Review of "Mens sana EX corpore

Review of "Mens sana EX corpore sano Opus"

Muscle Beach Zombie Invasion

All sanity, which is all Science, is founded upon Limit. We must be able to cut off, to define, to measure. Naturally, then, their opposites, Insanity and Religion, have for their prime characteristic, the Indefinable, Incomprehensible, Immeasurable.

Day 10 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers

(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on )  

Day 10

Jonah, je m'intresse beaucoup au tennis, je soutiens la cause LGBTQ+. J'adore la nature, lire et prendre soin de moi. +

Eine frische Episode ist da. Der dritte Teil vom . Diesmal zeigt uns der seine Schrecken.

"Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of another... There are just some kind of men who're so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results."

Harper Lee

If you like my style, look at my current with a hole alphabet of mythical creatures drawn with feather and fineliner

A Magic Web With Colours Gay


The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Nicola Coughlan, Nonso Anozie, Jessica Gunning, Mark Heap, Michael Palin and more join The Magic Faraway Tree. Details here

"Margaret Cavendish and the Exiles of the Mind" (1998)
Anna Battigelli

. Melania Mazzucco, presidente del Comitato direttivo: "Il romanzo come lo intendevamo 30 anni fa rappresenta solo una parte della narrativa italiana contemporanea" siete in accordo o stiamo fondento la narritiva e i saggi in un nuovo genere letterario

This was an absolutely smashing read and how DARE you make me care so much about SPOILER

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


These Draft Picks Could Have Changed The Phoenix Suns Forever


"Das sehr interessante wissenschaftliche Thema von Forschung, Unileben, Intrigen, Mnnerwelt, Diebstahl von Ergebnissen, Wettlauf um den Nobelpreis, etc. wiegt in diesem Fall die teilweise romantische Umsetzung mehr als auf."


Bonjour mes Bookinautes adors ! Un week-end prolong (pour moi ) ne m'empche pas de parler lecture ! Aujourd'hui je vous prsente "Comment te croire ", le nouveau roman de Ptronille Rostagnat, paru le 13 mars 2024 aux ditions Harper Collins !

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !

Books 7-12 read in 2024

I was in a huge reading slump from February to May. It's a really difficult time for me, and this year I wasn't able to find the comfort & escapism in reading I normally do. I even tried rereading one of my favorite series, but the only thing I really wanted to do was read fanfiction on AO3 and look on Ebay for vintage jewelry.

I'm feeling better, and gotten my reading groove back, so here's a very belated roundup.

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

EdFlammarion ct dAuguste Baraka, qui nen a aucune,apparat Eva avec son rayonnement de la russite. Celle-ci a une fille Marguerite qui se fait appeler Bob pour illustrer la nouvelle Le chemin jusqu soi. Etc de

I met up with Adam Nimoy this evening. He signed a copy of his recent book, The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy for me.

TWO INTERTWINED STORIES, one a spookily poetic tale of sisters haunted by the past and one a Chicago police procedural, converge in startling ways. Lovely, rich with a great citys history, beauty, and tragedy. B PLUS

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

"The Japanese City" (1997)
edited by P.P. Karan and Kristin Stapleton

Darknet Diaries: 146: ANOM

In this episode, tells us the story of anom. A secure phone made by criminals, for criminals.This story comes from part of Josephs book Dark Wire which you should definitely read. Get yours here .

Episode webpage:

Media file:

a compelling literary trip that expertly combines originality, mystery, and depth well-written page-turner has readers eagerly flicking through the chapters

The inverted dark mode colors of the Super Society symbol - a fun logo to design that represents the superhero team Eric Icarus joins. This is a page from the Kindle edition of my novella The Supervillains Oath, the prequel to Unsecret Identity

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Wow, I somehow missed this lovely review of The Fatness, by Joel W. Vaughn at Broken Pencil!

"The Fatness is notable for its spot-on appraisal of a bureaucracy that manipulates its citizens by means of silent consent, maintaining the illusion of a moral high ground whilst benefiting economically. With such a heavy backdrop, though, Rayners sense of humour keeps the reading light."

Find the book here:

LiteraryTitan Book Award Winner Signs on a Page is a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense a labyrinth of historical and literary mysteries an educational and thrilling narrative.

Read PALADIN'S GRACE by T. Kingfisher if you love crises of faith, tremendous loss, feeling broken beyond repair, trudging onward, perfume, meet cutes but make them deadly, killers on the loose, gingerbread, best friends, political intrigue, assassination attempts, amazing kisses & civets.

National holiday tomorrow here in and nothing planned. That probably means curled up with a or two.

A few recommendations to help you explore reality.

Nach dem , ist vor dem Buch.
In diesem Fall: Die Toten warten von Darcy Coates.


Pucking Insane
Charity Parkerson

Playing With Sunshine
Lynn Michaels

Zavian Glory

Eden Winters

The Trouble With Nerds
April Kelley

Rebecca Cohen

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Today's review! Transparent is a Color by Kaje Harper:

"This story that grows on you as you travel with Perry, mirroring his journey as he grows in confidence. The characters are great and the interactions sparkle. A very funny and clever read."

MMbookstodon LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon


This is both a snapshot of the contemporary state of and an approachable of the area wrapped in heartbreaking personal stories, all rotating around a single catastrophe that could only happen in a city built on infrastructure

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

online living wills