Today's small press review!
Maryann reviews "Natives of the Night" by Eric Neher, The Wheel of Shadow biook 1:
"Aa dark paranormal tale about Native American culture, beliefs and traditions... A well written, frightening character-driven tale, filled with suspense and danger, that delves into themes of bravery, family, friendship, and love."
Liberales Denken der Kampf um Deutungshoheit
Nationalliberaler Politikstil im frhen Bismarckreich
Ansgar Lauterbach
Duncker & Humblot, 2024
Today's release: Tessa Crowley's MM fantasy The Terrible.
Once upon a time in the kingdom of Leithbrochen, a king and queen in need of an heir went to seek the aid of a fairy who lived in a hut that was never in the same place twice. Many years later, in a small village along a river, a monster made ...
MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon
Kindle and e-books are fine, but theres nothing quite like opening a real book and particularly a hardback one
Perfectly reasonable... you have to prioritize
British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-
Face Her Fear (Detective Josie Quinn #19), by Lisa Regan
Face Her Fear by Lisa Regan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
By this 19th instalment in the Josie Quinn police proced...
If you've been tempted to preorder a hardcover of A Misfortune of Lake Monsters, maybe... wait. I'm just saying. There will be surprises ahead that will make it worth your while to hold off until April. ()/
Talk to the boat next door.noirsurblanc Avec beaucoup de posie et de pudeur,Galle Jossedcrit les moments nocturnes o la vie est au cur de nos proccupations. Les derniers instants damour dun homme avec sa femme mourante, par exemple.
Hey, , YOUR
find GREAT books!
Taurianova in selected as Italian Capital 2024 - -
Well thought out .
Cancin: El sptimo sello Octubre 2017
Cordialidad, colaboracin, respeto pleno...
"Freedom to Offend" (2007)
Raymond J. Haberski, Jr.
My review of by John Marrs is live on !
A twisty, highly compelling tale. Riveting, evocative and bursting with razor-sharp, perfectly pitched suspense.
Check out my review...
Forgot to post yesterday, but this weekends book delivery is the rather splendiferous (yes, its a real word) Gothic: An Illustrated History by Professor Roger Luckhurst, which just happened to fall open to my favourite Horror film, The Haunting (1963).
Uncanny that!
Coucou mes Bookinautes chris ! (Re)Dcouvrons ensemble le talentueux , auteur du merveilleux roman "Veiller sur elle" - Prix Goncourt et Prix du Roman Fnac - mais pas seulement ! Belle rencontre et bonne lecture !
(Egalement dans la DreamBookGazette 25)
Which players on the NBA buyout market could help the Phoenix Suns championship chase
A month or so ago, I ended up with a Mercedes-Benz cookbook and noticed the Country Garden Cookbook mention on the top of the cover. A couple of weeks ago, I was in a local used bookstore and found five of those Country Garden Cookbooks. And now, after some online digging and such, I have twelve!
I A Masquerade With a Marquess ( 8/Lords of Temptation). The blurb is a little off - the MMC does marry the FMC knowing she's blind, but also for all the wrong reasons. TW for jealousy and paternal abuse. I may follow up with more from the series, not sure yet.
British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-
A used book store on eBay had a buy two books, get a third one free deal, plus free shipping, so heres my free one!
Its raining outside and my husband just went to bed. I think Ill snuggle up under the covers in our armchair and read a book while listening to the rain.
My copy of the Self Care Year by Alison Davies just arrived and after having a quick flick through the pages it looks amazing. Its separated into the seasons and its filled with quotes and tasks and mindfulness tasks to take care of yourself through the year.
The Origin and Progress of Writing
Thomas Astle
Item date: 1803.
44.- El sentido de la Existencia es el incremento de la conciencia, la comprensin.
- The meaning of Existence is the increase of consciousness, understanding.
Dispn de estas leyendas libremente excepto para fines comerciales.
Se me ocurren sin propsito, solo para hacer pensar.
Puedes verlas todas en la web de referencia.
43.- El Conocimiento es como una hoguera. Si no aades lea, se apaga.
- Knowledge is like a bonfire. If you don't add firewood, it goes out.
Dispn de estas leyendas libremente excepto para fines comerciales.
Se me ocurren sin propsito, solo para hacer pensar.
Puedes verlas todas en la web de referencia.
"The Rest is Noise" (El Ruido Eterno en espaol) is an amazing book to know more about the "serious" music from the 20th century. There is a lot of information, but it's well written so you will enjoy reading it. I am reading it very slowly, trying to listen to the music.
Hier, in dieser Geschichte, kommt die Wlfin nicht weiter, hier ist sie sich selbst die eiserne Klappe, in der nun die blutende Pfote hngt. Das Jgerlein, mit seiner albernen Feder am Hut, hebt spielerisch die Flinte, spitzt die Lippen und sagt: Puff!
(kompliziert gerade)
Blast from the past. Although spending A LOT OF TIME with this book as a child, I never became a spy.
Or did I
(Channelling my inner Michael Stevens)
It is The Spy's Handbook, in Finnish.
Anyone any good with Amazon Keywords
for a / / about , &
License: ( Attr. 4.0 Intl.) vrtxd
Mon 12 Feb 2024
19: Across so Many Seas by Ruth Behar -- I can't recommend enough this beautifully written story about four Sephardic Jewish girls who live in different time periods & different countries. A difficult decision: whether to read in print or in audio each has its benefits.
Now on sale for $2.99!
Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy
Barnes and Noble:
Location inspiration!
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907
Princeton University Press is having a 75% off sale on many of their books. There are all sorts of topics.
I just purchased and look forward to reading, "Work Matters: How Parents Jobs Shape Childrens Well-Being," by Maureen Perry-Jenkins.
The State of the Art
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one."
George R.R. Martin