The Unofficial GBA Pixel Book
Presented across 300-pages along with pixel art cut-outs, sprite work, vast montages, and immense level maps.
Buy here:
Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshippers Mystic Love Cult
#1920s #AA #abbeyOfThelema #AesopusIsland #AlbertRyerson #aleisterCrowley #blackMass #book #Detroit #ecclesiaGnosticaCatholica #gnosticMass #HarryKemp #liberXv #massOfThePhoenix #moralPanic #newYork #OccultSupernatural #ordoTempliOrientis #review #TPolyphilus #WilliamSeabrook
If instead for shopping for big deals you'd rather hunt for books today, Indie Black Friday Sale has got you covered!
Browse the huge amount of free and heavily discounted books here:
Just stumbled across some old edits from The Fridgularity. I'd completely forgotten about the gunfight scene in the tomato soup factory. (Wishing now I hadn't cut it.) Some of the dialog:
"Ah, God, I'm hit... No wait, it's just soup."
"I'm done for, tell my wife I ... no, I'm good, it's just soup."
"There's so much blood! Oh nevermind, it's just tomatoes."
Ended with a head shot.
ICYMI: "Fair Game," the final story single from my upcoming book, "8: Tales of The Big Men from The Nod/Wells Timelines" is FREE worldwide this weekend during my Black Friday Kindle sale. You can also find great deals on "309" and "The Big Men" in the US, and "Shards" in the UK!
BookReview: Pheasants Nest by Louise Milligan , , -reviews, , , , , ,
parallel schoolParallel School is a collection of considerations and interviews about the school ecosystem, history and structure.Is it possible to think of change as an educational method Can schools be continuously reshaped on the people who actually experience itThis theoretical research led to the design of the workshop Community Garden. Final project / BA / ISIA Urbino.Teacher supervisor Nicola Chemottiparallel school
Parallel School is a collection of considerations and interviews about the school ecosystem, history and structure.
Is it possible to think of change as an educational method Can schools be continuously reshaped on the people who actually experience it
This theoretical research led to the design of the workshop Community Garden.
Final project / BA / ISIA Urbino.
Teacher supervisor Nicola Chemotti
"The Social Self" (1996)
Joseph Alkana
Michael Manns The Keep finally hits 4K UHD and Blu-ray. Trailer and details here
Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist Readings
GNU C Manual and GNU Emacs Manual: A Guide to Open Source Knowledge and Sustainability
The GNU C Manual and the GNU Emacs Manual are essential resources for developers and enthusiasts who wish to deepen their understanding of the GNU ecosystem. These manuals are not just instructional guides but also reflect the philosophy of free software.
Read More:
Uncover a shadow world of espionage, covert operations, and political intrigue in From Terror to Valor.
Jack Debaut is thrust into a dangerous game where allies and enemies are hard to distinguish, facing betrayal and a labyrinth of secrets that could alter everything. Can Jack expose the truth before time runs out
The Type Archived book is now 2/3 funded, and you can back the project from here: . Please to reach more on and beyond.
If you never got to visit the archive in person, then this will be as close as you can now get to doing so.
"The definitive account of the legendary Type Archive provides a stunning visual tour of traditional typefounding, tracing the origins of typography and the printed word."
After watching Netflix's "Fool Me Once," I had to read Harlan Coben's novel. The book dives deeper into the plot and characters, offering richer twists and intrigue than the adaptation. A gripping, satisfying read! Only 3 stars though for this one.
Advance Wars - Featured in our new book - The Unofficial GBA Pixel Book
Presented across 300-pages along with pixel art cut-outs, sprite work, vast montages, and immense level maps.
Buy here:
's Top 3 on ...
1 The Traitors by C.A. Lynch
2 The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett
3 Outback by Patricia Wolf
, de (Barcelona, Plaza & Jans / Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, 2024).
Laura Alonso Ameyugo,
Mara Elena Carpio,
Sara Mascaraque,
Lucybell Haner,
Ivn Mayayo Martinez,
Raquel Arbeteta Garca,
Alfred Almasy,
Cristina Ogando,
Marina Tena Tena,
Rafael Daz Gaztelu,
Rubn Rodrguez Risquez,
Leticia Goimil Garca,
Javier Mir
Con diferentes climas se relatan diferentes historias desde el fro glacial al calor abrasador se disfrutan todos los relatos.
