Top benefits of reading books.

Top benefits of reading books.

1. May slow down your brain's aging.
When you are reading, and imaging the stories, events, characters, etc you're training your brain muscles.

2. When you read, unlike a movie you can imagine the story the way you want it to look like based on the provided text in the book.

3. Every time you reread it'l be a slightly different mental visual experience then the last read, unlike a movie where it's displayed as is.

Our minds and bodies are veils of the Light within.

Today's comes from by :

"If a is well written, I always find it too short."

I'm about to start the last . Really liking this series so far and will have up for 4 and 5 once I'm done. Then onto rewatch the on .

Key Lessons from the Quran

pour servir by Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Audouin, Jean Victor, 1797-1841-

I've finished reading "Ludowa historia Polski" by Adam Leszczyski. What can I say, it's an unique book worth recommending (though I haven't found any release in English). However, I have to warn you: it's not an easy reading. It's a focused on the lower classes of society, whose fate is generally marginalized in history books. And it ain't pleasant, adding heavy emotional load to the book. On top of that, there are some descriptions of brutality and cruelty (including one that will probably leave a permanent trace in my imagination).

I won't hide that I'm obviously biased, but I think we can honestly admit that while a lot has changed over the thousand years, and especially a lot has improved in the last century, the basic setting remains the same. No matter whether the king or the szlachta ( nobles) are in power, "socialists" or "communists", "left-wing" or right-wing parties, the society remains divided into the "elites" (szlachta, land owners, the clergy, the intelligence, the party) and quasi-slaves that are exploited by them. The peasants were forced to perform services to their masters to the point that they lived on the brink of starvation. The fate of factory workers in early capitalism and the proletariat in People's Republic of Poland were similar, though eventually the social situation started improving. Today things have definitely improved, yet still there's a huge gap between different people, attempts to exploit others, or as the author notes himself a tax system that privileges the rich.

At the same time, we realize that respecting worker's rights or the 8-hour work day are not even 100 years old, and they were rejected before as unthinkable. It's hard to imagine that we're going to see further improvements when elites are increasing their domination again.

"Sown in the Stars" (2023)
Sarah L. Hall

Ilda es la mejor Rompebotas, hasta que su pasada la alcanza y la Astilla de la Cruz clamar venganza.

Tenso, descarnado y brutal. Al principio es un poco lenta hasta que te sitas, despus arranca y es altamente adictiva. Un mundo muy interesante del que slo vemos una porcin. Tambin hay unos personajes muy fuertes y potentes.


The book "Love and Technology: An Ethnography of Dating App Users in Berlin" explores how dating apps fit into Berlins unique dating culture and brand of intimacy and form a tangible nucleus around which users navigate dating rituals, romantic biographies, and digitally mediated intimacies within city space.

So I started reading a little called "Write to Think!", and I am disappointed I never got to read this during my college years. It inspired me nonetheless. I will be reading it through this month while I also work on my next exploration (s) on . I already gathered all the material I want to read, I just need to organize it before I do and see what is relevant for my statements. This probably takes also 5 months haha

Tyus Jones Shares Why Phoenix Suns Are The Best Fit & Talks 3 Guard Lineup

Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

In ein paar Tagen startet mein Buchprojekt
"Photobombs" - Ein besonderes Buch mit Zeichnungen meiner Charmanten Tierwesen und deren lustigen Geschichten.
Hier gibt es ganz viele Infos zum Projekt:

Someone's story is more important to me then just their Stories might be long to read, but stories more informative, and more fulfilling.

If you just read quotes in short sessions, some go in one ear and out the other, just like posts.

But I do think reading quotes can still help get you in the mindset to get things done that day that you read them but I don't think they'l all have an overlasting impact


Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

Tyus Jones Shares Why Phoenix Suns Are The Best Fit & Talks 3 Guard Lineup

A LOST, LEGENDARY MOVIE revived and remade after thirty years is at the heart of this spooky, evocative tale of how we create monsters and how we create ourselves. Cannily uncanny, thoughtful, and with touches of devastating satire. A MINUS

Phoenix Suns, Tyus Jones Spoke About Why Phoenix Was The Right Choice And Point Guard Duties

No, but that's pretty spooky, given that is one of my fields

Daily Prayer Guides are based on verses from the Bible on a particular subject, in this case, choosing to rejoice.

Read more

I recommend The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin

The Lepidoptera of Ceylon by Moore, Frederic, 1830-1907

"Nativism Reborn" (1995)
Raymond Tatalovich

Phoenix Suns, Tyus Jones Spoke About Why Phoenix Was The Right Choice And Point Guard Duties

The Diagrammatics of Race Visualizing Human Relatedness in the History of Physical, Evolutionary, and Genetic Anthropology, ca. 1770-2020

The Diagrammatics of Race concentrates on Western projects from the late 1700s into the present to diagrammatically define humanity, subdividing and ordering it, including the concomitant endeavors to acquire representative samplesbones, blood, or DNAfrom all over the world.


On Wittgensteins Tractatus

Adrian Moore joins Malin Hay to discuss what Wittgenstein hoped to achieve with the only work he published in his lifetime and to consider how much we should trust his assertion that everything it contains is nonsensical.

It's another new book day, purchased direct from the British Dragonfly Society shop.
Field Guide to the larvae and exuviae of British Dragonflies (Damselflies and Dragonflies)
Steve Cham
ISBN 9780955647123

The Plague of Lust: Being A History of Venereal Disease in Classical Antiquity (1901 edition)
Feat.: Julius Rosenbaum, The Plague of Lust at internetarchive
by Hunter Dukes hunterdukes at

Heres an awesome new cozy traveling mystery called A KILLER INHERITANCE by Jennifer S. Alderson that is out now and it is the 4th book in the Carmen De Luca Art Sleuth Mysteries series!

My is brief/won't spoil, to spread good, great, spectacular far & wide.

The SLAY AND SLAY AGAIN! anthology has stories & poems for anyone that loves dark fiction, but will especially resonate w the Queer Horror community. The varied voices & stories showcase talent, imagination, & unique perspectives + provide delightful bites of horror to sate every kind of craving. (Sliced Up Press)

Prv doteno.

Kniha pln pny, smradu a hniloby, stejn, jako ty nejtemnj zkout lidsk due.
Velmi temn a depresivn dlo, kter jedna st lid bude milovat a ta druh nenvidt, ale nikdo na nj nezapomene.
Vtejte v hlav Nicka Cavea a jeho panoptiku zmaru.
Hezk kniha.

I wonder why books/authors never adopted a subscription model. Yes, Patreon is a thing, but thats not what I mean.

#book #subscription

I wonder why books/authors never adopted a subscription model. Yes, Patreon is a thing, but thats not what I mean.

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-


Stars the Color of Honey
Mara Day
Sci Fi

The Jeweled Egg
L M Somerton
Mystery & Thriller

Zero Tolerance
Jackie Keswick
Action Adventure

Family is What You Make It

Empty Shelves, Full Hearts
Alexandra Y. Caluen

The Truth for the Lies
O.H. Phukdischidt

April Kelley

Pining for the Prince
Rebecca Cohen



Next on my reading list. I know so little about Roman Empire and that period that it should be interesting, I hope

My Dog at Crufts