Virtual meeting platforms, project management tools,

Virtual meeting platforms, project management tools, and online communities enable creative entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and collaborate on projects regardless of geographical limitations.

Read the full article: The Creator's Economy: How to Unlock Your Creative Potential and Transform the World: The Rise of the Creator's Economy!

PsychEd - What is Psychology by Answers In Reason


"A Political Companion to John Steinbeck" (2013)
edited by Cyrus Ernesto Zirakzadeh and Simon Stow


Chuck Liddell SIGNED AUTOGRAPHED Iceman My Fighting Life HC Book MMA UFC 1st Ed.

at the same garage sale I picked up some relics from an archaeological dig I found a small of titled

"Terra Incognita"

written by

Patricia Ferrell

Curious if anyone is familiar with her / her work

"There is a time for music
It is all times.
And when it is good

We close our eyes
To become open
Like the blind."
- From the "Morning Song"

One poem ("Dying Flies in a Small Home" is dedicated to Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd).


This week I am shining a on by Jerrod O. Fasan

Check it out:

/#SelfPublished authors to have you book featured fill out the form in the post!

The Good Vicar RJ Whitfield

idea: The Seven Habits of Highly Offensive People

"Harrow would be tripping over herself for her whole existence, a frictionless hoop of totally fucking up." - The Hermetic Library Blog

NixOS & Flakes Book Home Page

Were destroying words scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. Were cutting the language down to the bone.


Lo que hacemos es destruir palabras, centenares de palabras cada da. Estamos podando el idioma para dejarlo en los huesos.

George Orwell, 1984

Top 10 books every aspiring photographer should read
by Tom May tommay at creativeboom

Finished another last night, but unlike the last one, this was bloody brilliant.

was a recommendation from someone here, I can't remember who (sorry), but thanks for the recommendation, it was a great read!

Mon Le Land-art de poche sortira le 24 octobre chez Palette ditions. Parlez-en votre libraire prfr, cest la meilleure faon de le faire exister. Vous pouvez ds prsent le prcommander

Pleased to that my Night Sky - Experiments with collected time and harvested light has just been and is now available to buy. More on my website:

"I know I live in the age of the fleece jacket and everything made out of plastic, in a society thats addicted to overconsumption of everything at all times, devoted to a cult of waste and uselessness, a system that destroys the value of honor and of even the most decent human beings, based on an economy that is constantly on the brink of collapse."

- Deer Man: Seven Years in the Forest by Geoffroy Delorme, Shaun Whiteside

Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessines d'aprs nature by Lveill, Joseph Henri, 1796-1870 Paulet, Jean-Jacques, 1740-1826

Writing a about is no picnic, it seems.

' Clinton Heylin has never spoken to Dylan, and in a 2021 interview with the Guardian he said that he wouldnt want to: Theres no point unless he wants to talk to me like a human being and get rid of the Bob Dylan persona, and be just Bob. You wonder if he thinks he knows who that person is now, and whether writing books of such extraordinary detail has got him any closer to finding out. '

Empec a leer Metro 2033 y me est sorprendiendo lo que encuentro. Aunque al principio es muy rido, ya que te cuentan las facciones y problemas polticos, cuando asoma un poco la accin, el libro es sobresaliente. El protagonista es un joven que se est dejando embaucar por un hombre llamado Cazador, que quiere poner fin a la invasin de unos extraos seres canbales considerando volar por los aires accesos y tneles, a pesar de la advertencia de que se puede inundar todo el sistema de metro si lo hacen.

The Red Book (c. 1901) by John Lavery (Irish artist, lived 18561941). The sitter is Mary Auras, here engrossed in a book.

A great weekend for the Endangered Alphabets Projecta homecoming of sorts. Thanks to the dozens of people who organized, attended and supported the events, which represented the first public appearance of my Writing Beyond and which prefigured the campaign to fund our book. Stay tuned for more information about both!

.... relative to the value of contained within those coins, thus it made sense to melt down the coins to extract the silver. Note: on that point, read more in the new profound KingEconomist yalepress May 2023

I have tried to strike a balance between presenting so little detail that the reader will remain unconvinced, and too much that he or she may be in danger of losing the thread of the argument.
Lee Smolin, The Life of the Cosmos #bookthis book is divided into five parts. Each of these is organized around a simple question Why is the universe hospitable to life might the laws of nature themselves have evolved Why is the universe so interesting What are space and time How can weconstruct adescription of the universe as a whole
Lee Smolin, The Life of the Cosmos #book

I finished the second book in the Red Rising Series, and I am beyond stoked. I haven't loved a series this much since Percy Jackson (not that they're the same at all)

I am on 2/3 for the original series and apparently 2/5 for some kind of continuation I don't know of.

I want to find community, but not spoilers which is so hard lol

one thing I want to communicate in this book is how the difficulties that we face in extending those theories i.e., relativity and quantum theory to a complete description of the universe have caused me to doubt whether the foundations of the world are indeed to be grasped solely by the discovery of a perfect and eternal mathematical law.
Lee Smolin, The Life of the Cosmos #book

10 K-drama Remakes That Are Better Than The Original


My reaction:

. You have to have understood the original to appreciate the K-drama adaptation. Otherwise, you'll get trapped in the but that's not how Little Women happened which caught a lot of viewers during its run.

I didn't know was a remake of the Western,

Another one, was an adaptation of the American .

In fairness, I haven't watched 17 Again and Jane The Virgin.

For , based on the British , that I don't agree. I don't like the K-drama adaptation. But I won't go into details as that would a spoiler.

"Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Reading" (1985)
G. Douglas Atkins

Pilze der Heimat eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder -1913-

Currently The Housekeeper and The Professor by Yoko Ogawa

Got in another fabulous blurb for my next . Delivery date to publisher in less than two weeks. Oy... is now up!



Ive via Fire In His Blood by Ruby Dixon ( 1/Fireblood Dragons). This is a post-apocalyptic dragon shifter series, where Earth has been invaded by mad dragons through a portal ripped into the sky. Claudia is forced to try and tame one of the dragons. A repeat for me, & I think better than IPB.


The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Treasure of Milky Lake


get your copy today!

The Crime in the Woods

- -

get your copy!

The Crime in the Woods


get your copy today!

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