The cover is approved (iteration 3),

The cover is approved (iteration 3), proofs have been reviewed, paperwork has been filed, mistakes were likely made, and the is finally sent for approval by digital distributors.

If nothing goes wrong, it should go online by the end of the week.


"Vascular Plants Of Kentucky" (1992)
edited by Edward T. Browne and Raymond Athey

New Jonfiction Blog is up

La suite des aventures de Nelo arrive !
Pour la dcouvrir en avant-premire, c'est vendredi que a se passe : Anthony Gat sera en ddicaces ds 16 h 30 la Maison de la presse des Herbiers !

Wie uns aktuell gezeigt wird, stricken sich auch Legenden nicht von allein da muss auch schon mal durch Werbeanzeigen nachgeholfen werden.

Eine Erklrung bekommt Ihr in unserer aktuellen Episode:

Norse Mythology Volume 2

Just finished number 17 this year:

It's my turn to sell from home via !
I've got a copy of 3D Land and a few units of Teach Yourself VISUALLY in stock! Procure them if they are something you like.

Ainsi, ses nouvelles forment presque un roman, en tout cas, une ode Nos vies imparfaites que nous aimons tant et que la littrature,notamment celle de Vronique Olvad, sait tellement bien nous raconter ! de

Vanity Publishing - what are you thoughts, have a look at mine below!

I was looking at this book again, which was my great-grandfathers. Written in 1900 it may not be the most accurate or unbiased history of the world. Reading it, however is a fantastic history lesson of what established thought was at the end of the 19th century. It's also a beautiful book, as old books are.

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


So excited to be working on The Sentinels for my patrons.

Check out the cover and details!

Lessai rend compte de leffacement de spultures. Tmoin historique,Martin Barzillai, aid de Annette Becker et Katerina Krlov, documente avec ses la recherche des fragments des tombes dcouvrir

WEBSITE UPDATE : Based on your feedback I've now got a dedicated section for review of Rabbit Fever - check it out below!

ORD: 14 June 2023

Just finished reading and adding notes to this wonderful book. Maybe it can be used for in the future.

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


I've reviewed Zach Williams's debut fiction short-story collection 'Beautiful Days'.

Nothing. John Cage and 4'33"

is a book by Nicholas Day that was published last April
(as read in 's newsletter).

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Started reading: Stephen King - Ihr wollt es dunkler


Coucou mes Bookinautes chris ! Dmarrons la semaine avec le dernier roman de Sonja Delzongle : "Noir comme l'orage", paru le 11 janvier 2024 aux ditions Fleuve Noir !

Rsum dans ma chronique.

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !

"Team 19 in Vietnam" (2013)
David Millie

When gravity itself is your weakness, theres nowhere to go but up.

"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

- one of my favorite opening lines in a .
'Blood Rites,' by a novel.

Get Honest or Die Lying is a powerful continuation of Charlamagnes journey, building on the foundations he laid in his previous works, Black Privilege and Shook One.

Walking on Stones (2023)
A Novel
Indie Publishing. Books you should read.

6x9 paperbacks: KDP editions, currently author reduced price in US, CA, UK, DE, IT, NL.

SPOOKY LITTLE GEM of a horror novella captures the terrors of family life with a supernatural twist. B PLUS

Can you guess the name of this

Biblio File column!

The Mouth Mechanic: A Rick Rose Novel by Mike Paull

Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:

Help reach a round number with his campaign for Run Your Own Mail-server the opportunity to get a discounted copy of this by is coming to a close very soon it is the final few hours in fact. The campaign has been very successful thus far, allowing for many stretch-Goal bonuses to sweeten the . I am a backer

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Best stoop book find in years: Deacon King Kong by James McBride, a novel centered in the Red Hook housing projects in 1969 with a multiracial cast of characters ranging from a teenager to a centenarian.

Its Dickensian with a touch of magical realism, balancing pathos, character revelation, comedy, and narrative drive. Its Brooklyn knowledge is deep, and the ending moved me a lot.

AVAILABLE NOW AS AN AUDIOBOOK! - "Shards" - The first short-fiction collection from The Nod/Wells Timelines, featuring 8 legendary tales of science fiction, horror, and the paranormal.


Learn more about The Timelines:

Adrian Tchaikovsky

Ok, I get the hype. I was delighted to see the Uplift concept taken in a more compelling, less leering, and yet very alien direction. Half Liu, Half Brin, but more than mere homage. A compelling first contact saga.

Day 13 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers*

(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on )

Day 13

Check out today's blog post: Moving to Italy is Easy

"Dying to Eat" (2018)
edited by Candi K. Cann

- Inteligncia artificial aplicaes e desafios

- Proteo de dados e Tecnologia estudos da ps-graduao em Direito Digital


Pakistani Fabric Bargains