Samedi et dimanche, vous pourrez retrouvez

Samedi et dimanche, vous pourrez retrouvez MC Combes de 10h 18h au salon "J'cris et je vis au Pouliguen" (44510). Elle pourra vous ddicacer "Le garon sous un arbre"

Good Job, Thalia.

Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. J.K. Rowling.


The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907


Library - new on : Organisierte Halbbildung : Studieren 25 Jahre nach der Bologna-Reform - Edited by: Geisler, Lukas Gutjahr, Clara Morley, David Mnster, Lisa Marie Richter, Moritz - - Was bedeutet Studieren heute - 25 Jahre nach der Bologna-Reform Wie haben sich Studium und Hochschulen verndert Und welche Auswirkungen haben diese Entwicklungen auf unser Verstndnis von Bildung Unter dem Begriff

Creating a TTRPG from scratch using only bits and pieces from lots of different TTRPGS its High fantasy and super futuristic so let me know what your thoughts are if you have any and what you'd wanna see in this type of TTRPG.

.. is a written and published in 2006 by an historian.. while some still argues whether or not is just using the right of defense and how the history for them began in , there were few Israelis who were brave enough to trace this conflict and admit the truth about it showing the neglected truth by arrogantes ..

Acknowledges as the of and

It's the most wonderful time of the year! As the nights draw in, it's time to dust off those Point Horror books from the 90's and bunker down as we wait for Halloween.

These classic young adult horror stories still retain their charm. I wonder if there are any other Point Horror fans in the Mastodon universe If there are, let me know.

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People are attracted to bookshops, going from shelf to shelf and are drawn to books like bees with a flower. The sweetness is found in the overall experience.

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"Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s" (2005)
Yanek Mieczkowski

Do you want these books

Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-

PHILOSOPHICAL ROCK-AND-ROLL NOIR mystery has a fresh voice, memorable characters, and a powerful sense of place. Absorbing and satisfying read with a lot of nuance. A MINUS

As the only adult in charge of a squad of teen heroes, Truther has his work cut out for him. A life of lies lands you in jail, but the truth shall set you free!

Unsecret Identity: Eric Icarus - Book One available now in paperback & ebook from Amazon

Fun football day even though Dallas pulled a Dallas

The Hacker and the Ants, Rudy Rucker : A cover a day. No. 20

Published 45 years ago today. J. R. R. Tolkiens mythopoeic masterpiece and prelude to The Lord of the Rings. We will never see the like of this achievement again.

Just finished Matthew Desmonds Poverty, by America, (2023).

An amazing (and amazingly readable) overview of how is manufactured and sustained in America.

There were so many that I loved. I had to actively stop myself from collecting them all, out of fear that Id simply copy the whole . Here are some of my favorites

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Does anyone know where I can find a copy (or an eBook version) of The Street Philosophy of Garry Winogrand by Geoff Dyer The book is currently out of stock, and I'm eager to read it.

The time has come. I'm making the final edits before sending my latest, greatest manuscript to agents.

It's time to prepare
Final manuscript edit
And start submitting

So the "Uglies" adaptation came out on . Did you like it or hate it

Biblio File column!

"The Fran Lebowitz Reader."

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"Horace Holley" (2016)
James P. Cousins

Please check out todays blog about our return to Italy:

En mi Instagram estoy sorteando un ejemplar de Monje y robot, de Becky Chambers, y es muy fcil participar.

Hoy es el ltimo da, as que id pitando:

Review! Whiskey and Warfare by EM Hamill:

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TIFF 2024 Review: The Life of Chuck a life-affirming crowd-pleaser. Read it here by PetDocHill

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New: EM Hamill's sapphic space opera Whiskey and Warfare:

Running on caffeine and spite with nothing left to prove. GOLDEN GIRLS meets FIREFLY in this rollicking space opera adventure.

Maryn Alessi retired from mercenary service after her last assignment went horribly ...

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The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Lets Start the Get This Time and Heres Why

Lucretia. Alma Roma

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Dotal som nov knihu (o je teraz vzcnejie, ako by som chcel), tak je as na recenziu.

Hora v moi od Raya Naylera je dobr, poctiv sci-fi.
V skratke je to tak Vojna s mlokmi kren s filmom Pchoz (nie jeho kninou predlohou), ale ovea aktulnejia. V blzkej budcnosti, plnej umelej inteligencie, dronov a vekch korporcii, udia objavia, e tu s nami v mori ij inteligentn chobotnice.


The Fictional Dictionary of Bad Langauge

My book, The Fictional Dictionary of Bad Langauge, now has where you can subscribe to its wordy strangeness via Mastodon.

#ActivityPub #blogging #book #Mastodon #TheFictionalDictionaryOfBadLangauge

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