Today's release: Arshad Ahsanuddin has a

Today's release: Arshad Ahsanuddin has a new gay fantasy book out, The Secret Histories book 3: The Third Age.

County Donegal, Ireland, 1597 AD.

Millennia have passed since the glaciers receded. Civilizations have risen and fallen many times in the interim, and all trace of the Age of Miracles has been lost to time...

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

this incredibly inspirational, thoughtful & hopeful about sea level rise due to by rosanna xia, California Against The Sea

"Thomas Merton's Gethsemani" (2005)
Harry L. Hinkle

A good book has no ending. R.D. Cumming

Talk to the boat next door.

Today's review! A Knight to Remember by Jackie Keswick:

"FI really enjoyed A Knight to Remember, which introduces readers to the series' main characters - Im sure there will be some interesting cases to be solved. Im excited about this new series... well done."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

Everyone plugs Standard Ebooks now for reads, which are great, but I also want to draw attention to this hidden gem: the E-Book Uploads section of the MobileRead forums, with thousands of books in a variety of formats.

Many are done by dedicated volunteers, or independent ebook publishers who know the software and convert free books on the side. I've read a couple from here and the quality has been wonderful - with illustrations, proofreading, etc - much better than the free auto-conversions from most places.


My review of by Alice McIlroy is live on !

A nuanced, complex, sophisticated read which psychological suspense fans will gobble up with glee.

Check out my review...

Flora Londinensis, or Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London by Curtis, William, 1746-1799-

I've been Bob Mortimer's book the Satsuma Complex and I don't think I can be bothered to finish it.

It's easy to read and enjoyable enough but it's pretty much what you'd expect from a British comedian. It's got the usual non-glamorous, bland everyday Englishness about it -- like scotch eggs and tea, like that Harry Hill movie.

It's O.K. but it's not all that funny, and the non-glamorous nature means the story is like an ITV drama more than anything truly exciting


Basic Income for Canadians
This is a long form look at many studies on basic income. Overall, people use the money to improve their lives and continue to work. They don't get lazy, but employers may complain because it gets harder to find people willing to work for low wages as they now have more financial freedom and don't need to keep a crappy job with a bad boss.

Read my full review.

Purchase Basic Income for Canadians on

"Writing Appalachia" (2020)
edited by Katherine Ledford and Theresa Lloyd

I'm 38 pages into this and ready to open my own montessori school and make filthy amounts of money. Might need help changing a ton of diapers tho.

With Durant out, Beal and Booker have to avenge Suns loss to Blazers

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

MY LAST YEAR is ready for your vote on AllAuthor's Cover of the Month Contest!

My best friend, Nounous, is working hard to reach his 15th birthday on January 10th.

This past year has been difficult for him with his many medical issues. I hope and pray this year won't be his last.

There's a new book coming soon about game AI development and I'm very happy to announce that I contributed

Game AI Uncovered Volume One Paul Roberts Taylor & Francis

Saw this on Project Gutenberg today, looks like it has a lot of early history of computers.

"Computers - The machines we think with" by Daniel S. Halacy 1962.

Thank you
for all you do for public domain and free books.

Orlando, by Virginia Woolf - Free ebook download "A lighthearted romp of a book, Orlando remains resolutely literary and asks lingering questions about the construction of gender, the intersection between the spirit of the age and artistic creation, and what loving another person really means "

Nobody is meant to be anything other than free. And, free is not something you plan it is something you feel.

It has nothing to do with dirty or pervert. work a lot with these notes etc.

For 2024: Some of the stories that reveal the human spirit

Here's a little book from some time ago! An artbook that collects a series of drawings made on old postcards. Did you know him

Ecco un librino di qualche tempo fa! Un artbook che raccoglie una serie di disegni realizzati su vecchie cartoline. Lo conoscevate

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Here is my Review of Outlander w/ Spoilers:

Last week I found this Chinese Paper Cut book at Half Price Books. Its absolutely beautiful and unexpected. I wasnt intending to get it but it was cheap as chips (less than $10) and it seemed wrong to leave it. Each page is a beautiful paper cut with film over it to protect it. Chinese astrological signs on one side and birds on the other. No clue what the background to this is but enjoy the photos!

"Appalachian Mental Health" (1988)
edited by Susan E. Keefe

Who Is the City For

Je suis photographe sur toute la France, pour tout vos vnement, projet professionnel et plus encore . Cinma , Vido
Une production bien au dessus et des prix bien en dessous de la moyenne .

Into The Indies features 51 in-depth interviews with developers hailing from 31 countries

This collection is a treasure trove of insights and guidance for aspiring creators.

Check it out here:

Los nios estn en la guardera esperando a que sus padres vengan a buscarlos, pero el pronto vendrn de la tata puede ser tarde cuando las cosas empiezan a fallar y los pequeos se ven obligados a aprender y descubrir la realidad.

Emotiva, bizarra y cruda. Pues si el autor hizo una maratn de escritura yo la hice de lectura, me atrapo tanto el libro que me encerr a leerlo, compartir el viaje de los personajes, sus sorpresas ante lo que van descubriendo y mantenerme en la zona iluminada con ellos ha sido un proceso intenso.

Finished book 1 of 2024 - There is No Antimimetics Division by qntm. A sci-fi/horror SCP novel. Not my usual sort of reading, but it explored a very interesting concept and drew me in.

New podcast episode: 'A Pail of Air' by Fritz Lieber

Little boys still think about girls, even in the apocalypse.

Listen anywhere:


Happy 2024, wiggly friends!

New month, new Book Bunch book to read together. This month, it's Sure, I'll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere by Maria Bamford

See you in -bunch for the latest banter.

Pleased to share the latest review of "500," which proved to be the last of 2023. You can find it on Goodreads, along with many other reviews of my books!

Bradley Beal and Kevin Durant lead Suns over pesky Orlando Magic PHNX Suns Postgame Live

You've read the tales, now get the books!

2023 in Books


2023 has passed and Ive read more during that year than usual. Sadly, though, reading-wise 2023 was a very mixed bag - 3.1 was my average rating, Goodreads helpfully informs me and it makes sense.

There were ...

Some sapphic princesses who fight dragons really did the trick last night, and I just finished the rest of it now. The world building is amazing and all the different gods are my favorites of all books that have deities! Though the first book only gives you a hint of that. Book two goes deeper into it (one of the MCs is a goddess) and it is one of my absolute favorite books! Havent read books 3-5 yet, I have some great daydreams that takes place after the 2nd and I dont want to ruin them :meowmeltcry: also, book 3s description sounds like there might be some angst there, which also holds me back.. (Reviews are very good though, for all books)

All societies/cultures have men, women and neutroi (enbies essentially), you love who you love, no strangeness about it. For nobility there is the question of heirs though. There are priests who have a ritual to change peoples bodies (man->woman or wise versa, no details about how that works for neutroi which I assume is because the author didnt want to put her foot in her mouth, so I like to think you can sort of pick and choose your bodys attributes), it holds for as long as your spirit is willing to stay in that shape. Varies from no time at all to enough time for, say, two women to knock one of them up to permanent (what we would call trans). (Two men needs to settle for a surrogate, but I think they can combine both dads genes. Adoption is also quite common)

Monogamy is the default though, unfortunately. No mentions of poly even existing as a concept.

(The series is Tales of Inthya by Effie Calvin if someones interested)

#sapphic #book

I highly recommend supporting the Standard Ebooks project.

Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces new editions of public domain e-books that are lovingly formatted, open source, free of copyright restrictions, and free of cost.

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Astrology is my thing