Priests of Mars

Priests of Mars

A quotation from Herrick, Robert:

To read my book the virgin shy
May blush while Brutus standeth by,
But when hes gone, read through whats writ,
And never stain a cheek for it.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

by Mike Monaco, is a free pdf download published at CMU Press under a CC BY-NC-ND license, and dealing with the history of the eponymous (if a bit incongruously titled) Fantasy Wargaming roleplaying game system. Yes, it turns out you can write whole books not only about DnD. At least if its something as weird as that game at least.

The original game Fantasy Wargaming: The Highest Level of All (or just Fantasy Wargaming in some editions) was a 1981 book by Bruce Galloway, a clear variation on Dungeons and Dragons, based on Galloways home rules. Unlike its competition it was not afraid of using actual historical concepts like astrology and occultism in its descriptions, although it also was written so densely it was hard to make sense of it in any shape or form by someone not already familiar with roleplaying games. And, well, it was called Fantasy Wargaming.

Which made this a problem, as the game was published both in the UK and the US by mainstream publishers obviously trying to break into the nascent TTRPG market. The most available version was most likely the one published by the Doubleday Science Fiction Book Club, which made the game available to many people who did not have any experience with roleplaying games before.

Unfortunately one has to say, as the games size (300pgs) and conceptual denseness made parsing the book quite a feat, meaning if people used this as an introduction to roleplaying, it might not have been very successful.

The Story of Fantasy Wargaming goes into this, and into the development of the game. It could have been a bit more thorough and a bit more critical, but for what it is its a nice look into the environment that created it. And well, its free.

(I learned about this book from an which had the author on and talked about this project. Well worth a listen)

#book #dnd #osr #rpg #ttrpg

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

When the Five Star Reviews and the One Star Reviews agree that a is blasphemous, it's probably . I mean, when it's written by , how could it be anything else


"Educating the Women of Hainan" (2014)
Kathleen L. Lodwick

Can a 50y-old idea save The economist and philosopher DanChandler thinks so. In his he makes a vigorous case for adopting the liberal political framework laid out by in the 1970s, chart jenszalai newyorktimes

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Hello everyone, in today's article we are reviewing machine learning books from experts.(Part 2)

Another thing I haven't mentioned is how throughout the book you are constantly reminded of propaganda and the mythologising of leaders through the writings of Princess Irulan.

It's a nice touch but it's a continual reminder of the books real meaning.


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Laissez-moi vous offrir ce petit retour en images sur la rencontre avec Julien Sandrel, organise hier soir par la librairie Martelle Amiens, pour la sortie de son nouveau roman, "Beaucoup d'amour et quelques cendres", paru ce 02 mai aux ditions Calmann Levy !

Belle journe tous !


I mentioned how Paul takes charge over his mother in the desert section, but then Jessica takes initial leadership in the Fremen section.

Jessica here is integral to their integrating with the Fremen and Paul is shown not yet a leader.

It seems the desert part works as a precursor to Paul's leadership, using his practical skills to demonstrate leadership over his mother, so the eventual broadening to Fremen leadership doesn't seem forced and unnatural.

I'm close to the end of Exordia, and friends...this is bonkers.

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Here's my review of 'Bodies of Light' by Jennifer Down from my regular newsletter 'Through the Biblioscope':

This was chosen at random from the 199 reviews I've published so far. More with every issue.

You can subscribe to get notified each time a new issue comes out here:


Are The Phoenix Suns In Trouble Because Of New Owner Syndrome For Mat Ishbia

Finally in Print! Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism

Finally, after threatening for so many years (to the point where apparently some people didnt believe it would be finished), Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Masons Siege is finally a real, physical object that you can purchase and hold in your hands!!

"God Speaks to Us, Too" (2008)
Susan M. Shaw

QSFer Mark Salzwedel has a new queer fantasy book out: The Miraculous Life of Rupert Rocket.

In 1942, Rupert Rockets grandmother was cursed by an Irish fairy, the Pooka, to end her bloodline.

But the Pookas sister, the Grogoch, blessed the boy to counteract the curse.

As a young gay man, Ruperts life spins wildly between the competing spells through...

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Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe meets The Sun is Also a Star in this YA contemporary love story from Jonny Garza Villa, Ander & Santi Were Here, about a nonbinary Mexican American teen falling for the shy new waiter at their familys taqueria.

Now on sale for $2.99!

Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy

Did you hear I won the prestigious writer's award for Most Comfortable Romance Paperback Book to Sit On By a Siamese Cat. I'd like to thank everyone for your support. This has been an absolute honor. I'd like to thank the panel of judges: Max, Teddy, and Rose. I received a toy mouse as my prize.

Algemeene Ophelderende Verklaring van het oud letterschrift, in steenplaatdruk. Uitgegeven door de Maarschappij: Tot nur van T algemeen. Te Leyden, Deventer en Groningen, bij D. Du Mortier en Zoon, J.


When the Five Star Reviews and the One Star Reviews agree that a is blasphemous, it's probably . I mean, when it's written by , how could it be anything else

EdPhilippeRey Flicitations pour ce parcours exceptionnel depuis la parution de
Ce que je sais de toi.
Un roman qui plat tous !
de ici

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

Can Mike Budenholzer fix the Phoenix Suns

Helpful podcast from : Efficiency Hacks for Writers and Editors with Erin Brenner, author of new The Chicago Guide for Freelance Editors: How to Take Care of Your Business, Your Clients, and Yourself from Start-Up to Sustainability. .

There is no more potent means than Art of calling forth true Gods to visible appearance.

Unsere aktuelle Folge ist da. Der vierte und letzte Teil zum . Wir fassen die Bsewichte und retten die Lage.

Unsere aktuelle Folge ist da. Der vierte und letzte Teil zum . Wir fassen die Bsewichte und retten die Lage.
