Some news of the day: "Publisher

Some news of the day: "Publisher drops author for using fake accounts to review-bomb peers":
Today's lesson in how NOT to help your book sales...

New sapphic book review: The Heart of the Banshee by Carolyn Elizabeth, narrated by Chelsea Stephens

Hmm... I think i / to 54 last . This year, so far it seems It's going to be maybe 95-105. That feels like a lot..
Just spent 50 on 4 new . I often re-listen to them as well. All of them or current affairs/factual stuff. In and

I practically don't listen to any longer and I less on than before.

Is there something wrong with me :)

Today's release: Speculation Publications' folklore/fairy tale anthology - Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice.

During the cold winter months, we mirror the Earth as she lies quiet, waiting for the return of warm days. We gather around yule fires and perform rituals to lure back the sun. Drinking wassail...

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Talk to the boat next door.

Goodreads asks users to help combat 'review bombing' : NPR

Posting a torrent of fake negative reviews sometimes before a book is out or has even been written is a known problem on the literary social media site.


Today's review! "Red Flagged" by Elle Keaton:

"A quick-moving story that will keep you engaged all the way through. There are plenty of mysteries mixed in to keep the reader guessing, along with fun banter and steamy moments between Andre and Dante. This was one wild ride. I loved it!"

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A gnome-powered, thoughtfully super brief buying guide for the holidays. It's pretty simple really just buy the things I've written. Twice.

* the Virtual Cities atlas of game cities
* the Ex Novo city building tabletop game

1988 A man and woman sitting on a couch

This image captures a candid moment between a man and a woman, comfortably seated on a couch in an indoor setting.
The man is casually dressed, his face clearly visible, and he carries a warm, welcoming smile.
He is holding a book, suggesting that he might be sharing a story or discussing a topic of mutual interest.
The woman, whose face is partially visible, is also casually attired.
The atmosphere within the image is relaxed and intimate, suggesting a close relationship between the two individuals.
Their shared joy and comfort in each other's company is palpable, making this image a lovely representation of companionship.


1) Things out of place by Adesire Tamilore is such a beautiful yet haunting short story exploring being stuck when you have depression. How the world moves around you yet you are left behind in your own, dreary bubble. It really hit me hard.

Link to free short story -

How Will Impact In The Next Decade

Important lessons from a by 1. George Bush Srs role in obstruction of justice in 70s 2. VPs crimes forced the question of immunity and established the DOJ policy we still use today 3. Egregious corruption + grifting of republican VP even after resigning, receiving money from Saudis for helping with anti-Zionist propaganda and praising their call for Jihad 4. Bravery of those within the same party to pursue the case amidst intense political pressure

Haiku Prompt No. 315: bustle

holiday bustle
sharply contrasts with Gaza:
U.S.-funded death


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Comment profitez-vous de ce week-end ensoleill Pour ma part, il est diablement littraire ! Et voici d'ailleurs une chronique pour le moins atypique, celle du premier ouvrage de Nicolas Lebel : "Les Frres du Serment" publi avec Edilivre !

Ma chronique :

Avez-vous dj lu ce titre Bon dimanche tous !

A quelques jours du prochain numro, explorons ensemble le dernier numro de la DreamBookGazette, concoct notamment avec !

Accs direct ici :

Lus Moreira de Sousa published this fine book under an open CC license:

Spatial Linked-Data Infrastructures
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10113504

This book is available online at:

Passenger To Frankfurt was one of the last created by .

The (or whoever) should've intervened then.

Christie might've had a of .

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

8 lessons from Do Hard Things.

Book From

Namwiono mnie, obiecujc samo gste. Sprawdzimy, jako si nie zawiodem jeszcze na tych polecajcych.

10 lessons from The Power of Habit

Book From

Announcing my book: When Fragments Make a Whole

I as A Regency Holiday by Lynn Kerstan, Allison Lane, Rebecca Hagan Lee, and Alicia Rasley. This anthology of historical Christmas is sweet. I picked it to listen to the Lane one, but I enjoyed them all.

Dont hustle: Laziness is good for you


Comment: It's working for someone ELSE who is getting rich off your labour, that's the problem.


In 2023 You Must Learn.

"The People's Voice" (2014)
Barnet Baskerville

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Its currently 9, so not cold at all, but I cant get warm. Ive put the electric blanket on and will be trying to find warmth in my bed very soon.

For of , Im going with this that arrived today. Ive bought it for my mum for Christmas from The Boy. The idea is that she fills it in and gives it back to him. Pages titled Describe the house you grew up in, what did you do when you were bored when you were little, how did you meet grandad, etc. Its lovely.

Never Grow Up by Jackie Chan: New.

What comes to mind when you think of how COVID has affected gaming and the industry

Game Players, Game Developers, Game Journalists and Game Scholars...this book studies how all were affected.

Some effects are temporary, others are here to stay.

Hello people. Has anyone read Erasure by Percival Everett It is soon to be a called American Fiction, directed by Cord Jefferson. I just finished it and would love to hear your thoughts.

The Complete Van Book
Lucian K. Trusscott IV
Photographs by Terry Arthur
Harmony Books

Sin duda mi libro del ao ha sido El Imperio de Yegorov, de Manuel Moyano. Por lo fresco, por lo corto, por ser tan inesperado. Y claro, ciencia ficcin soft. Sin necesidad de grandes artilugios. Una maravilla cortita.

This was intense. Not recommended for those who avoid reading about kids suffering.

So excited to see this amazing collection announcement!

, , , , , , , , ...and that's just the first 12!! They've already announced 60!!

Will be cataloguing them here as they're announced:

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

1) Yu Yu Hakusho v2-5 - Yup, just reading the classics. This is a classic shonen manga about a spirit detective. Its intersting to see Togashi's evolution as a mangaka. From cute and silly but still heartwarming to dark battle manga. We're still in the early stages but its an entertaining to read even if rough around the edges compared to his work now.

Working On:
1) The Stone Sky by NJ Jemisin - Almost done! I'm curious to see how this wraps up.

Finally started "Gideon the Ninth" last night after finishing the series to date. It captures how and when Gideon and Harrow refer to each other by which name(s) and I'm trying things with warp spacing for how often they interact in different parts of the .

Editor Oliver Brackenbury has a new spec fiction magazine out with LGBTQ+ stories (bi, lesbian, non-binary, poly): New Edge Sword & Sorcery #1.

Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Seven stories and four non-fiction pieces.

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

banners get caught up in a sex scandal. Or, hypocrisy takes center stage.

Dog portrait