The Princess Bride, by William Goldman

The Princess Bride, by William Goldman


The Princess Bride by William Goldman

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Not to be confused with William Goldman., Wikipedia helpfully told...

Taking action and turning your ideas into reality is the crucial first step towards embarking on your creative entrepreneurial journey.

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British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Thank you to everyone who took part in this about .

The results were interesting in that print just slightly outshone in popularity with coming in third. How long this trend will continue is debatable especially as the production cost of print continues to rise.

Talk to the boat next door.

How to find a you won't want to put down

Good morning! All this talk about and the made me want to use the last week of #2023 to go back to this great .

"Mavericks on the Border" (2000)
J. Douglas Canfield

Free - x86-64 Language with Ubuntu PDF (CC BY-NC-SA license)

P.S. Skimmed - not too comprehensive, some concepts and explanations are missing but looks good enough to be an introductory text.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Pendant que certains dorment, d'autres se prparent dj pour aller travailler ! J'espre que vous avez pass un bon rveillon et vous souhaite un merveilleux Nol ! Pour l'occasion, il me fallait prsenter un livre de circonstance : "Un cur pour Nol" de Sophie Jomain, paru aux ditions Auzou !

Ma chronique :

I Stolen By Starlight by Sara Ivy Hill ( 1/Warrior Kings of Alioth). In this alien abduction , Ada is rescued but sells out an entire alien race to save <10 females & does the "too stupid to live" horrendous decision-making. Good thing that king loves her!

Amazed how this was so plainspoken. I hope weve made much progress after 200+ years.

: Hi there! AutoTrick here with an afternoon . So far today, Trick has made 4 posts on his , on topics like: , &

Check it out:

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Two Posts on Christmas Eve Now it is all about The Festive Christmas

Biblio File column!

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"Orphans Of Versailles" (2014)
Richard Blanke

a powerful lesson from the " Theory" by . The text in the excerpt will be given in comments below for space reasons.

New Blog Post:

Stylistic Choices
I make no bones about it beyond a certain point I suck at drawing people...

This week's blog post: Spotlight on Trani (Puglia, Italy)

In 2020 one of the most challenged to be removed from schools was "George" by , now "Melissa".
This begins at a elementary school where a for the dramatization of "Charlotte's Web" de E.B.White is held among the 4th grade students -9 to 10 yo-
Girls could play Charlotte the role and boys can only play Wilbur the role.
A transgender girl wants to be auditioned in the spider role and gets a NO from school.

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

Another book for Christmas!... 'Christmas at Poverty Castle' by Tom Gallon, published by Eveleigh Nash in 1907. I have absolutely no idea what this book is about, but the title suggests it has something to do with making it through the festive season when there's a Tory government in power.

Books for Christmas!... 'May Fair' and 'These Charming People', both by Michael Arlen. The former is the limited edition published by George H. Duran in 1925, signed by the author and contained in an orange slipcase. The latter, published by W. Collins Sons & Co. in 1923, is also signed by Arlen.

Can anyone recommend or warn me off of the Max Sinclair (fiction) book called "Undisclosed Location" that was published in 2022

I'm looking for a highly interesting, fun and easy read.

ANNIVERSARYBOOKThat Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

We are adding Iceland's book flood tradition (Jlabkafli) to our Christmas Eve this year. Perfect thing for our family of lovers!

I on evening today: I'm not spending a dime more!

Also I, about half an hour later...

1981 A group of men sitting at a table

This image features a gathering of men engrossed in a discussion around a table.
The scene is reminiscent of a painting or drawing, with elements of cartoon-like illustrative detailing present in the depiction of the men.
Each man is uniquely characterized, with distinct facial features.
They are all dressed in clothing that includes footwear, suggesting an informal or semi-formal setting.
Some books are also visible in the scene, indicating that the setting might be intellectual or academic.
The scene is indoor, further contributing to the intimate and focused ambiance.
The image is a fusion of art and storytelling, offering a glimpse into a moment of human interaction and conversation.

"something is happening worldwide. - threshold of ..."
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British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Critically Cringe: On Susan Neimans Left Is Not Woke, Los Angeles Review Of Books ().

Conjunto de relatos breves que no te dejaran indiferente.

Espeluznante, oscuros y ttricos. Isabel ha conseguido adems hacerme dormir con la luz encendida leer con los ojos cerrados. Como veneno envuelto en caramelo con un estilo precioso y una voz dulce te va introduciendo en el relato hasta que te estalla y te destroza por dentro lanzando esquirlas que se incrustan en tu alma. Entrar en esta casa ha sido un viaje que me ha marcado.

In 1940 John Steinbeck made a boat expedition to various sites in the Gulf of (also known as the Sea of Cortez), with his friend, the marine biologist Ed Ricketts. He recorded his experiences on the boat "Western Flyer" in a named "The Log from the Sea of Cortez". The Western Flyer still exists and was recently renovated. More about Ed Ricketts can be found in his "Beyond the Outer Shores" from Eric Enno Tamm.

EditionsSeghers stait fait connatre comme chanteur et parolier du groupe . Il revient se dclarant clairement et ouvertement avecLe dversoir,ou minutes.


How Comics Were Made! A Visual History from the Drawing Board to the Printed Page by

EdLaMartiniere Cest la simplicit qui est recherche ici pour donner envie de cuisiner. Et,Cyril Lignacy russit parfaitement. cyrillignac
Alors, offrir ou soffrir !

illustre ici


Coucou mes Bookinautes chris ! Emilie Chevallier a gentiment accept de rpondre mes petites questions indiscrtes, me permettant ainsi de vous la prsenter, elle et son roman "Chocolat chaud et chat-pin de Nol" ! Alors belle recontre, bonne lecture... Et doux rveillon tous !

Retrouvez l'interview ici :

My Dog is Fabulous