Where is democracy coming from Why

Books are awesome so I printed one

Where is democracy coming from Why do we have money What about burocracy and art, equality and egalitarian values

Or, to frame it like the authors do: What is The dawn of everything civilization

This book sheds a different light on our history. Its not comparable to the traditional history books I read in my school time. Honestly I had to read up lots of the topics addressed in the book. A journey through history, that I dont want to miss.

EN: A old book got a new style

DE: Ein altes Buch bekommt neuen glanz

Today's release: K.A. Masters has a new queer fantasy tale in the Dragons and Heroes anthology:

About the anthology: Adventure awaits

Free fall into exciting worlds full of dragons and heroes. Dragons come face-to-face with meddlesome humans. Hunters seek revenge for fiery destruction...

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon

My friend's is free on kindle right now, you should read it.

maybe will give it a boost

Today's double review!

Rylan" by Jackie Keswick:

Maryann: "I highly recommend Rylan (and Grant) - they are quick reads with great characters. Keswick fills them with danger, suspense and some great feel good moments."

Gloria: "Another home run for the author.I loved it. 5 stars."

MMbookstodon diversebooks bookstodon


"Militant Mediator" (2004)
Dennis C. Dickerson

Light Up Your Reading Delight read-more

New book releases Im excited about

Great interview with Scott R Jones, author of DRILL. Challenging the identity of Jehovah.


Hey, , YOUR

find GREAT books!

It's Croissant Day!
What's yours Almond Jam Chocolate

& What about a book to go with that
There's plenty to choose from here:

Happy munching and perusing!

The naturalist's library by Jardine, William - 1835

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism, by Tim Alberta, My rating:5 out of 5 stars, Read from: 01/28/2024 - 01/30/2024.

As a Believer, I am so glad I read this book. I learned much from it, and in many ways, reading it helped me to examine my faith and why I stopped identifying as evangelical, though my faith has not changed, but the connotation of what it means to be an evangelical, in the United States, has changed and morphed into something I do not want to be identified with. I want to be identified simply as a follower of Christ. If you read this book, you will fully understand why this is.

Book description: A Best in Political Books for 2023 New York Times Bestseller One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of the Year An Economist and Air Mail Best Book of the Year The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times bestseller American Carnage with this timely, rigorously reported, and deeply personal examination of the divisions that threaten to destroy the American evangelical movement. Evangelical Christians are perhaps the most polarizingand least understoodpeople living in America today. In his seminal new book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, journalist Tim Alberta, himself a practicing Christian and the son of an evangelical pastor, paints an expansive and profoundly troubling portrait of the American evangelical movement. Through the eyes of televangelists and small-town preachers, celebrity revivalists and everyday churchgoers, Alberta tells the story of a faith cheapened by ephemeral fear, a promise corrupted by partisan subterfuge, and a reputation stained by perpetual scandal. For millions of conservative Christians, America is their kingdoma land set apart, a nation uniquely blessed, a people in special covenant with God. This love of country, however, has given way to right-wing nationalist fervor, a reckless blood-and-soil idolatry that trivializes the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Alberta retraces the arc of the modern evangelical movement, placing political and cultural inflection points in the context of church teachings and traditions, explaining how Donald Trump's presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated historical trends that long pointed toward disaster. Reporting from half-empty sanctuaries and standing-room-only convention halls across the country, the author documents a growing fracture inside American Christianity and journeys with readers through this strange new environment in which loving your enemies is "woke" and owning the libs is the answer to WWJD. Accessing the highest echelons of the American evangelical movement, Alberta investigates the ways in which conservative Christians have pursued, exercised, and often abused power in the name of securing this earthly kingdom. He highlights the battles evangelicals are fightingand the weapons of their warfareto demonstrate the disconnect from Contra the dictates of the New Testament, today's believers are struggling mightily against flesh and blood, eyes fixed on the here and now, desperate for a power that is frivolous and fleeting. Lingering at the intersection of real cultural displacement and perceived religious persecution, Alberta portrays a rapidly secularizing America that has come to distrust the evangelical church, and weaves together present-day narratives of individual pastors and their churches as they confront the twin challenges of lost status and diminished standing. Sifting through the wreckagepastors broken, congregations battered, believers losing their religion because of sex scandals and political schemesAlberta If the American evangelical movement has ceased to glorify God, what is its purpose


My review of by Ashley Tate is live on !

I loved Twenty-Seven Minutes. It's a rich, character-driven mystery full of well-written suspense and devastating secrets.

Check out my review...

What a book, 10% in. What verve and style. What a writer.

One more ! Hanai'kol, the largest settlement in the , sits in the doab between two branches of the Len'ii. Purple and yellow area indicate respectively wintertime and summertime settlements.

Ancora una mappa! Hanai'kol, il pi grande villaggio nella Taiga, si trova nel doab tra i due rami del fiume Len'ii. Le aree viola e gialla indicano rispettivamente gli stanziamenti invernali ed estivi.

Talk to the boat next door.

Allright! I think Im starting to get it now: This is indeed about self-righteousness and confirmation bias, but most of all it feels to be about , and how that guides us on the and generally as pack animals.

Its also about narrative and different points of view. About intersectionality of course with . And very much about !

The more I read the more it feels like I would recommend it! Especially for !

Somehow didnt really connect with this - but it might have been because the narrators voice was a close tonal match for the ambient sound of my lab, which made it hard to concentrate on

Following in the footsteps of Gandhis Salt March
Gandhis Dandi March was an organized protest against the British Rajs monopoly, and formed a crucial part of the Indian freedom movement. This excerpt from Becoming Gandhi describes Perry Garfinkels effort to retrace Gandhis steps 93 years later

"Community Memories" (2003)
Winona L. Fletcher, Sheila Mason Burton, James E. Wallace, and Douglas A. Boyd

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-

OK folks, while I wait for my supper to cook, I'm The Heist (1989), an HBO directed by Stuart Orme, starring Tom Skerritt and Pierce Brosnan.

After that my plan is to Ragtime (1981), directed by Milo Forman, based on the E.L. Doctorow which I listened to on CD a few years ago, read by the author. Can't imagine Forman did a better job than Doctorow, but it's a well-regarded with an all-star cast, even if it didn't make a lot of box office.

Taylor Swift Style Blogger Makes Her Author Debut & the Books Already a Bestseller: Heres Where to Preorder It

Check it out!

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Caledonia Booklet (Linotype)
W. A. Dwiggins
Item date: 1939.


's next club: Lisa Munoz will be on hand to discuss her book "Women in Science Now: Stories and Strategies for Achieving Equity." Saturday, February 10 at 3:30pm. Location: Con Pane bakery in Liberty Station.

"Even if you don't have time to read , we hope you'll come join us to chat with the author about the important subject matter and her process."

4 You Should in 2024 If You Havent Already

Happy to all who celebrate!

Given how hectic January was for me, the text below seems more than accurate. I think I managed to read half of a book and then half of another one... I hope you fared better than I did.

Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies : selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson -1806-1878-


"Detroit And The "Good War"" (1996)
edited by Dominic J. Capeci, Jr.

I don't think I've ever read something so bleak written so beautifully.

I in Night Reigns by Dianne Duvall ( 2/Immortal Guardians). Hopefully will listen to the full series and the follow-up Aldebarian Alliance in the next few months. Ami & Marcus have to learn to get over themselves to fall in love in this vampire-hunter paranormal .

I am on the cusp of finishing The Cider House Rules.

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