

Libro Recomendado: "A CORAZN ABIERTO", de Elvira Lindo.

El auge y declive de una gran pasin, el amor feroz de dos personas que parecan conjurarse en contra de una vida serena.

Partiendo de un episodio ocurrido en Madrid en 1939, la narradora de esta historia cuenta la apasionada y tormentosa relacin de sus padres, y cmo la personalidad desmedida de l y el corazn dbil de ella marcaron el pulso de la vida de toda la familia.

A corazn abierto es una novela que recorre nuestro pas a lo largo de un siglo de grandes cambios y encierra un homenaje a una generacin, la de quienes permanecieron en Espaa en la inmediata posguerra, aquellos que, sin queja ni lamento, se concentraron en sobrevivir.
Desde la mirada emptica y curiosa de una gran observadora que sabe transformar en ficcin cada destello de la memoria, Elvira Lindo convierte a sus padres en personajes literarios para aproximarse a ellos con libertad,lucidez y sabidura. Como si de una composicin musical se tratara, cada captulo es una demostracin de gran tcnica puesta al servicio del puro placer de narrar las luces y las sombras de un pasado convertido para siempre en gran literatura.
ESCRITORA: Elvira Lindo.

Naci en Cdiz en 1962. Inici estudios de periodismo, pero los abandon al comenzar a trabajar en la radio con slo diecinueve aos. Se desempe como guionista, locutora, comentarista y present varios programas en RNE, tareas que repiti en la Cadena SER y en la televisin. Es en los guiones radiofnicos donde surgi el personaje de Manolito Gafotas, que desde la publicacin del primer libro de la serie, en 1994, goza de un xito enorme. Su obra incluye las novelas El otro barrio (1998), Algo ms inesperado que la muerte (2003), adaptada a los escenarios, Lo que me queda por vivir (2010), Lugares que no quiero compartir con nadie (2011), Noches sin dormir (2015),la obra de teatro La ley de la selva (1996) y sus crnicas de El Pas en Tinto de verano (2001), Otro verano contigo (2002) y Don de gentes (2011). En 1998 fue galardonada con el Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, y en 2005 recibi el Premio Biblioteca Breve por la novela Una palabra tuya, llevada al cine con gran xito por ngeles Gonzlez-Sinde. Tambin ha escrito numerosos guiones cinematogrficos, como La vida inesperada (2014) o La primera noche de mi vida (1998), que cosech varios premios en festivales nacionales e internacionales. Ganadora del Premio Internacional de Periodismo 2015 y del Premio Atlntida del Gremio de Editores de Catalua en 2009, colabora habitualmente en el diario El Pas.

Feliz lectura.
46.2023 - Argentina.
Info.: Planeta de Libros - Argentina

Ever wondered how Roman emperors ate, worked, partied, met people, or saw themselves
"Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World" by Mary Beard is an entertaining painting a vivid picture of life as an in Roman times.

Additionally any reporting that the story happened in should try to recognise the in their reporting a name that shouldn't be used in that context, unless the in question was already banned from the rest of the . .


Today on I am sharing this week's post. Find out what I've recently finished reading, what I'm currently reading and what I plan to read next!

Check out my post here...


A table is a table. Really

Day 29

Today I am delighted to welcome Sarah Hardy of to to share 3 favourite books published in 2023

Find out which 3 books Sarah chose here...

If you know a (of age) who does not own a single , you what to do.

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

I've been reading Among the Thugs by Bill Buford. It kind of reads like Hunter S. Thompson's Hell's Angels book but with hooligans. Really enjoying this .

Dear Friends, :lobster:
Hope you are well as expecting, Today.
I am a body in my well temple I suppose.
from land first.
from the wonky freezer.
Today I start a new and Cult and throw myself out for . :ablobblastoff:

Thorn Up
Karen flagged, burnt
with flight
offering Drone
THE Fathers
, sobered
UN bee liver, Nun , Munster
youth / warrior / and
stuff I N G GNI to

Nov. 28, 1965 Arlo Guthrie Convicted of Littering

And why, you may ask, why is that worthy of note Some of you know the answer. Anyway, read on:

From my personal library: the memoirs of right-wing extremist Ernst von Salomon (), purchased by the owner during a Massachusetts outing in 1963 & signed by the Brocks. Not a book I would ask my friends to sign, and an odd choice for future hippies, but such are the discreet charms of

I Scandals Bride by Stephanie Laurens ( 3/Cynsterverse). I enjoyed this series when I was first them years ago, but the have lost something on repeat. Im already skipping 2 & 4. With this one, the nonsensical plot line is bothering me. CW for questionable consent.

As you read the introduction, you begin to think this aint gonna be no ordinary cookbook, and youre quickly proven correct.

Best of 2023 from Candlewick Press ! Check all the beautiful picture books, middle grade and YA novels they published this year ! I love their books so much

Are you keen on Renting your home and unsure what changes you can make The : A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair by Mercury Stardust aka may be just the answer!

For NZ readers, I'm happy to report it will be available to borrow from WCL once the book arrives.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Looks like Im adding another to my wish list, based on this review:

Just backed publisher Fieldmouse Press's Winter 2024 print campaign, indie fam. Five new books, inc the cost of translating, for $30 digital, $60 physical Yes please.

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

Journey Through the Video Game World


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Kicking from Beyond the 40


get your copy today!

Exploring Puglia: Spotlight on the Cathedral in Nard

"Rhyme and Meaning in Richard Crashaw" (2014)
Mary Ellen Rickey

Started to a .

Second poem:

when i had
no friends
i reached inside
my beloved
& sculpted some
out of
12 pt
times new roman.

- & it was almost good enough.

by Amanda Lovelace

Executor Duties