One would go mad if one

One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously but to take it seriously one must be already mad.

Talk to the boat next door.

Celebrate by supporting an !

Need a gift for a kid

Get my fun => an angsty teen elf doesn't fit in. She rescues not only Santa, but also Christmas with her smart, out-of-the-box solutions. A rollicking good time!

I love and boost your often.
I edited an and want you to have a copy. Might find some good material for the next year's toots. :)

10 copies until the end of the year, metered, so give some away if you'd like.

Once upon a time I was part of a great community on Instagram, which lasted for a few years. It was so much fun being around such a wonderful amount of bookworms. My acct grew & was featured on IGs home page along w/an interview. It was incredible to watch my picture get over 1M likes. Not that likes matter in the whole scheme of things, it was just fascinating to watch at the time. Anyway, w/the great amount of attention I received, it brought the trolls out in full force. So much so, that I had to eventually close my page & also file a police report. It broke. my. heart. I had created something from nothing & due to lies that were spread like wildfire across several social media sites (that I was not even on), I had to walk away. No social media for 2 yrs. I gave IG another shot (new account name), but much had changed & it sucked. I left-again, for good. When I gave the a shot in Nov 22, my hopes were a smidge above zero. I have been so pleasantly surprised & Im so glad to have this place & you all & to start the rebuilding of a new book community.

This is what social media started out being. So- thank you for reminding me that we can find our way to back something good.

I didn't realize that had a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book released in 1988....yet here we are.

Thanks again to MMO Folklorist
for another boatload of contributions today!!

Today's release: Blake R. Wolfe's queer comedic fantasy featuring a bisexual cow: The Quest for Cowmelot.

I was just a normal cow until a fae curse changed the course of my life

After incurring the wrath of the fairy HOA, my life was changed forever. On my first outing to a nearby town with my owner, I found myself tied up to...

diversebooks bookstodon

I realized that I never did an author-with-her-book photo when the ARCs arrived on election here I am, catching up with trope. Did I mention you can request an ARC of AMoLM on Edelweiss

2023 is winding down, & I'm pretty satisfied with what Literary Santa brought me this year:
Book contracts signed: 1
Short stories published (originals): 5
Short stories published (reprints): 3
Creative nonfiction published: 3
Readings (live): 1
Readings (virtual): 3

One of the stretch goal writers for Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid is Dr. Megan Connell () author of Tabletop Role-Playing Therapy!

Help bring Dr. Connell's XP to the project by signing up for pre-launch and spreading the word!

I've been meaning to order one, but I keep putting it off.

Can people get your from you & not from Amazon

I'd like to emphasize: . Because these books have been disseminated through violence. They also contain verses with inconsistencies, antipathy, and violence. However, they are translated texts with various meanings, which can refute many of the claims people have for and against them.

That being said. When life is hard, it feels special when, I alone by my own volition, read my parent's or grandparent's Bible, learn new translations through Interlinear versions, or discover the Qur'an.

Celebrating the journey of GLASS TOWER, debut novel by
Sarah Isaacs, winner of the Island Prize, TedX speaker, and photographer.

Grab your copy from Holland House

Catch up on the journey with the HH Bookchat Podcast

7 Short You Can Squeeze In Before the

If you read fiction and have a NZ library card, here are a few recommendations

Has anyone ever taken a RECREATIONAL field trip of a couple days just to look at a in a library collection Im contemplating such a trip.

Academics, Im sure you do it for professional reasons, but Im interested in people who do it simply for love of books or of the subject.

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

Maybe We Already Have Runaway Machines

"A new book argues that the invention of states and corporations has something to teach us about A.I. But perhaps its the other way around."

: And they started to pull apart what they found, hoping to find the secrets within but only finding dust.

This book is the product of nearly a hundred formal interviews and many hundreds of informal conversations, over the course of four years
Brian Christian, The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values


Read More from HERE


Greetings to everyone at the retro pizza parlor. As Mick Jagger likes to sing, "Please allow me to myself"

I'm the / of a (tabletop role-playing game) who enjoys posting the odd pencil , outline, or full of what eventually became for the game plus a few things that never made it in.

I also like to share whatever , , or is currently filling me with .

The thing is about culture is most of it is Take it or Leave it.

There's so much out there, and so much better stuff, that the odd / / here and there matters little.

"Real or Fake" (2009)
Joe Nickell

Lauren Cohan featured in L'Officiel Fashion Book Monte Carlo Magazine June 2023.

Run from this place,
From the town of demons,
Walkers of the night.
Palm trees bow to their power.
Sand covers the victims.
Tourists flee the hotel.
The winds howl their name.


by Susanne Leist

I'll stay right here if you don't mind.

Beneath the bed sounds just fine.



by Susanne Leist

.how to ensure that these mathematical and computational models capture our norms and values,and, above all, do what we wanthas emerged as one of the most central and most urgent scientific questions in the field of computer science. It has a name: the alignment problem.
Brian Christian, The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values

For the December "Festive", I A Cyborg for Christmas by Clarissa Lake ( 1/Based On Cyborg Awakenings). Having first read book2, I went back to this 36 page snack when I realized I could still do the challenge (I've been a number of holiday-themed this month.) In this post-apocalyptic future, the FMC is genetically matched to a cyborg mate at Christmas.

POWERFULLY EVOCATIVE HISTORICAL novel details the struggles and joys of a young girl and her Russian immigrant family in a coal-mining town in early 20th century Pennsylvania. Rich in detail and emotional weight. A MINUS

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

The Phoenix Suns have issues that desperately need to be figured out

Thank you, Debra Usher and Arabella Magazine, for your generous review of The Serial Killer's Son Takes A Wife.

Not sure how much I'm going to post on the website between now and the first of the year. With that in mind find me on one of the following social media, give me a follow and join the conversations! Happy Holidays!

Twitter (X): https://http///

New email! This one's got 3 generations of black sweatpants, the annual Guest List , my missed -goals, and a fast piece of . GO READ:

Titellivrebd vous propose une dans laquelle il vous sa sur des adaptations de en (de tous !)

Lien :

Les champignons (fungi, hymnomyctes) qui croissent en France - 1878

"Milton's Ontology, Cosmogony, and Physics" (2014)
Walter Clyde Curry

Police officer searching middle-school library for a gay book. In Massachusetts, last week. Number one "banned book" this year, Gender Queer. The cop went in to classrooms with his body camera on, raising even more questions, ACLU investigating.
are rights the for

Elevate your IT career with these book bundles covering critical Linux topics

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