River of Ghosts

River of Ghosts

New: Kaje Harper's MM fantasy romance Magic Escaping:


I didn't think two cars slowing down behind me as I jogged along our country road were a problem. I'm just an ordinary third-grade teacher. Well, also a sorcerer, but I don't really use my powers. Even when my familiar, Sunny, said...

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One item that is a "new" reference for our is "Dialogo de giuochi che vegghie sanesi si usano di fare" by Girolamo Bargagli (1581).

It presents games played in a Sienese society, and includes some musical fun with pretending the sounds of instruments or animals.

The full is available on :

A bit of info about the society on :

Review! Death Train by C.J. Baty:

"The story flows well, chugging along with the 19th century train another exciting, dangerous and complex case that has Michael and Stiles baffled. I really love Batys writing... I highly recommend it."

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Happy ! For all the bibliophiles out there, heres a video that delves into the long history of the book, right back to the ancient world.

Delve into rich narratives like Rocjanes As Is Im Okay With Me,
Rocjanes Driving Towards Destiny: No Longer Riding in the Backseat, and Rocjanes Mindset Matters: Unleashing Growth Through A Shift In Perspective, exploring the secrets of success and personal development and other books to read.


Is Japan facing the possibility of a devastating earthquake Japanese researchers on Friday call...

It's National Lovers Day! What's everyone reading
I've started Crocodile on the Sandbank for and I'm listening to the audiobook version of The Body by the Sea by Jean-Luc Bannalec.

The book trailer for Unsecret Identity

Last but not least in our session: Wenyi Shang (presenting), Yuqi Chen, Ryan Dubnicek, Ryan Cordell and Stephen J Downie: "Interplays Between and Content in History: Evidence from 16th19th Century and Books", at .

They used Extracted Features, which is very cool of course. Book size and print size interact in interesting, and different, ways in Chinese and English.

Ukraine bombs Russian military airbase The Ukrainian army announced on Friday that it had suc...


Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

everyone! I hope you've been having a wonderful week and an amazing day so far. This week marks the 5 yr of my first , The Capturer! To celebrate, the to your , or any other and I'll repost them!

Iniziato a Gennaio 2023 e finito ieri, Agosto 2024.

Il mio viaggio ne "La Torre Nera" di Stephen King finisce qui.

Pi di 3500 pagine totali.

Kalba and Ajman The last rehearsal Faisal Al Naqbi (Kalba) Kalba continues its training...

Key Lessons from the Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Talk to the boat next door. Operation Gallant Knight 3 implements humanitarian initiatives to provide relief to the res...

roll call! This , lets see your best work! Drop a or a pic of your Im here for the reposts! Lets go, and !

Several people injured in fire at prison in southern Germany Several people were slightly injure...

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Chinas natural disaster losses double Chinas government said heavy rains and severe floodi...

Check out all of the amazing books from these talented authors. I think they're definitely worth checking out

find GREAT books!

Storm Debbie Makes Landfall in Charleston, USA Tropical Storm Debbie made landfall for a second ...


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Terminons la semaine en compagnie de la talentueuse Cline de Roany, formidable autrice de retour en librairie avec son hrone Cleste Ibar pour son dernier roman "A corps perdus", paru aux Presses de la Cit... : Belle rencontre et bonne lecture !

"Blood on the Moon" (2005)
Edward Steers, Jr.

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

Trumps feud with Harry and Meg is no accident he knows ordinary Americans agree

Awesome! I just got my Calibre-Web server going..... AND it syncs to by Kobo ereader. Selfhosting is fun!
#ebook #ereader #book #calibre #self-hosting #Yunohost

question is not which pl to learn first
question is which pl to pick 1st, to do what* and who to consult for that * * and what's the right tooling for that
1st book can break you to veer off from doing it altogether ( at least for a while) , even to save for your life ( okay livelihood) , or it can encourage you to jump to other ( & even that can end up being a wild goose chase ).

so yes - trajectory is a thing
* it better enables you to build something quick and dirty to the point of getting an meaningful feedback , even if its critical
** social media is an inefficient way to answer the latter

I do not recommend Swift River by Essie Chambers

POSTGAME: Team USA Behind Curry, LeBron & Durant Survive Serbia, Jokic

GREAT REVIEWS FOR SIGNS ON A PAGE! an exhilarating journey with Molly McMurphy, whose quest to uncover an ancient secret society is utterly captivating.

I have a friend writing a queer horror/romance/BDSM book who is looking for an editor. Am of you have any recs (or do this yourself)

Another periodic reminder that in addition to posting pictures of cats and dogs (and weird dogs), I write books. This is a book about an odd philosophy professor having to save the multiverse with the help of his annoying dopplegangers. There's no cats in this one, but a saber-toothed tiger plays an important role. (Twice.)


Al-Ahly is the Egyptian League champion for the 44th time Cairo (dpa) Al-Ahly was crowned the Eg...

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Book 37 of 2024. This book is ok, but really only ok if you grew up in the area where it takes place. That aspect gets things kinda right. It's about ignorance, poverty, redneck culture and violence. I found it pretty implausible myself.

My Dog is Fabulous