Snakebitten, the final book in Shadows

Snakebitten, the final book in Shadows of Eireland series is here. Join Kaja on her most dangerous mission yet!
(Or start the adventure with Humanborn, only $0.99 at the moment: )

Inspired by a YouTube thumbnail, I tried to take close-up shots of an open book. Although I couldnt fully replicate the look, the results are still interesting. Theres no motion blur or ICM involved here on the contrary, all images were shot at around 1/1000s. The blur comes purely from the shallow depth of field in the macro setting.
Communicate with your local boat owners.

Read A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR TEA by Rebecca Thorne if you love river pirates, meddling, planning, scheming, friends-to-enemies-to-lovers, good wine, waterproof libraries, cravings for adventure, code breaking, puns, kidnapping, heists, expensive tea, rare books, existential crises & crocheting.

Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-

1) The of is a positive for it proves that the system stirs up constructive criticism from within. We rbetter because we develop wise who challenge the system, even if it puts their lives at risk.
(2) The story of Socrates is a negative , for it proves that the system is rigid and intolerant. It will kill anyone who challenges the power elites, even if that means executing the wisest person on the planet

A lot of the fantasy books I saw in store today were "tiktok sensations" or "famous through tikrok". Makes me wonder how important TikTok is to promote books like mine. Does anyone have any experience

"The Green River of Kentucky" (2009)
Helen Bartter Crocker

" Family poisoned after using identification we bought from major online retailer. "

Why The Basketball World NEEDS To Appreciate Kevin Durant Before Its Too Late

5 Tips for Writing a Blurb

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

Why The Basketball World NEEDS To Appreciate Kevin Durant Before Its Too Late

FAST-PACED GLOSSY THRILLER about a young influencers disappearance doubles as a smart satire of the social media-industrial complex and the lure of fame. B PLUS

"A Uniquely American Epic" (2019)
edited by Michael Bliss

Am Reading.

Is your TBR insufficiently queer

400+ Fantasy/ SciFi/ Mystery/ Romance led by characters are 99 cents for Queer Your Bookshelf, for another 5 hours

Book 1 of my , & aromantic-led, epic YA trilogy is among them.

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I bought a really unusual thing on that I havent bought from them in ages a

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

I highly recommend Autocracy, Inc, by Anne Applebaum

Here is my Review of Voyager w/ Spoilers:

Check out this week's blog: Chasing down spirituality in Italy

The magic of reading

Hey there!

Looking for something new to read

Below the Heavens is a high fantasy indie book series inspired by East Asian mythology and culture.

Available for free in webnovel form on RoyalRoad, via their webpage or mobile app, found in my bio!

Politically motivated book banning and the silencing of scholarly inquiry only point to the fact that your own ideas are too weak to engage.

Nevertheless, the damage that this does has broader ramificationsto students to marginalized communities and ultimately to the reputation, livability, and economics of your state.

The book swag cometh! Bookmarks have been designed, edited, reviewed, and ordered. Watch this space for future giveaway info!

Discrete Mathematics
An Open Introduction, 4th edition

"The new edition brings many improvements and a new organization of content. In particular, the book now starts with logic and proofs, then practices those proofs with graph theory. The second half of the book contains material on counting (with a new "application to probability" section) and sequences. Over the last few years, I have found that students have more success with this arrangement. There is also a stronger emphasis on discrte structures, which should make the book more useful for students in computer science, while still focusing on understanding mathematical concepts essential for math majors and future math teachers."

Is the act of writing an autobiography pretentious

This looks interesting:

The time was ripe. If I had written that book Chimpanzee Politics 10 years earlier, probably I would have been burned at the stake. Ten years later and it would have been after the revolution.
Frans de Waal

Rogue Star

Well, anyway let me say, Youre welcome

The smell of paper or the shine of a screen Students reading comprehension, text processing, and attitudes when reading on paper and screen

Our results reveal that, overall, the students performed better when reading on paper compared to on screen, which parallels existing findings highlighted in our literature review. Yet, examining single-student performance revealed that some performed equally well across both modes, and one student comprehended better with screen reading.

Jensen, R.E., Roe, A. and Blikstad-Balas, M. (2024) The smell of paper or the shine of a screen Students reading comprehension, text processing, and attitudes when reading on paper and screen, Computers & Education, 219, p. 105107. .

Einmal mehr sucht Axel Steen den Tter in einem unglaublichen Fall um seine Stadt Kopenhagen sicherer zu machen.


Nilo una cazadora de serpientes de arena acude a la capital a informar al gobernador de su provincia del ataque de un colosal ejemplar blanco. All se ver envuelta en las intrigas de la capital.

Trepidante, amena y sorprendente. Me ha encantado la ambientacin, la magia, la economa y un sistema poltico parecido al de la antigua Roma. Me parece magistral cerrar una trama poltica en tan pocas pginas y sin que falten detalles. Aunque hubiese preferido que se alargase un par de libros ms por lo menos.

New: Eden Winters' Lighting the Darkness:

Only Light can balance Darkness.

Lio wakes in someone elses battered body with plenty of questions but no answers. Who is he Who are the strangers who rescued him Why do they call him Tenebris and Darkness And why does everyone treat him like a feral dog ...

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Rari reviews "Rhapsody" by Molly J. Bragg:

"I loved this book. I really hope that Bragg keeps writing more, and that her work becomes more widely known among superhero fans. It deserves all the recognition in the world."

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Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Doctor Fate

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Book 1 of my Ruarnon Trilogy, an epic YA fantasy of magic, monsters, mystery & friendship is among them.

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