Watch this is if you take

Watch this is if you take too many notes

length: ten minutes and thirty seven seconds.

Talk to the boat next door.

Years ago now I read Desmond Morris's seminal work -- The Naked Ape.

Damn good . Well worth the time.

But I don't think it's the primary feature distinguishing us from other

is ...

We have a new cover art for the open source book "Introduction to Zig"

Link to project:

Al Pacino on the inside story of The Godfather: I was told, youre not cutting it

POSTGAME: Phoenix Suns BLOWN OUT But Show Fight Against Detroit Pistons

Bookshops are the bakeries of the mind. Why Because books are the best thing since sliced bread. They are the cafs of knowledge. Why Because books are my cup of tea. They are the concert halls of wisdom. Why Because books are music to my ears. xx

So here's a stupid idea, would you use Ko-fi to buy an ebook I'm thinking something that's not fanfiction but an original work, but well whatever you were into for this question.

Could be epub format, pdf, or whatever file types are useful for this. Not sure what would be preferred.

Basically removing the publisher.

I'm dealing with insomnia again and just had this random idea pop to mind. I may as well ask. People pay for art after all, so why not writing.

"Albert Sidney Johnston" (2001)
Charles P. Roland


Lord of the Flies is a classic novel written by William Golding, published in 1954. It's a dystopian tale that explores the themes of civilization, savagery, and the nature of good and evil.

Check Updated Podcast Get the taste of Novel before reading it in following podcast.

Lord of the Flies is a classic novel written by William Golding, published in 1954. It's a dystopian tale that explores the themes of civilization, savagery, and the nature of good and evil.

Check Updated Podcast Get the taste of Novel before reading it in following podcast.

Prv doteno.

Vzpomnky, dojmy a osobn proitky novine Tome Etzlera, je v n pracoval nkolik let jako zahranin novin.
Vhled do nsk reality ji ukazuje v syrovch barvch osobnch zitk jako ambicizn mocnost, kter si nrokuje ivoty svch oban.

EdRecamier (s), le tome 2 dedekarinegiebelpoursuit le rcit de la vie de 2 humanitaires, Grgory, infirmier, et Paul, chirurgien, tous deux du CICR.
de ici

When I finished reading the first Dez Limerick thriller a couple years ago, I wrote, "Absolutely the best thriller I've read in years. Smart, funny, brutal, and exquisitely paced. Dez Limerick is truly an original and wonderfully rendered character." I'm happy to say that Deadlock follows through on that high praise in every way. Dez Limerick returns in a new entry in the series, Chain Reaction, in January and I can hardly wait.

CHARMING, INSIGHTFUL MEMOIR from megasuccessful director Jon M. Chu combines spicy celebrity insider stories with more serious reflections on filmmaking, fame, and growing up Asian in California. B PLUS

Andrew Tate is a liar and ! Clearly substantiated in the Clown World - Four Years Inside Andrew Tate's Manosphere by Jamie Tahsin & Matt Shea. The full Amazon description page & reviews are also great & sum up the dangers of succumbing to Andrew Tate's false narratives.

'Part Gonzo journalism, part masculinity rabbit hole, this book takes you on Shea and Tahsin's journey to reveal the dark secrets of Andrew Tate, the machine that brought him here, and the ideology he has unleashed on a generation of young men'.

From that discussion came another .

The Factory: A Theory of Corporate Personhood on Youtube.

'Influencers are more than social media personalities who attract attention for brands, argue Grant Bollmer and Katherine Guinness. They are figures of a new transformation in , in which the logic of the self is indistinguishable from the logic of the corporation'.

Swallowdale, Arthur Ransome : A cover a day. No. 41 -

Read Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.

Read "Grief is a Thing With Feathers" by Max Porter.

You can write it yourself: Live a life, then take the title and relentlessly follow its demands. It's an improv 'yes, and...' series of scenes from there on.

Why didn't Isobel tell me about it sooner

(Probably best to buy it in paper. I feel that the ebook slightly unbalanced it)

"Grasping Things" (2004)
Simon J. Bronner

Preview WIP art for Eric Icarus - Book Two

Its Student Sharing Time with Hebrew by Inbal!

I received this picture showing a student practicing their very first Hebrew letter, Aleph, using my Hebrew 1 workbook!

Aleph is not just the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet it represents the start of something bigyour language learning journey! Just like Aleph, every step you take opens the door to a new world, one letter at a time.

Starting can be the hardest part, but with a little confidence and the right tools, like my workbooks, youll be writing and speaking Hebrew before you know it.

Lets keep learning together!

Dnes jsem doetla druh dl Nrodnho opruzen. Jak se mi kniha lbila O tom se vce rozepisuji v minirecenzi v odkazu:

TODAY at 3pm central I will be reading Book of CoL: Recover 02 Part 01 LIVE on Twitch!

These streams usually only run about THIRTY minutes!

Tune in and let's hang out!

I will post a trimmed down version on Youtube once I'm done streaming:


Hello, heres an awesome new sweet holiday romance called A ROYAL IN CHRISTMAS TOWN by Anna J. Stewart, Beth Carpenter, Cari Lynn Webb, LeAnne Bristow, and Melinda Curtis that is a part of the Christmas Town series and it is out now!

Every hero needs a sidekick.
Bookmarks will be available soon!


Tomorrow will be the 10 month anniversary for the open-source book "Introduction to pyspark" .

This is an open and introductory book for the Python API of Apache Spark (pyspark).

Link to book project:

A little International Recognition for my epic book
Death of Heaven
For Horror (& SciFi)
The Word is Out!

Today's review!

The Ritual of the Broken by Seb L. Carter:

"The book kept me glued to the page with its betrayals, surprises, and secrets from hundreds of years earlier. I cant recommend it highly enough,.. If you love queer fantasy, dont miss this one. 5 stars."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

Revisiting , s

Patrick Moores is a prime example of overlooked that deserves renewed . Set against the of , the explores the of a navigating , , and in the 1990s.

G. C. Edmondson (1922-1995) was born on this day. Bibliography:

L, Paul Alexander, 1981 R, Richard Powers, 1975

GIVEAWAY ENDING SOON! - Once again, huge thanks to Brian Bowyer for this review. While you're picking up your free copy of "Hostile Takeover," be sure to check out his new novel, "Metro Kinetic," one of my favorite horror reads of the year!

Lost ANOTHER trolly token so needed 1 - my default solution to this is usually the nearest charity shop and buy a cheap so I get change this is todays result:

How about some talk Yeah, it's the dreaded reading slump -- and how she gets through it -- this week from Lauren Beck and her weekly column "Ren Reads (and More)":

I'm getting quite hooked on this looking forward to next month's instalment.

"Love Potion 69" is the latest anthology from the indie Erotica Consortium. There are 13 steamy stories all involving a mysterious potion.
Now in a new economy edition - the same stories, the same cover, but a lower price for the rest of 2024!
Because we'd love more people to read our stories.

"Ranger" (2017)
Colonel Ralph Puckett, USA (Ret.) with D. K. R. Crosswell

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