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Talk to the boat next door.

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

"Representation in State Legislatures" (1982)
Malcolm E. Jewell

"In this sharp and engaging , Shabi addresses the need to understand and confront at a time when it is being downplayed by parts of the left and exploited by others on the right"

I recommend An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson

Im reading by at the moment and thoroughly enjoying it. Since overhearing a little of it in an audiobook not long ago, I realized that it was not a dry at all. There are glimpses of what later authors, like and even took from it and also characters like show traits of the deluded hero of the book.

Rally for a Contract Joined by Other Workers & Groups

The administration coming into this country has made no secret about its feelings on . Together as workers we have the collective ability and strength to fight back."
- Daniela Franceschetti, Book Seller

a faisait un moment que j'avais pu ouvert un livre, et hier soir a m'a pris, j'en ai chop un dans ma bibliothque

J'ai choisi "Rouge, histoire d'une couleur" de Michel Pastoureau, sachant que j'ai dj lu "Noir" et "Bleu" qui m'avaient bien plu. L j'attaque donc ma deuxime couleur prfre avec le noir, et j'ai hte d'en lire plus, parce qu'hier soir j'tais creve et j'ai lu peine 30 pages

i miei ricordi si mischiano ai tuoi
/your memories blend with mine

Photographs of a journey around Italy, guest of different friends. I was welcomed into their towns, their homes, their customs and rituals, their everyday life. Their memories.
The past was as vivid as the present.
I was looking for them but I found us instead.
The complexity of me, of them, of one and more lives blended together.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

I touched grass and read a book.

Here is my review:

Follow me for more side quests!

You Too Can Write a !

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Ne pensez pas trop le mardi 19 novembre partir de 18 h la de Babelio spciale et en change d'une chronique sur ce spcial
Sinon, il n'y en aura pas assez de spcimens pour tout le monde !

Leseempfehlung: James A. Michener - Sternenjger (aka "Space").

Es passiert in den USA nicht wirklich berraschendes ..

S.L. Huang
Rae Carson
Malka Older
G.V. Anderson
Gwendolyn Kiste
Elaine Cuyegkeng
Vina Jie-min Prasad
Cristina Jurado
Karen Osborne
Alix E. Harrow
Annalee Newitz

Diversas y variadas historias todas muy interesantes y que te hacen reflexionar.

Reivindicativa, revolucionaria e impactante. Otro acierto ms de la editorial, una eleccin excelente para conocer diferentes autoras, los relatos son todos muy interesantes.

Imagine following cryptic clues in literary and historical books and objects to uncover a secret beyond your wildest dreams

Would anyone like to do a I'll also those who me. You can your for your or .

I have a reputation for bringing hidden truths to light, but the most damning truth about the Trump crime world is that very little of its illicit activity was hidden. I stood out as an anomaly not for what I claimed but that I thought it was important, particularly when it came to predicting how he would act as president.
Sarah Kendzior, They Knew

Maybe it wasn't the best thing for me to read right now, but I just finished All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, and I had forgotten how incredibly deep this cuts. Though I love it now as I loved it when I first read it in high school. It really is the greatest war novel of all time, because it delivers so thoroughly and devastatingly a stark anti-war message.

But, while I most heartily recommend this book, if you are in a fragile place, please put it off until later. It is a ROUGH read.

"Spectacular Bid" (2019)
Peter Lee

that go into the future
that are right
that are just

Steps that move towards a future
on a path
that is not paved with suffering

So as not to have to look back
and ask ourselves
when everything
went wrong


Somehow I just realized that also fits my book...hmh...

I just finished listening to "Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist"(2014) by Margalis Fjelstad.
This book was cited in another, so I reserved it from the library out of curiosity. I wish this book had been written decades ago, and I wish I had read it earlier.
The 2 people who were in my life that were borderline/narcissist have passed. Even so, this book was incredibly validating. AND it fairly addresses borderline/narcissistic selfish orientation without criticizing. (cont)

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Bibliographical Society of America Director Erin McGuirl
Looking for Text Work in Twentieth-Century Secretarial Manuals

Our 5Colleges seminar was outstanding. Erin demonstrated: C20 women's office labor was anything but rote & mechanical


Coucou mes petits Bookinautes adors... Il est tard mais il me tenait cur de vous partager ds aujourd'hui ma petite escapade du jour au salon Noir sur Ormesson en compagnie de ma prcieuse acolyte littraire Aurore !

Bon week-end mes Bookinautes adors !

I send thanks to the buyer from New Hampshire who purchased a 10-pack of greeting cards of

Light Reading --

Reading is a joy and an adventure! May the image on the cards bring to you, and to the people to whom you send them, the sense of pleasure and relaxation that fills a room when we are absorbed in a good book.

Asshole boss obsessed with bratty employee.

I wasnt expecting to like this one as much as I did! The smutty scenes were just *chef kiss* and very fitting to their characters. I was sad when I finished this book because I ended up enjoying their dynamic so much. 5/5

When your kid will use literally anything as a convenient bookmark....

Premise: FMC is trying to leave town and needs money so she robs a crypt full of treasures and then wakes up the Pied Piper.

Not sure what I was expecting tbh. This is the first romance book Ive read with the pied piper as the main romantic interest. It was interesting to hear about his lore. Not the biggest fan of this plot but I did like the FMC. 3/5

Sarah Kendzior speaking with Jason Rosenbaum about her book They Knew

Basic premise: girl obsessed with orcs summons an orc from a magical book and theyre fated mates.
This is the second book in Saam Kings newest orc series. This one was cute! I personally preferred the characters from the first book more but this one had more sex scenes and they were in love pretty much immediately. 4/5

Grab the book drop of Improper Sky:

"Photo-Lettering's One Line Manual of Styles"
Edward Benguiat, Victor Caruso
Item date: 1971.


Fascinating book about how dualism (that people are a duality of body and soul, or physical and mental, or physical body and separate mind) has hindered us in understanding a primary cause of depression. Depression (becoming withdrawn, inactive, unsocial) can be an adaptive behavior to protect others from an infection and it is triggered by the inflammation that comes with an infection (or with eating an inflammatory diet). The Inflamed Mind, by Edwar Bullmore.

A good (german) about the question whether humans are "good".

The title reminds me a bit of "Mostly Harmles" about planet earth in the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

The answer is YES! We are good, good as Bonobos.. BUT we are in a bad place that forces us, through circumstance, to do evil things for good reasons.
It even explains why is where he is right now, which blew my mind a bit. And why will succeed.

If you want to have proof: Read It <3

Today's review! Feuds and Interludes by R.L. Merrill:

"This is a wonderful story I absolutely loved it!... I double-highly recommend Merrills Feuds & Interludes it caught me off guard, and is my favorite novel from The Road to Rocktoberfest 2024. Its heart-warming, a bit of a tear jerker, funny, and very steamy."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

55% of the population reads 30 minutes a day

"The nation reads or listens to an average of 2.6 books per month, compared to 2.4 books last year. 55% of the population spends 30 minutes or more reading daily, while 15% do not read or listen to books."

"The Reluctant Film Art of Woody Allen" (2003)
Peter J. Bailey

Another version for the Vampire Library I do also like but its not my favorite:

rich and famous