Today's review! Grant" by Jackie Keswick:

Today's review! Grant" by Jackie Keswick:

"An easy, quick read, but its still fast paced, filled with action, danger and lots of intimate moments... an entertaining and exciting first book in the White Knight Security series."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Is there anyone here from ,

If so, do you remember Forman's Booksellers Ltd, possibly in the Millender Center

I don't think that they are there anymore - reason for the question is that my Dad bought a from a 2nd hand in () today and it had a bookmark in it from there.

However, there is no address and the phone number is now a fax number for a Veterans' Benefits Association!

Just being nosey really...

And any boosts appreciated!

New sapphic book review: Like They Do In The Movies by Nan Campbell

Book drop for

Ram Mandir, Rashtra Mandir Ek Saajhi Virasat : Kuchh Ansuni Baten, Book Release

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Cette quipe

Les 550 exemplaires de La Morale de la Xerox encarts, plis, agrafs, tamponns, massicots, conditionns dans un temps de records par vingt mains avant qu'ils soient livrs notre diffuseur/distributeur Serendip / Paon Diffusion.

La Morale de la Xerox, de Clara Balaguer et Florian Cramer


Tras la muerte repentina de su hermano Victoria acude a arreglar sus asuntos, la visitarn y acompaarn en el trance tres amigos del difunto que compartan un pacto de juventud que ha sido el desencadenante de todos los sucesos.

Oscura, opresiva y aterradora. Me encanta la estructura combinada de epstolas y diarios utilizados para reflejar los diferentes puntos de vista de los personajes, es un toque que te transporta a la poca. Casi le dan ganas a uno de utilizar pluma y lacre, poco me falto para pedir un coche de caballos.

The Wedding Night Before Christmas, by Kati Wilde


The Wedding Night by Kati Wilde

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange! (Horatio in Shakespeares Hamlet, act 1,...

This week on ...

My review of by Alice McIlroy DaturaBooks

My review of by Chris Hammer Wildfirebks

Talk to the boat next door.

"Perspectives on Contemporary Literature, Volume 13" (2014)
edited by David Hershberg

EdRecamier regisjauffret imagine la gestation du futur Adolf Hitler en racontant la grossesse de sa mre. Noir, terrible, mais inoubliable La bombe de la titre livreshebdo a c'est sr !

Belfond DansUn si beau bleu, le narrateur a un rve : gravir le mont Cervin, celui qui illustre la publicit Toblerone. florianforest raconte avec posie, humour et motions le combat dun homme pour se dpasser !

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Did you know that "A la recherche du temps perdu" (In Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust is the longest continuous

It contains 9,609,000 characters.

The inspired the concept of the Madeleine-effect, the feeling of involuntarily remembering the past via taste or smell.

There's a that is also extremely long, about the Super Smash Brothers. It contains over
4,100,000 words.

You can read it here:

So far in 2024 I've read five . I've continued to enjoy binge reading MM historical romances by KJ Charles.

The best in terms of impact was an NZ based memoir "End Times" by science communicator and professor Rebecca Priestley.

THE UNLIKELIEST CRIME LORDS and the story of their rise and fall: an always gritty, often witty, profoundly immersive novel from Brazil details just how far people will go to escape crushing poverty. You wont want to put it down. A MINUS

My sister Teresa, and an excerpt from my new Freeing Teresa, are featured in the January 2024 issue of Community Living Magazine in the UK.

This morning, Teresa was saying, "This is amazing and reading it over and over. "I love the letter. I'm a self-advocate. I'm a role model! Congratulations!

Thanks to Editor for championing Teresas !

Witty stories about Canada, great read

Zurck von meinem Ausflug. Hab ein weiteres Buch whrend der ruhigeren Stunden durchgelesen.
"Schwarzwild im Visier" von Matthias Meyer/Dirk Waltmann.
Back from my trip. Finished another book during the quiet hours.
"Wild boar(s) in sight" by Matthias Meyer/Dirk Waltmann.

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Now on sale for $2.99!

Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy

I'm looking for bibliographical references in English about learning and applied , particularly focused for urban planning.

Any recommendation

"Very heavy rain, remained on shore during the forenoon. The country which had hitherto been covered with wood now begins to have a beautiful appearance, arge plains now and then breaking in upon the view.
"Thursday. We started at 4 am and at half past 10 we reached Fort Carlton, and were regaled by Mr. Pruden, the gentleman in charge, with an excellent breakfast of Buffalo stakes.
"Friday. We started at 4 am.... To order the

Black and gold endband to match the edge decoration of the rebind of Hellbent that I'm working on.

A moment of appreciation for the colour palette of my book and my knitting matching so nicely.

Also, 's post reminded me: I learned to knit from a Klutz book in the car with friends on the way to/from the Very Large Array back when I lived in Albuquerque a bit more than a decade ago. There's a large cell phone/radio dead spot around the array so we had many hours in the car where all we could do was talk and I knit and reknit the same ball of yarn over and over again until my hands and brain finally clicked.

I as Levi by Brynne Asher ( 1/The Killers Next Generation). This high school + political of 2 18yos features a possessive protective MMC & a set of toxic parents. I was prepared for the young MCs & enjoyed it.

"Hollywood's Indian, expanded edition" (2003)
edited by Peter C. Rollins and John E. O'Connor

In the mood to read nonfiction today, I'm thinking a history book.

Turkeys Antalya Province still has tons of Roman ruins, because return shipping wouldve cost a fortune.

The s
opens with the end of Mysteriously, at the stroke of midnight on January 1, no one in the country experiences death any more. Initially, the people of this country celebrate their apparent victory over mankind's longtime foe. But what happens next...

"About noon today we met a canoe from Fort Carlton loaded with fresh buffalo meat sent by Mr. John Rowand, who had gone on ahead for a supply for the boats.
"Wednesday. Very heavy rain, remained on shore during the forenoon. The country which had hitherto been covered with wood, now begins to have a beautiful appearance, large plains now and then breaking in upon the view." To Order the :

Anyone who tracks animals knows that tracking involves more than just footprints. Its about paying attention It requires searching for sign Its about piecing together subtle clues And its also about reaching for the highest level of perceptual training.
Jon Young & Tiffany Morgan, Animal Tracking Basics

Authors of the Impossible

Les champignons (fungi, hymnomyctes) qui croissent en France - 1878

Left a for Erika McCorkle's "Merchants of Knowledge and Magic"

An LGBT-first high fantasy work of art. Don't let the cute cover fool you, this is a dark and enticing read!

Currently reading: Putins Prisoner by Aiden Aslin This is the story of an anarchist soldier who was willing to sacrifice his own life for the freedom of the oppressed people of Ukraine. Anarchists dont like violence, but they dont shy away from it when it comes to stand for the peoples rights! #book...

Little 1
Paul Rand
Item date: 1962.


Always an odd thing to say, but... massive thanks to The Daily Mail.

For a frankly stellar review of my new paperback, 'Emotional Ignorance: Misadvenutres in the Science of Emotion'

Highlights below, but get your own copy too!

Average Dog Life Spans by Breed.