New: TJ Nichols' MM urban fantasy/mystery,

New: TJ Nichols' MM urban fantasy/mystery, Gluttony & Other Hungers.

Jordan and Edra arent the only ones thinking about their wedding, and some people dont want it to happen. The destruction of several Mythological Services buildings around the country has revealed there are still ...

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

Today's review! The Coming End by Ms. Angel Food:

"This was an extremely entertaining read. Spotlight is a superhero under contract to a corporation. Gavin is a scientist... If you like fast-paced science fiction, romances, queer characters and superheroes, you will love this book."

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Still do a double-take every single time I encounter this new The Free Press, as The Free Press will for me forever be the distinguished long-time publisher eventually acquired by Simon and Schuster.

( )

"Bluegrass Land and Life" (2014)
Mary E. Wharton and Roger W. Barbour

Key Lessons from No Excuses! By Brian Tracy !

"Jedes Kapitel behandelt einen anderen Lebensbereich, darunter , , , und . Die Autor*innen decken auf, wie sich das System in Form von Glaubensstzen und Wertevorstellungen in den einzelnen Bereichen unserer eingenistet hat. Vor allem aber zeigen sie, wie wir das System berwinden oder eben: verlernen" knnen."

"Ursachen der , & Szenarien bis 2100, es geht um , Klima-Kommunikation, & letztlich darum, wie wir den Wandel schaffen knnen. Damit ist Miese Krise" eine fr alle, die sich einen fundierten berblick ber die wichtigsten Zusammenhnge der verschaffen wollen. Oder das einer Person schenken mchten, die gerade beginnt, sich mit der Klimakrise auseinanderzusetzen"

I finished the just in time. I'm coming down with a cold. Hope not a Covid.

As always I'm a bit sad that the good entertainment is over. Book is back in the shelf.

But it's great that we have a bunch of other books so I can allow myself to be reading just Patrick White until I get enough.

"Warum gibt es eigentlich so wenig deutschsprachige Bcher darber, wie wir das zerstrerische Wirtschaftswachstum hinter uns lassen knnen...ein mutmachendes Buch ber das Ende der Erschpfung und des Wachstumszwangs ... Sie zeigt darin nicht nur, wie stark Wirtschaft und Klima miteinander verknpft sind, sondern bespricht auch konkrete Ideen und Manahmen fr eine gerechtere Verteilung des Wohlstands."

"In ihrem Buch gibt sie einen tiefen und persnlichen Einblick in ihre Arbeit. Manchmal fhlt man sich, als wre man im Gerichtssaal mit dabei. Und am Ende des Buchs bleibt ein starkes Gefhl von Hoffnung, wenn man sieht, welch wirkmchtiger Hebel im Kampf gegen die und deren Verursacher sind."

"Landkrank ist Schultz' zweites Buch nach Die Entstehung einer kologischen Klasse" (zusammen mit Bruno Latour). Ein langes Essay, das man entspannt in ein bis zwei Tagen durchlesen kann. Zwischendurch wirken die Formulierungen etwas hochgestochen und dramatisch, aber alles in allem berwiegen Inspiration und frische Gedanken."

"Der Autor erzhlt mal die Geschichte der Rindergiraffen extrem stylische Huftiere mit haarigem Geweih und Rckenmhne mal die der gigantischen Kurznasenbren, die ganze Mammuts verspeisen. Eine Empfehlung fr alle, die schon immer mal 500 Millionen Jahre Erdgeschichte in einem Buch komprimiert lesen wollten."

"Ghosh liefert eine spannende und frische Perspektive auf die Frage, warum sich die Welt so schwertut, aus fossilen Energien auszusteigen. Meist wird diese Frage nmlich aus konomischer Perspektive beantwortet. The Nutmeg's Curse ist fr alle, die wissen wollen, welch groe Rolle auch geopolitische und postkoloniale Machtstrukturen spielen."

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Strong Poison (Lord Peter Wimsey #6), by Dorothy L. Sayers


Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Ive long wanted to read some of the more classic m...

Review of "Insurrection In Dublin an Eyewitness Acc" (4 stars): The Easter rising from the sidelines

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Once every one or two years, I read a non-fiction book that's just mindblowingly good. I just finished reading The Unaccountability Machine. Even if it's not a complete theory of everything that's wrong this century so far, it offers a great framework to analyse problems.

Despite dealing with some of humankind's biggest challenges, it's still a rather light and fun read!

