New sapphic book review: Dear Sylvia,

New sapphic book review: Dear Sylvia, Love Jane by Erin Hall

En 2015, je commenais crire et dcouper une longue srie d'aventure en BD, dessine par Flix Laurent.
Aujourd'hui sort le premier tome sur quatre en version COMPLETE!
-100 pages en plus
-beaucoup de textes et images corrigs
-nouvelles couvs
-bonus exclusifs

Murder in Tuscany (Armstrong and Oscar Cozy Mysteries #1), by T.A. Williams


Murder in Tuscany by T.A. Williams

My rating: 1 of 5 star...


Kaje Harper

Pucking Mess
Charity Parkerson

Follow the Van
Jackson Marsh

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

"Technique is no longer some uncertain and incomplete intermediary between humanity and the natural milieu. The latter is totally dominated and utilized (in Western society). Technique now constitutes a fabric of its own, replacing nature."

Jacques Ellul in Recherche pour une Ethique dans une socit technicienne, Morale et Enseignement, 1983, page 7


This is why I'm not allowed to teach literature... anymore

Hello! Heres a new cozy culinary mystery called MURDER IN A TOURIST TOWN by Lynn Cahoon. It is out and it is the 0.5th book in the Tourist Trap Mystery series. Check out my review of this book!

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Read it here:
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The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

I loved the and I love s work, so Im very excited to see this eventually! by

Taking part in & prompts, and for April 3rd the question on everyone's minds is what books have inspired my writing

One of the oldest books in existence up for auction

A book from Egypt that was written at the dawn of Christianity and is considered one of the oldest books in existence will go up for auction in June in London. The Crosby-Schoyen Codex - written in Coptic on papyrus around 250-350 AD, and produced in one of the first Christian monasteries - has an estimated sale value of $2.6 million to $3.8 million, according to Christie's.

Prv doteno.

Mme zatek dubna a u te mu v klidu ct, e tohle je horor roku a pokud letos vjde jet nco lepho, tak to bude zatracen silnej rok!
Philip Fracassi je (dost mon) nov krl hororu.
Odlehl crkevn sirotinec, zatek 20.stolet a jedna noc, kter zmn obvykl chod sirotince v samotn peklo.

I'm giving away a copy of my book, When Fragments Make a Whole: A Personal Journey Through Healing Stories in the Bible. Use the Rafflecopter widget on the blog post to enter, with ways to earn extra chances. Good luck!

"Ghosts across Kentucky" (2000)
William Lynwood Montell


Over on today I'm sharing my March post:

Find out what has been happening throughout March on the blog, along with my !

Check out my post here...

Investigative Report on Suns Owner Mat Ishbia Brings Up Questions On All Sides

fans are drooling

Report: The Puzzler

It's a survey of puzzles: word puzzles, logic puzzles, physical puzzles, jigsawyou get the idea. I'm not really in the target demographic for a survey I already knew most of this stuff from, y'know, participating in events for the past not-quite-twenty years. Sure, the author has a unique set of opinions but I've encountered most of those opinions piecemeal while talking with other puzzle nerds for the past not-quite-twe

Come see my wife read from her book, The Celdan Heresies!

This book treats the history of modern philosophy as a crime scene. In effect, modern philosophy since Descartes is guilty of imagicide. The philosophical murder of imagination has left modern philosophy in an impossible situation: if mind is entirely separate from Nature, if I am absolutely independent of what is not-I, how can the philosopher pretend to love Wisdom
Matthew Segall, Crossing the Threshold

This book records my attempt to cross the threshold of the Kantian transcendental imagination by descending into the depths of the sensible. I descend with the help of Schelling and Whiteheads process-oriented categories, ultimately arguing that their descendental philosophy is rooted in the cultivation of a new organ of cognitive perception (or intellectual intuition) called etheric imagination. I claim that this new organ can bring philosophy into epistemic resonance with an aesthetic ontology of organism (something Kant explicitly denied).
Matthew Segall, Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead
#matthewsegall #book #philosophy

Instead of approaching Schelling and Whiteheads ideas as a museum curator or historian of philosophy, the chapters to follow record my attempt to think with them in the present, as though we were friends engaged in dialogue.
Matthew Segall, Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead

"Being STALKED or followed by someone and feeling like prey is a horrible feeling. Sometimes, men don't understand it. Smaller or shorter men get a taste of it. It's a primitive thing, to feel like a target."

Cover reveal and preorder link for my latest poetry collection, Ain't These Sorrows Sweet

The amazing cover art is by Beth Barnett.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

zleyecek yeni gzel dizi bulana kadar Edge'ye yeni bir kitap okutaym dedim, ama bir sr seenekten neyi seeceime karar veremedim.

Hatta hangi trde bir kitap okusam
Aralarnda Fizik ve Kuantum ile ilgili e-kitaplar da var.

Nedense basit ve rahatlatc bir ey istedim ve "Gulliver'in Gezileri"ni atm!

Sesli Okuma SES seeneklerinden Microsoft Ahmet Online (Natural) - Turkish (Turkey) seili, ama o sondaki Turkey deil Trkiye olacak! Adam ol Microsoft!!!!!

"Revolt of the Rednecks" (2011)
Albert D. Kirwan

All my and links are in my Linktree:

All my and links are in my Linktree:

Some inspiration

Hello, again! Heres a new middle grade mystery called THE MYSTERY OF LOCKED ROOMS by Lindsay Currie that is out!

Heres an awesome new middle grade called SING IT LIKE CELIA by Monica Mancillas that is out!

Heres a new police procedural mystery called MURDER ON THE DODDER by Keith Bruton is out and it is the 2nd book in the Lemon Man series!

The Republican party has become a full-fledged anti-sex movement

The US supreme court justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas cited the Comstock Act, named after the 19th-century anti-vice campaigner , in last weeks case about access to the abortion pill .

If you dont know who Anthony Comstock was or what his law did, that might not have alarmed you.
But it should have.

The Comstock Law has come up a lot lately, and its part of the Republican war on sex, and to put it that way might sound overly dramatic.
But there is such a war, and parts of it
against sex education,
against access to birth control,
against the healthcare provider Planned Parenthood
and of course against abortion
have long been out in the open along with a war against the rights of women and on the rights and very existence of queer and trans people.

Comstock was reputed to be driven by religious shame over masturbation to become his eras most extreme anti-sex crusader.
He rose to prominence in the early 1870s, when he convinced Congress to make it a crime to advertise, sell or mail contraceptives
or give out contraceptive information, even orally,
or to mail anything immoral
a term whose vagueness allowed widespread prosecution,
including of a feminist newspaper reporting on sexual abuse whose prominent publishers, Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Claflin, he got sent to .
Like modern-day rightwingers he was a -, and he boasted that he had driven 15 people to .

Since it's less than 20 days until Myth-Touched arrives (yikes!), and I feel like I haven't been talking enough about it (double yikes), here's an updated arrows graphics for the series.
Grab book 1 if you haven't read it already and/or preorder book 2.

Get Humaborn:
Preorder Myth-Touched:

Let the official preorder campaign begin:

If you preordered elsewhere or request your local library buy a copy, you can still get in on the bookmark! Request a bookmark with proof of purchase or library request here:

Also, I'm so relieved that this day is finally here. It's 3 months until the book comes out--yay!

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

Iphone is fabulous