

Vermutlich ist es eh allen klar, aber Buchstaben haben, wie Wrter, Bedeutungen und Gefhle.

Diese und andere Weisheiten in unserer aktuellen Episode:

lovers: help me find books with great, natural British English dialogue. As an American, I'd like to get a sense of how UK adults (mid 20s/30s) of different backgrounds talk to each other (in books) for my own work. Bonus points for crime/mystery/thriller genres. Short stories are also a plus.

For me Care of the Soul was not intended as an easy, quick guide to solving lifes problems but the start of a deep exploration of the soul If we neglect our souls, we lose both our humanity and our individuality and risk becoming more like our machines When we do notice the condition of our souls, life problems ease and sometimes go away.
Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life


Back in 2023, my husband sat down and magically, a whole bunch of stories appeared. Then he decided, you know what Lets make it a whole dang book, and asked me to create a painting for him.

It's eleven stories of super powers and what cost they incur, each adding to the bigger picture.

He's got e-book, signed books, as well as book boxes that include a print of the painting used for the cover!

The Dark Side of Super

Pre-order! ->

challenge (borrowed from Bluesky =

Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.

Please add for blind and low vision


I've created a conundrum for myself - have a read on my blog below and vote on the poll to let me know your thoughts!

Amazing even if you dont use in production

British birds by Thorburn, Archibald -1860-1935-

break them

"When I asked a friend about the Surrealist dimension in contemporary poetry, he texted me a photo of a sign in an elevator he happened to be in: When fire hat is lit, return cab to lobby. Today the fire hat is always lit, the cab simply rumbles on, and almost no one notices. It is normal.
This points to the greatest difference between then and now."
- Surrealism's influence / Hal Foster / Why Surrealism matters by Mark Polizzotti

The evils of procrastination - any hints and tips on how to overcome them

"Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula"Laleh Khalili


"Striking Back" (2010)
edited by William T. Bowers

Tel un archologue, BrazilaiMartin cherche travers la ville de Thessalonique les morceaux des stles du cimetire juif. Ville qui portait le nom de Salonique, pendant la priode dadministration turque.

Read PALADIN'S STRENGTH by T. Kingfisher if you love long road trips, magnificent breasts, giant beasts, broken people, manhunts, kidnapped nuns, acorns, demon chickens, intense longing, snake oil, gladiators, shapeshifters, sacrificing yourself for love, safehouses & tea.


Coucou mes Bookinautes adors ! La lecture est une affaire de passionn(e)s, et c'est l'une d'elles que je laisse la parole aujourd'hui : En effet Iris a accept de se prter au jeu de mes questions indiscrtes, me permettant ainsi de vous la prsenter et je l'en remercie : Belle rencontre et bonne lecture !

Butterflies of Hongkong -1907-

I cant tell you how many years since CLAN APIS Ive been looking forward to a new from Jay Hosler about and this did not disappoint. The great thing about being barely able to walk this week is catching up on so many amazing

Planned to avoid social media the rest of the day. After finishing Little Heaven by Nick Cutter, finding myself in need of a distraction so I dont dream about it tonight. Similar writing style as Stephen King, but more intense/disturbing. Whew!

THE WORLD OF 1950s BOMBAY comes alive in this story of twin sisters trying to follow their own dreams and meet the expectations of their very proper Punjabi family, still unsettled by the violence of Partition. Lovely, rich saga. A MINUS

If The Phoenix Suns Could Redo THIS Draft Would It Have Changed Everything

Molly McMurphy is being sent on a treasure-hunt of coded clues within historical and literary treasures a voyage of discovery to uncover an ancient secret society of world guides.

If The Phoenix Suns Could Redo THIS Draft Would It Have Changed Everything

The Daily Heller: A Mysterious Way to Make a Book Titled The Mysteries
Feat.: The Mysteries by Bill Watterson + Bill Watterson & John Kascht
By Steven Heller thedailyheller at printmag

While the Bombs Fell Roberta Eaton Cheadle

Found out that another chapter of mine, written c. 2017-2019(!), is in the final typesetting phase, to be released as part of this collection... at some point soon Indication here is Nov., we'll see... - "Waveform: Writing across oceans, air and algorithms"

The Daily Heller: The Little-Known Legacy of the EP
Feat.: An Ideal for Living by Corey duBrowa coreydu HoZacRecords
By Steven Heller thedailyheller at printmag

Sunny day outside today perfect for reading a book :blobcatsunglasses: :blobcatread:

All the time

The Daily Heller: Seeking Life Support for Herbert Spencers Penrose Annual
Feat.: Graham Taylors publication Penrose 19641973: The Herbert Spencer Years
By Steven Heller thedailyheller at printmag

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

"The Essential Sopranos Reader" (2011)
edited by David Lavery, Douglas L. Howard, and Paul Levinson

The Good Vicar RJ Whitfield

Day 11 challenge: Choose 20 that greatly influenced you. One per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers

(I've already been doing this over on Bluesky and am several days in, so I'm going to do my best to not get mixed up on the days I'm on )    

Day 11

Just finished Tori Tsui book its not just you: how to navigate eco-anxiety and the climate crisis from Bristol library

A good read, looking at the issues and structural problems and eco-anxiety much more broad than limiting term

Just finished Tori Tsui book its not just you: how to navigate eco-anxiety and the climate crisis from Bristol library A good read, looking at the issues and structural problems and eco-anxiety much more broad than limiting term

From Tori Tsui book Climate justice activist Dominique Palmer also weighs in on how the popularisation of sole individuals can exclude most vulnerable communities

From Tori Tsui book
Climate justice activist Dominique Palmer also weighs in on how the popularisation of sole individuals can exclude most vulnerable communities:

The power dynamics that result from having one person upheld can be dangerous. It can make a lot of people feel like their work isn't valued or appreciated, especially for people of colour who often feel like their activism and the pain they're experiencing isn't heard or valued. That inevitably causes a lot of hurt and trauma for people. A lot of it's due to the media because they want to sensationalise one person by saying "Look!
This one young girl is leading the charge and she's doing all of this on her own!" rather than actually looking at the movement, because that isn't a headline to them. And it's not what we need and it's not representative of the truth.
It can also make people believe that there's only one way to do activism.

Communicate with your local boat owners.