Night Thoughts

Night Thoughts

latest podcast episode out now

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Forget Open Source Friday it's Open Source Monday

We have a new week to decide how we want to show up for one another. If able, use that coffee-cup's amount of time to help an open source project. Thank a maintainer, corroborate that issue, review that PR, tell your team about a new release. These small things add up.

Check out for more like this.

"It Seems to Me" (2005)
edited by Leonard C. Schlup and Donald W. Whisenhunt

The Phoenix and the Carpet, E. Nesbit : A cover a day. No. 31 -

A new magical for kids and the young at heart is out!

As you know, these are stories I co-write with my mom, and we do it just for fun. I hope you enjoy them and share with parents, grandparents, and anyone who loves to go on a magical adventure.

Its part 2 of The Tribe of the Wandering Shoes, but Ill share both parts here in case you missed the Summer adventure. This one will get every kid in the perfect Autumn / Halloween mood!

But the real story is coming next week, so make sure to subscribe to the podcast and follow me for more!

Part 1 : The Summer Aventure (English Version)

Part 2 : The Autumn Adventure (English Version)

Curious to know more about Storie Sotto Le Stelle and find more magical stories

Good morning and a very happy, very autumnal Monday to you all! I come with some very cool news. First of which is the redesign (and team at Love Sudo) have done to my website.

Please go check it out and tell me what you think! I'm in love with it.

You may even find some new things on there (hint: a new a new and an updated 'My Books' section complete with for upcoming debut )

Grundlagen einer relevanten konomik
Review - Buchbesprechung
Prof. Heiner Flassbeck: Grundlagen einer relevanten konomik
WestendVerlag Sept 2024, Frankfurt am Main.

I reviewed the books The Denial of Death, and Escape From Evil, both by Ernest Becker. I think, taken together, Denial of Death & Escape From Evil are the most important books I have read in the last 10 years.


Shame on Us! Skybound & Zach M. Stafford Announce The Book of Shame: An Extra Fabulous Experience Kickstarter
Skybound announced the campaign for the Kickstarter-exclusive The Book of Shame: An Extra Fabulous Experience, which will collect over 150 of the best of...
books of shame

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

1. Doing well with money has little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave.
2. Getting money is one thing. Keeping it is another.
3. Use the money to gain control over your time.
4. Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays.
5. Independence doesnt mean youll stop working. It means you only do the work you like with people you like at the times you want for as long as you want.

I love this .

He did not wish to return to his body and instead he spread himself thinner, and thinner, as thin as a gas, and when he had made himself thin enough he sighed, and the trees, those tough-barked giants exchanging one gas for another, pumping water, making food, were not too busy to take this sigh back in through their leaves (it took only an instant) and they made no great fuss, no echoing sigh, no whispering of branches, simply took the sigh into themselves so that, in time, it became part of their tough old heart wood and there are those in Bog Onion who insist you can see it there, on the thirty-fifth ring or thereabouts of the trees he planted: a fine blue line, they insist, that even a city person could see.

And here am I, crying over the health of a fictitious child, even though I know they will recover, because I have already read this before

(The Galaxy, and the Ground Within)

METAPHYSICAL FANTASY ADVENTURE incorporates near-future technologies, haunted islands, reincarnation, and a dragon. Lots of interesting ideas, plenty of action, and a light dusting of romance. SOLID B

Library - new on : Observing Dark Innovation : After Neoliberal Tools and Techniques - MacNeil, Ryan T. - - Why does scholarship on innovation fixate on certain classes of technology Could our research tools and techniques be concealing as much as they revealRyan T. MacNeil shows how the common instrumentalities of innovation research carry neoliberal market biases. He calls for critical scholars to

Biblio File column!

Dont Pity The Desperate by Anna B. Moore.

Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:

Build with my mum a book nook. It was lovely to build this with mum. Of course we had trouble but all in all it was like puzzling.

"Nine Seventeenth-Century Organ Transcriptions from the Operas of Lully" (2014)
edited by Almonte C. Howell Jr.

Finished another , a very interesting, eye opening, and disturbing look at the rise of hate and white supremacy in todays culture and online, and how deep it actually runs.

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Which book, that you finished, will you never read again

#book #reading

Which book, that you finished, will you never read again

New sapphic book review: Crossed Over by Santana Knox

Video review:

Please check out todays blog about trying to duplicate ones life in Italy:

Hello, heres a new international mystery called BAD BOY by Winona Kent that is available now and it is the 5th book in the Jason Davey Mystery series!


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors... Je vous propose une nouvelle interview, avant mes prochaines aventures, plus folles que jamais ! Je laisse donc la parole Nathalie Lecigne, charmante autrice ind qui vous parlera de son roman "Dans les bras de Typhe"... Mais pas seulement : Belle rencontre et bonne lecture !

Retrouvez l'interview juste ici :

Another fun piece added to my fantasy collection, Unicorn Bookworm:

Odd thing no. X (maybe I should have kept a tally) I ended up researching for the WIP : permanent , and how does one sleeps with it (on your back as it turns out, at least in the first few weeks).

Lucretia. Alma Roma

Disponibile online gratuitamente.

Link al capitolo:

Link al blog nel profilo.

"Grand Plans" (1988)
Judith Sealander

Prepping to head to 30th Street Station en route to Baltimore--I'll be moderating a panel discussion on why horror is good for us (and, in fact, transformational) on the SFWA stage at Peabody Heights Brewery as part of the Baltimore Book Festival (4P today). Panelists include Sarah Pinsker, Samara Shanker, and Darius Jones!

I'd love to read some of Terry Pratchett's books, but my memory is awful, and I struggle to read books because of this.

Does anyone know of any good, dramatised versions of his books as audiobooks I've been desperate to read/listen to them since I was a kid.

E aqu o de Jairo Marcos e M. ngeles Fernndez, Publicado por Pepitas de Calabaza

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Crvena es una cazadora que protege la ciudad de los bzou que habitan el planeta antes de la dispora humana. Cuando el cuerno dorado desaparece la asamblea intentar que ella lo recupere.

Divertida, interesante y amena . Es difcil contener la sonrisa o la carcajada en algunos puntos y en otros lo complicado es destrabarse la lengua con los nombres. Me gusta mucho el universo creado por la autora para la transformacin de los cuentos clsicos y cmo lo est transformando.

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