The Secret History of Freemasonry

The Secret History of Freemasonry

Communicate with your local boat owners.

Book Review: "The Lives Of Bees"

Bees have existed in the wild for 100 million years, while we humans have only been around for a scant ten thousand. For as long as we've existed *as humans*, we've co-existed with bees.

Yet despite this, there is a big difference between how bees live in wild colonies, versus how humans treat them in man-made hives.

In "The Lives Of Bees", Dr. Thomas Seely outlines decades of research, experiments, and bee hunting to show how bees live when left on their own, and what we can learn from that to keep better hives ourselves.

A fascinating look at the hive as an organism. I learned a lot. It was gripping. Highly recommended.

-review -put-it-down

New: Sheila Jenn's The Sea of Clouds:

After the events of the previous book, Lucy and Moira find themselves headed in different directions. Lucy is sent to the cloud cities of Venus and finds herself ensnared in a diplomatic incident and investigating a murder.

Moira visits her family on Mars, where a ...

LGBTQBookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

that have had an impact on who I am. 1 a day for 20 days. No explanations, reviews, just the covers.


I just blogged:

Book review: The MVVM pattern in .NET MAUI (written by )

Escaping into a good book with the sound of waves in the background

Read more about the paperback release of Unsecret Identity

An award-winning about the true story of the couple raising a chick was banned in in response to the state's .

The 2005 book by Justin Richardson & Peter Parnell was removed from & in Florida.

The school board said titles were "administratively removed due to content regarding / identification prohibited in .

I've reviewed Nick Banks's book 'So it Started There'. Banks is the drummer in pop band Pulp.

Cul es tu gnero favorito Tengo para todos los gustos!

Doce de diciembre.
El amor en los tiempos del coronavirus.
El reloj de oro.
La fuerza del rayo.
Las fotos de lo que fuimos.
Agujeros de Vaco (Cartas desde Alitila I).

En qu historia quieres sumergirte

Puedes encontrarlos todos en papel en Amazon y en digital en mi web desde el enlace de mi perfil!

Its with tremendous relief that I announce that the paperback edition of Unsecret Identity: Eric Icarus - Book One is FINALLY available on Amazon!

Lucretia. Alma Roma

Disponibile online gratuitamente.

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Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

"Ghosts of the Bluegrass" (2009)
James McCormick and Macy Wyatt


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Aujourd'hui je vous parle du dernier roman de Vronique Olmi : "Le courage des innocents", paru ce 21 aot 2024 aux ditions Albin Michel !

Ma chronique :

On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !


Does anyone use a tracker that kets you sort books I have downloaded 16 between and . But NONE of them allow for custom ordering (other than "sort by... date added").

I like to reorder my queue. But need uograde from my todo/list app. Book trackers download covers/descriptions sooo easily!


Nice to Haves:

Library - new on : Romancing Yesenia : How a Mexican Melodrama Shaped Global Popular Culture - Salazkina, Masha - - This book follows the production, transnational circulation, and reception of the highest grossing film in the history of Soviet exhibition, the 1971 Mexican romance Yesenia. The film adaptation of a telenovela based on a wildly popular graphic novel set during the Second Franco-Mexican War became

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

"Lewis Milestone" (2019)
Harlow Robinson

Podcast with Rachel Kousser, author of Alexander at the End of the World: The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great

But what drove Alexander to keep marching What was the kind of empire Alexander wanted to build And why did he eventually turn back at the Indus River, his soldiers begging for him to return home

Today's education.

If you missed this week's blog, you still have a chance to read about the joys of living in Italy!

deeper #168

It's Shameless Promo Thursday, when I remind you that I write books you might like to read. Up this week: the second edition of Labrys & Horns: An Introduction to Modern Minoan Paganism.

Want to find out what inclusive Minoan spirituality is all about Here's the perfect resource!

* The Minoan Pantheon
* The sacred calendar
* Rituals and devotionals
* Symbols, practices, crafts

Details on my website (link in my bio). Be sure to get the new second edition with the aqua cover - the first edition with the burgundy cover is out of date. All the links on my website are for the up-to-date second edition.

10 from the by
1. Understand the power of self awareness
2. Embrace your shadow side
3. Develop empathy to understand others
4. Master the art of influence
5. Recognize power of non-verbal communication
6. Beware of the danger of group think
7. Cultivate emotional intelligence
8. Understand the role of human nature in leadership
9. Embrace change and adaptability
10. Harness the power of patience

Status update on the paperback release.

From Blog to Book: Bob Wells Shares 25 Years of Van Life Wisdom!

A bit tangential, but I highly recommend this ...

"Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed" by Andrew Koppelman

I found this book very helpful to understand a) what is, b) why (in a well-managed form) it is probably the best economic system we're going to get, c) how conservatives have perverted and shaped it, and d) how to push back.

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

Again with drugs, it is the unknown which is the horrific factor. Most people get their information on the subject from the yellowest of yellow newspapers, magazines and novels. So darkly deep is their ignorance that that do not know what the word meanslike us so often, yes

(4/4) Here are some photos so you can see how it would look on your bookshelf!
(exercise for Mathstodon: find Hartshorne)

Been reading Rebel Chef, the memoir of Dominique Crenn. Emma Brockes probably helped a lot in structuring and refining but it's still a memoir - well-written or not, readers' interest in her life very much decided their opinions.

One thing that strikes out though, is that she mentioned Anthony Bourdain briefly,
"If you read Kitchen Confidential, it is apparent there was something within him he couldnt get past."

That coincides entirely with my opinion of his book. She deliberately kept it vague and that's understandable. But I don't have a reputation to upkeep - it's apparent that Bourdain knew full well how vast the culinary world is and he's spent his life down a dead end. He was at best a very competent operator, but unlikely someone who could carry an establishment to a new height. Out of sheer luck he became a celebrity, yet he couldn't shake away his feeling of "betraying his comrades".

Yet most people mourn his telly persona instead of the struggling individual he was.

the last of the sent by my good friend katie, her most excellent assistant, david, & the very good peeps

The Human Disease: How We Create Pandemics, from Our Bodies to Our Beliefs by Sabrina Sholts

For any Japanese-speakers out there:

This book sets out to chronicle the history of Japan's digital game industry.

The blue cover was the original 2016 publication, but 4 years later, in 2020, it got a "Revised and Expanded" edition .

"Kentuckians in Gray" (2008)
edited by Bruce S. Allardice and Lawrence Lee Hewitt

Estela debe convivir con un ente oscuro desde pequea frenndolo y controlndolo en la medida de lo posible para proteger a los suyos,

Oscura, despiadada e impactante. Me ha sorprendido gratamente el cambio de registro de la autora se ha adentrado perfectamente en la oscuridad para guiarnos a lo ms oculto del Inter de las personas.

BREAKING: Phoenix Suns WAIVE Nassir Little, Whats Next

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! Aujourd'hui vous attend en librairie "L'idole" de Vincent Delareux, paru aux ditions de l'Archipel, que j'ai pu lire grce Netgalley !

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On en parle ensemble en commentaires Belle journe tous !


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