Entretenida, amena y sorprendente. He conocido voces que no haba escuchado y que tengo ganas de conocer ms, adems de reencontrarme con una de mis autoras favoritas.
Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-
I finished a book today, "Code Blue" by Dr. Melissa YI ... Dr. Melissa Yuan-Innes.
It is a murder mystery set in Montreal, in a hospital setting. Pretty good! I enjoyed it. I wonder if I can find her and ask her to sign the book .... hmmmm.
I just backed Joe Pekar's Blackthorne's Coven: Book Two! :blobhearteyes:
"Mark Twain and the Bible" (2014)
Allison Ensor
'How Arthur by the means of Merlin got the Excalibur, his sword by the Lady of the Lake' illustration for 1894 edition of 'Le Morte d'Arthur', by Aubrey Beardsley
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
Little Black Book of Decay (2018) is officially ! But the journey doesn't end here, fellow lovers of decay. I'm excited to unveil the updated and expanded 2nd Edition of this book!
15% off !
Elegant hardback, satin finish
New, larger format (21square)
More beautiful abandoned places: twice as many
Learn the history and background, each photo has a caption for context
Pre-order here -
I am currently reading "Paradise Valley" (2017) by C.J. Box. It's a very good book, but not a great book.
Just finshed reading: by Andrea Leopardi and Jeffrey Matthias - Everything you need to know about how to test large #elixir systems. And much more. Recommended. #software #bestpractice #book
Just finshed reading: Testing Elixir by Andrea Leopardi and Jeffrey Matthias - Everything you need to know about how to test large systems. And much more. Recommended.
Thankful to get a copy of Reflection and Intuition in A Crisis-Ridden World:
Hoping for a digital copy to annotate!
Can't access the Some free papers cover similar work:
I've only been able to glance at a few sections, but this seems like a book I would want to write:
- broad range of topics that interest more than academics
- situated in the history of ideas
- attention to replicability of results
- anticipation of future directions
Pretty good deals: Harper Collins has 40% off on their website until Sunday.
The Cure for Women: Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi & the Challenge to Victorian Medicine That Changed Women's Lives Forever, by Lydia Reeder
How Victorian male doctors used false science to argue that women were unfit for anything but motherhood* and the brilliant doctor who defied them.
*At least we left that absurd idea in the past, eh
Scheduled for publication on Dec 3, this is definitely going on the top of my list!
Este libro infantil es un sueo para m.
En l invito a los nios a travs de un poema con actividades a crear un Dios personal para ellxs.
Muchas personas no son bien recibidas por las religiones establecidas.
Pero el viaje espiritual de cada persona es nico y este libro lo celebra.
Este libro existe con la premisa de que nadie puede negarle el amor de Dios a una persona.
A book about books, life and happiness. Are you living your life or are you just doing what is expected of you What makes you truly happy What role do the books play in your life
"Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop" and maybe you will find the answers.
A very calm cozy book, which made me remember my love for reading.
KINDLE EBOOK SALE - Enter the worlds of The Nod/Wells Timelines speculative-fiction universe with these great deals on the first two novels from the saga!
WORLDWIDE: Don't forget to pick up your FREE copy of "Fair Game" via any of Amazon's international sites during the sale!
From my Dark Shepherd novel. Something is still active in an ancient, apparently dead, alien derelict.
The last image was used as the cover of the Art of Fred Gambino, published by Titan books.
The most deeply seated instinct in us is our craving for experience. And that is why the efforts of the Utopians to make life a pleasant routine always arouse subconscious revolt in the spirit of man.
#aleisterCrowley #always #arouse #book #cravingFor #deeplySeated #efforts #experience #inUs #instinct #life #make #man #pleasantRoutine #quote #revolt #spirit #subconscious #thatIsWhy #TheDiaryOfADrugFiend #theMost #Utopians
"A Revolution Down on the Farm" (2008)
Paul K. Conkin
Join Mr. Chamberland for his "faux Thanksgiving dinner" in "Paper or Plastic," the original "story single" from my upcoming book, "8," now available as an audio experience...
POSTGAME: Phoenix Suns EMBARRASSED By Nets Bench & Self-Inflicted Mistakes In Loss