I read a book this week: Edgar Cantaro's "This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us", a comic thriller detective story. I liked it. It has a bunch of the playful language that I enjoyed in Cantero's "Meddling Kids". And it was fun to read at the same time as I'm watching the PBS Masterpiece "Sherlock" series.

"The Intrepid Guerrillas of North Luzon" (2005)
Bernard Norling

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Final day! The cleanfiction Cover Art Contest voting is still open! Id appreciate it if you gave my cover your vote. Thank you!


His Robot Wife: Patience Under Fire The sequel to A Great Deal of Patience. Available now at Barnes & Noble.


"...usserst informativer und vielfltiger berblick zum Thema."

My buddy Geno just celebrated his 70th birthday, and one of the local breweries (Knotted Root) not only hosted his party but brewed a beer in his honor.

He also has a book on the peculiarities of mountain living, which I'm promoting here because he's not only a great guy but he's been cool enough to stand up for my trans partner multiple times when she's been harassed in town by people who should really know better.

It's available on Amazon, but if anyone is interested in a physical copy I will buy one from him and mail it to you free of charge (limited to the first 25 people who reach out, since I can't afford to buy books forever lol). He's proud of his book (which is a short but funny read) and I'd like to get some more copies out there as a birthday gift to him.

The name of the book is the name of the beer!

Blake Lively Reveals the Entire Sonic Universe of Music That Inspired It Ends With Us

Check it out!

Looks like they fixed ordering paper back for my book, so no longer having to wait till February to get!

Jetzt als Taschenbuch,
Gesichter der Pandemie, Monika Knaack,
ISBN-13: 9783759703484, BoD

Bildband, schwarz-wei, Portrtserien von
Christine Lagarde, Karl Lauterbach, Marylyn Addo, Olaf Scholz, Angela Merkel, Jens Spahn, Ursula von der Leyen und Christian Drosten.

Ich fand , The fast track sehr schn. Habs auch gedruckt.

Elecia's Making Embedded Systems, 2nd Edition( published by ) is 30% off on Amazon right now!

If you've not grabbed your copy yet, don't miss this opportunity!

Get yours now: 

Without physical books to return I'm incredibly bad at remembering to do book reviews...

My one physical library book from last week:

A Modern Girl's Guide to Magic. Lots of tropes here with the girl with magic block getting called home for magic competition only to find the rich guy who wronged her is also a contestant. But they all come together in a nice way, and I liked the plant magic and the best friend.

Digital library books:

In Calibria by Peter S Beagle. I loved the last unicorn as a kid but realized I hadn't read his other stuff. This was a tale of a grumpy "old" man who just wants to be left alone but then a unicorn shows up on his farm. Slow and lovely. (But warning, not without violence. I wasn't really expecting that.) I liked "I'm afraid you've got dragons" slightly better if you're also looking to read more of his stuff.

Hexes and Vexes by Laura Greenwood and Arizona Tate - magic mystery with a wandmaker called in to help with a crime. I liked the way the authors fit magical agencies into the cozy mystery tropes of small business ownership and community drama.

Gave up on Blood and Deceit by Laura Greenwood. No strong reason, it just wasn't clicking for me and another book hold I was more excited about came in so I returned this one early.

Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs - the aforementioned book I was more excited about. Nearly gave up after the torture in the beginning reminded me why I seldom read urban fantasy any more. Yuck. Eventually got past it and remembered why I liked the characters and got into the locked room mystery scenario.

Bind the Soul by Annette Marie - The author's been talking about bringing these books back so I thought I'd give the series another shot. (I read book 1 years ago then gave up.) In a surprise to no one, book 2 was still too full of torture for me. (See: why I don't read as much urban fantasy any more.) I do like the characters but it'll be a long time before I try the third book.

We are cleared for takeoff for the paperback edition on Monday 8/19!

New sapphic book review: Revisiting Summer Nights by Ashley Bartlett

Video review:

Books I am reading

The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Part 1
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Free public domain audiobooks from
Read by volunteers from around the world.

"And so, reader, farewell to Sherlock Holmes! These are positively the last stories. There is some disagreement as to their quality, and some claim that Conan Doyle was writing more experimentally, rather than to the conventional Sherlock Holmes formula. Not all the stories are narrated by the faithful Watson, and the stories are regarded as the darkest of the Holmes canon, with some unusual villains."

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Short but sweet review of by
This was an version
Read the when I was a teenager - great derring do adventure - must read the other

Best Tour in South Brisbane