The Hive

The Hive

Last day!
Check out this amazing sale with over 300 authors participating!
My future ice age book, The Calling, is in here.
Link in comments to the sale and also specifically my book, to save you from scrolling through (though check out the other books! I nabbed a bunch last night.)

Overall sale:

The Calling:

Study mode activated

Just finished number 12 this year:

Yet another book I'm really looking forward to later this year

"The History of the Gothic Video Game" showcases some of the most prominent and enduring examples of with

Learn more here:

Ich habe Freitag und heute das deutsche Hrbuch zu "The Woman in me" von Britney Spears angehrt und was soll ich sagen
Der Drang die Welt einfach nur anzuznden, ist dabei ziemlich oft ziemlich stark gewesen.

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

But one of these is obviously better than the other three

Minirecenze bsnick sbrky Milana Hrabala s nzvem Domluven ifra


This image captures a quiet moment of intellectual pursuit.
In the foreground, there are two individuals engrossed in reading a book together.
The person on the left is holding the book open and pointing to something within its pages, suggesting an engaged discussion or explanation.
On the right, the other individual listens attentively, their eyes focused on the same page as they follow along.

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

Can someone provide me with a review of the book "Absolutly FreeBSD". I would like to know if the book is worth reading.

"Hawks on Hawks" (2013)
Joseph McBride

ActesSud Ce nest pas une nime analyse sur les attentats du 13 novembre 2015.Laurent Gaudchoisit de mettre en scne des instants de vie le jour mme et la nuit qui a suivi les meurtres. Son thtre de personnages, si justement croqus !

Quando i dati discriminano - Donata Columbro

There's an incredibly creepy cult in Christopher Paolini's "Murtagh" that, due to this being a fantasy novel, has magic. Imagine how much more dangerous real cults would be if they could magically manipulate and control people.

this bookis about the damages that are happening right now and that will continue into full collapse, without us being able to control or reverse it, although hopefully being able to slow, and heal from, it.
Jem Bendell, Breaking Together: A freedom-loving response to collapse

SUMMONING THE DEAD was only the first mistake Alex madethings got a lot worse after that. Sharp, evocative horror novel has a powerful sense of place and of the terrors of suffocating slowly in dead-end towns. B PLUS

From a novelist that Publishers Weekly has called a master storyteller comes an intricate and taut thriller that will have you guessing until the final page.

Kathi Q. loves to build machines and has a great idea for a new invention : a Time Machine ! She presses the button and then poof ! Everything is now upside down ! Kathi Q. Builds a Time Machine is an hilarious picture book where unexpected events keep happening.

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Misty is an adorable cloud who loves adventures and having fun with her friends. Written by meteorologist Dylan Dreyer, these picture books explain meteorological events in a fun and simple way to children.

Biblio File column!

Harmony: Legend Of Forest Ranch by Wilma Rae Forester.

Please subscribe to my free "Barnetto" newsletter:

The Concise TypeScript Book
by Simone Poggiali gibbokcoding
provides a comprehensive and succinct overview of TypeScript's capabilities.

Check out this fine pair--of hard to find items in my big sale to help pay my !

Book: High Performance Privacy Preserving AI

Kidnapped and tortured by sadistic vampires Lucas thought hed never see his pack or find a mate, and then shy Sarah rescues him. Lucas recognizes her as his heart mate, he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe - The Taken

"Supplement to the Index of Middle English Verse" (2014)
Rossell Hope Robbins and John L. Cutler

Sea Monster

What's ten feet long, lives in Japan, and occasionally swims to San Francisco

, , , , , , ,

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

I'm looking for for history, culture, and auto/biographies of chefs, especially women or marginalized chefs.

I've hit all the major blog listicles, but they all seemed pretty same-y.

Any thoughts

Kidnaped and tortured by sadistic vampires Lucas thought hed never see his pack or find a mate, and then shy Sarah rescues him. Lucas recognizes her as his heart mate, he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe - The Taken

30 blmlk in yapm bir dizi ve tane kitap okudum. amma uzad ve derinleti!

in iinde fizik be boyutlar falan da olunca bu gayet normal.

Kitapta bu girdap iin Edgar Allan Poe'nun bir hikye yazdnn bahsi geiyordu.

Paylatm ilk girdap videosunun YouTube'daki yorumlarna bakarsanz ou benim gibi Dnyann Gemii sersinden merk edip gelmi, ama arada ben Poe'dan geldim diyeni de grdm.

Srada o hikyeyi okumak var!

What's your favourite game

The Official Complete Works immerses you in the breathtaking artwork of this iconic RPG through its characters and world.

Check out this amazing sale of Indie scifi, fantasy, and horror books! Today through Monday only.
My future ice age book, The Calling, is included in this sale, but since its tricky to find amongst so many books, Ill drop the links to both my book and the overall sale below. Happy shopping!

New blog post!
Sharing My Italian Adventure: Being Interviewed on Cusano News and Vatican Radio

Next Reading Group Selection vote is open

see announcement in discord -

Candidates are:
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
- Hammer and Hoe
- Constructive Criticism

A student sent me these pics of her First Lesson in writing Hebrew

She has started with the Hebrew 1 workbook teaching the Print Alephbet and I love seeing her writing in the cover that the book is hers

Thank you for sharing this special moment with all of us and I am here to cheer you on. I appreciate her trusting in my resources as she makes her goals a reality.

Keep the pics coming! Mazal Tov

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Adrian Tchaikovsky

Book Club choice for April. My first novel or Tchaikovsky, but a good intro to both. It helps that the plot centers on one girl trying to rescue her neighborhood. Keeps the scope from sprawling too far. What at first seems like a clear good vs. evil story gets a bit richer when the "villains" and "heroes" are not quite so flat. Recommended.

Walking Routes on your GPS!