QSFer Kage Harper has a new

QSFer Kage Harper has a new MM superhero romance out (bi, gay): Transparent is a Color.

Perrys mother told him hed develop the superpower of flight, like his grandfather. She even named him Peregrine, so folks would call him The Falcon. Spoiler they dont. Because when ...

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law

In the next presentation,
(NorthwesternU)will discuss his The Rise and Fall of Animal Experimentation: Empathy, Science, and the Future of Research

Join us for this on 29th May!

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City of Bones (Harry Bosch #8), by Michael Connelly


City Of Bones by Michael Connelly

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After the delight that Angels Flight was, I was eager to delve into Michael Con...

EditionsGrasset Ces petits carts sont le fond deLa gosse. Oh, que jaime la fe bcheronne, la femme qui revendique le body positive mais qui se pse tout le temps, ou du Baptiste qui vole la semoule. NadiaDaam
de ici

To conclude, one may add that natural artistic ability, if you possess it, forms an excellent guide. All Art is Magick.

Announcing my *Name Your Own Price* sale at Gumroad! The Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency ALL THREE Farrah Wethers Harming None (NEW non-fiction).

Avis aux Centro-ligriens : samedi aprs-midi, Ccile Dixneuf sera en ddicaces au Cultura de Chambray-Ls-Tours. L'occasion d'offrir Indpendances votre maman... ou vous-mme !

She drew me in. Amazing work of art. The photo is part of the publication Ist Familie Noch Das Was Sie Nie War

Le festival Les Affluents, c'est partir de demain 14 heures !
Attention, le lieu a chang : nous vous attendrons sur le parvis entre la Chapelle des Ursulines et le thtre Quartier libre.





This trilogy of "GAME BOY ESSENTIALS" books collect articles from

Ranging from seminal classics to forgotten titles they offer in-depth analyses of the good and bad games you should play to understand the universal appeal of the .

Enjoying this in the car, and just starting on the - intriguing so far

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

Here's a recommended watch for today - even if you've read The Little Prince, there might be nuances in here that you didn't know.

I certainly learned a few things - and now really want to re-read the again. I might pair it with Jonathan Livingstone Seagull for some true

Unsere aktuelle Folge ist da. Der erste Teil vom . Kapitn Marsch nimmt uns mit auf den .

Und so hrt sich das an:

Talk to the boat next door.

Do you read a lot, or how much do you read I read a lot. Almost every spare moment. Whether I'm on my way somewhere, traveling, going out for dinner, having a meeting, I always have a book with me. In the event of. But regardless, Im a real bookworm. Here are some the lasest ones Ive read. A mixture, of this & that.

Hey, , YOUR

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"The Time of Man" (2000)
Elizabeth Madox Roberts


Coucou mes Bookinautes chris ! Ce jeudi, je ne rsiste pas au plaisir de vous prsenter "Le roi du silence", dernier titre de Claire Favan paru le 06 mars 2024 aux ditions Harper Collins, finaliste du Prix Maison de la Presse cette anne !

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !

do you agree

I completed this book yesterday, and the only things I can say about this one is that this is brilliant and a must-read. The ending completely changes the title of the book. ITS BEAUTIFUL!

THE LONG-AWAITED SEQUEL TO Jasper Ffordes enigmatic 2011 novel Shades of Grey is a fascinating, mysterious science fiction picaresque where decoding the secrets behind the worldbuilding is part of the fun. B PLUS

I started reading one of . I'm not yet sure what I'm in for but the wife seems excited.

Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-

I really miss my Papa :( I'm sure he'd be HORRIFIED at how his daughter is treating me. He was a HUGE outdoorsman, and was a ranch manager. But not rednecky. Very wise, and never forced that onto me. If I saw a I wanted, he bought me the whole series. My dad had a I wasn't allowed to use, so he bought me a c128 :p He was just like that. Always supportive of whatever i did. He liked But I always had to share "or else I'll tell your mama". Always had some in his toolbox.

The Newest Member of the Phoenix Suns Family Is

A picture book about the most exquisite and extraordinary of winged creatures. The lightest birds in the sky, hummingbirds are capable of incredible feats, such as flying backwards, diving at speeds of sixty-one miles per hour, and beating their wings more than sixty times a second. This book tells the story of a hummingbirds early life and how they make their way into the world.

Hey there!

Looking for something new to read

Below the Heavens is a high fantasy indie book series inspired by East Asian mythology and culture.

Available for free in webnovel form on RoyalRoad, via their webpage or mobile app, found in my bio!

Im captivated by it, but also hate the Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow the way it makes me feel, about my own life, my mom, family relationships hits hard. Its such a good book, but ugh.

Minds in the Margins: Annotators Bringing Books to Life

We recently had a remarkable copy of Apianuss Cosmographicus liber (1533), a treatise on geography and astronomy. Its value lies in the extensive annotations, especially in the one on leaf XXXIV, shown below. The note corrects the text by adding the name of Columbus as one of Americas discoverers alongside Vespucci, and reports a learned tradition that America was known to Augustan Rome by quoting two lines from the Aeneid.

"I Wonder as I Wander" (2010)
Ron Pen

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If your child is a food lover, the ABCs of Indien Cuisine will certainly be a great read. Full of adorable illustrations, this picture book introduces young readers to different Indian dishes, all organized following the alphabets letters. From Aloo Gobi to Zeera, young readers discovers twenty six very tasty flavors presented in rich and powerful colors.

I'm slowly rebuilding my store, one book a day over the next three months! Today, your opportunity to own a legitimate first edition (second printing) of an actual Nathaniel Hawthorne novel from 1860 for a hundred bucks.

Captured and tortured by vampires wolf shifter Lucas thought hed never find love or his mate, then he was rescued by fellow prisoner Sarah. Lucas recognizes her as his mate and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe - The Taken

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